to lie

Underground Angels

“Mrs Yeo, may we borrow a car?”
“Sure, the car’s outside.” Hoon’s mother replied, handing Soohyun the car keys.

Soohyun walked through the main door, with Hoon trailing behind him. It was the first time he walked away without pulling Hoon along with him. He thought that he should start to distant himself from Hoon.  He was afraid of hurting Hoon’s feelings when time comes. Even though Soohyun wasn’t sure if his feelings would be returned, he took the safer choice.

But Hoon’s heart felt empty. Perhaps he already got used to Soohyun’s display of affection, that he felt weird. It was as if Soohyun became a different person after the talk with his mother. His cheerful self had disappeared. He was always deep in his thoughts and seemed to be distracted the whole time.  Hoon could only look at Soohyun with concern, but always seem unable to ask about anything.

The music wasn’t playing, no words were spoken, and nothing could be heard except for the slow breathing of the two. It drizzled. Hoon looked out of the window, staring at the tiny raindrops which fell on its surface. It was fascinating, how the raindrops made the scenery blurry. The sight was beautiful, just like the man beside him. He turned to look at the seemingly broken man.

Soohyun was driving with one hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on his own thigh. He wasn’t smiling, but he wasn’t frowning either. He was expressionless. Hoon slowly brought his own hand nearer to Soohyun but the other man quickly moved his hand away.

“Hyung…” Hoon silently whispered, shocked at the other man’s action.

I’m sorry, Hoon. I’m sorry. sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry…

Hoon didn’t know if Soohyun heard anything but he felt rejected. It didn’t feel like once, but many times. He decided to keep the silence of the atmosphere and just allow Soohyun to be in peace. Maybe he just was tired.

Many things were going through Soohyun’s head at once. He knew he wouldn’t be able to hide things from people for long, especially Eli who knew him so well. Eli probably understood him to best since they were