Christmas Bonus: dream of me

Underground Angels

I've decided to upload this now because... the next few chapters probably won't have much fluff and this is like pure fluff I swear. D: Christmas is fluffy. xD Yep, it's the Christmas bonus. It's really long and I could continue writing it, to be honest. I liked it quite well but I don't know about you guys. :x And I caught a flu so I'm having troubles thinking clearly nowadays. Well, hope you guys like it. :D

You can ignore this chapter because it doesn't really affect the storyline much.

Hoon was already numb to the cold air blowing against him. The cool air slapping Hoon’s skin gradually turned warm. It became a soothing one, bringing Hoon to what seemed like a different dimension. The buzzing of bees and random sounds made by various type of insects could be heard.

He regained conscious, or so he thought. As he shook himself awake, his eyes slowly opened to see himself in a room. He was sitting on the white floor, which looked newly polished, leaning against a king sized bed. The room didn’t look similar, but it definitely felt familiar. The room was pure white, including the furniture, wall and floor.

Hoon stood up, and looked around the room. Behind the bed was an opened window. A few tiny birds were flying around the area, chirping cheerfully. He smiled a little, reaching out to one of the birds, petting it lightly on the head, trying not to hurt the innocent creature. He realised that the sun was shining brightly, but it was a little cold and windy outside. It must have been winter.

He continued looking around the room and found the outline of a door. He twisted the doorknob to the right and pushed the door open slightly. He took a look at what was on the other side of the door but he wasn’t able to see much. Hoon decided that this place was safe enough and he slowly pushed the door open.

Soohyun stood there, a bouquet of forget-me-nots in hand. Hoon looked at his face, a little shocked at his sudden appearance. But the older man’s smile warmed his heart once again.

“These flowers, symbolizes true love, just like the love I have for you. Merry Christmas, my love.”

Hoon received the flowers and smiled back at the older man.
“Oh, it’s Christmas already… Thank you.”

He couldn’t help but to find things weird. He just woke up from… he couldn’t remember a thing.

Forget everything on your mind right now, alright? We’re gonna relax today, just the two of us.” Soohyun laughed and pulled Hoon into his embrace.

Hoon smiled as well when he got pulled into those familiar arms. He dug his face into the nape of Soohyun’s neck, taking in his scent, his arms snaking around Soohyun’s waist as well.

“I missed you.” Hoon spoke, breath tickling Soohyun’s neck.
“I didn’t go anywhere, and I won’t be, because I belong to you.”
“You always smell nice, you know?”

Soohyun just smiled and ruffled Hoon’s hair. He let Hoon go, taking the flowers and laying it on their bed. He continued to hold both of Hoon’s hands in his, looking into each other’s eyes. Soohyun moved his face closer to give the younger a small and fast peck on his lips, nipping the flesh a little.

“It’s Christmas~ what do you want to do?” Soohyun asked, still holding on to Hoon’s hands.
“Hyung, anything is fine with me as long as you’re there.”

Soohyun smiled again, “Let’s make…”
Words were not yet spoken and he earned a punch on his chest.

“What…?” Soohyun rubbed the newly made bruise and asked.
Hoon was blushing.

“I was going to say Christmas puddings but if you have something else on your mind, we can do it. So…?” Soohyun teased.
“N-nothing. Christmas Puddings are good.” Hoon stuttered a little, face flushing in an even darker shade of red.

Soohyun chuckled and gently pulled the other into the kitchen. He stopped as soon as he reached the entrance.

“Do you…?”
“What hyung?”
“Do you know how to make Christmas Puddings?” Soohyun scratched the back of his own neck, in a total lost.
Hoon’s eyes widened as he thought Soohyun already knew what to do.
“.” Soohyun cursed. “Let’s just go by feelings alright? It will be fine.”

Hoon wasn’t sure about it. Soohyun was always so sure about everything but nothing turns out that well. Maybe it might turn out well this time. Hoon sighed and walked towards the kitchen table, taking a look at what was on the table. There were dried fruits and the basic dry ingredients.

“Soohyun hyung, melt the butter, then you add sugar, flour and… breadcrumbs!”
“Okay, where’s the spoon?”
“What do you need a spoon for? The butter isn’t even melted yet.” Hoon mentioned after glancing at Soohyun.
“I use a spoon to melt the butter? Mix it and it melts?” Soohyun replied, innocently.
“Uh, you put it in the microwave for a few seconds… and then it’s melted…” Hoon corrected the older man.

Soohyun nodded, showing that he understood. He dumped butter into a mixing bowl and set it in the microwave for a few seconds before taking it out. Seeing that the butter had become a yellowish liquid, he cheered in satisfaction and victory. Soohyun searched for the sugar and found two types: normal sugar and brown sugar.

“Hoonie? I need some help here. Which sugar do I use?” Soohyun asked, totally confused.
Hoon walked over to help the older man.
“You’re hopeless, really. We use brown sugar.”

Hoon laughed at him, earning a frown. He took the bowl from Soohyun’s hands and mixed in the brown sugar, flour and breadcrumbs.

“Hyung, add the fruits.”
“Yes, everything. Oh and 2 eggs.”

Soohyun raised his eyebrows a little before pouring in the dried fruits. He looked at the eggs.

“Hoon, how do you break it?”
Hoon stared at Soohyun in disbelief and shook his head before replying “You knock it against a hard surface and then you open it… Or should I do it?”
“No it’s okay. Let me try.” Soohyun looked confident enough.

He knocked it onto the table with all his strength, and it cracked, but the contents fell onto the table. Soohyun just stared at the broken egg, completely dumbfounded. Hoon gave up on him and took 2 eggs, perfectly cracking them into the bowl. He continued mixing the mixture.

Soohyun smiled and took advantage of Hoon’s back facing him. He s his hands around Hoon’s waist, pulling himself closer to the other man, and put his chin on Hoon’s shoulder.

You’re perfect, you know.” He whispered into Hoon’s ears.
Hoon smiled in bliss. “Hyung…”
We should get married. You’ll make such a good wife.” Soohyun closed his eyes just to enjoy the moment.

Hoon slowly put down the mixing bowl and the spoon. He turned around to face Soohyun and saw the look in his eyes. It was like an innocent pair of eyes looking into a beast’s. Soohyun pushed Hoon against the kitchen table, Hoon’s hands grabbing the edges of it. Before they both knew, a slow, sloppy kiss turned into a heated, passionate one as they latched onto each other’s lips, , nibbling, , biting, tugging.

“I… Love… You…” Soohyun gasped between their mouths. Hoon didn’t say anything, but he continued to deepen the kiss, moving his hands from the edge of the table, to around Soohyun’s neck. He pulled Soohyun closer to him, trying to dominate over the older man. Soohyun passed the lead to Hoon, allowing him to abuse his lips anyway he wanted.

The both of them were suddenly reminded of the halfway-mixed Christmas pudding as they gently pulled away from each other, both flushing red and panting. They smiled at each other before Hoon put the brown mixture into a pudding basin. He placed it into the microwave.

“If we were to get married, how many children should we have?”
“Hyung, you and I both know it’s impossible.”
“I’m just saying… We could adopt?”

Hoon felt happy, looking at Soohyun like this. He might be silly, but definitely cute. They chatted, just like a newly wedded couple. It was slowly getting dark already. Hoon took out the Christmas pudding for cooling while Soohyun set up the dining table, lighting up candles and getting glass wines. Hoon brought out the huge pudding and set it in the middle.

“Hyung, try it!” Oblivious to Soohyun’s hard work of setting up the romantic atmosphere.
“Wait, wine.” Soohyun chuckled a little at how rushed the other man was. He opened the wine bottle skillfully and poured the dark red liquid into the wine glass.

“It’s only me and you tonight.” Soohyun spoke as he held up his glass.
“Will it always be you and I, forever?”
“Yes.” They brought their wine glasses together, producing a sound, before drinking.

“Hyung, try the pudding already.” Hoon whined.
Soohyun reached forward to gently pinch Hoon’s puffy cheeks. “Feed me.”
“Eat it yourself.”
“Please? Feed me~” Soohyun pouted, trying very hard to be cute.
“Hyung, you’re not cute.” Soohyun frowned.
Because you’re perfect.” Hoon smiled before reaching forward to feed Soohyun.
“Hoon, it doesn’t taste nice.” It was Hoon’s turn to frown.
“Should we throw it away?”
No, because it’s perfect.” Soohyun laughed as Hoon playfully slapped him, a little too hard, on his biceps.

“Hoon, you should take a look.” Soohyun pointed at the window.

It was already totally dark as only light streets brightened up the streets. There was no one out there, which was quite weird for Christmas. But the both of them preferred it that way, where no one could disturb their peace together. Snowflakes were slowly falling onto the ground, it was snowing.

Hoon went closer to the window as he took a look, amazed at how snow could look so beautiful next to a lover. Soohyun caught up with him, wrapping his arms around Hoon’s waist before asking if they should head out. The both put on some thicker clothing and walked out of the house.

The cold air gently blew against their skin, welcoming them. They walked towards an undefined point, walking aimlessly, hands linked. The snowflakes tickled Hoon’s face causing him to giggle as he played with the drifting flakes. They somehow ended up in a park, where there were only the two of them and a bench.

You’re beautiful, just like the snow.” Hoon breathed, softly saying it.
“When I first met you, you asked me if you might be an angel. I told you that you weren’t. But you know, I lied. Because you’re an angel, my angel.” Soohyun said, as softly as Hoon did.

The both of them settled down on the bench, looking at how the snow reflected the orange light from the street lights. Hoon gently laid his head on Soohyun’s shoulder.

I love you.” Hoon said those words for the first time.
Soohyun smiled and nodded, “I know. I love you too. Merry Christmas.”

Hoon received a peck on his forehead. It wasn’t long before his eyelids were threatening to fall and he gave in. He drifted off, back to where he was.

Continue to dream of me, love.

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I hate to be a bother, but I hope you can update soon :(
this fanfic is one of my favourites, and I would love to see a new update soon!
but do well on school okay! <3
iloveyoukevinwoo #2
Please update sooon.~
This story is amazing! ^^
Nardack #3
Don't worry about it. ^^ School's more important (well, at least I think so).
Eli... T.T why does he have to die??<br />
that is just so saddening., he wasn't able to have a happy ending...<br />
now, SooHoon have to face Kiseop together.,<br />
Kiseop is an evil in this story but it seems fine.,
Nardack #6
Eliiii. ;~~~~~~~~~; The way you described his death and all was so beautiful, yet sad, but happy. Wonder if Eli's soul would help Soohyun and Hoon in the end or something like that. orz
Rianne2580 #7
omg omg omg omg omg!!!!<br />
Eli!!<br />
i mean yeah im still sad that he died.<br />
but what an EPIC way to die and like he told soohyun<br />
and soohyun knows and eli omg.<br />
@nardack i understand your impatience. I really wanted to get on with the story but I just couldnt find time. I had to stay back in school for 3 days out of the 4. thank God Monday was a holiday.. And there was a sudden load of homework. My school srsly. Enough about my rant. :x thanks for being so supportive. ;_; /touched
Nardack #9
Aw, it's okay. Curse my impatience with everything. .___. I wish you the best in your school! :>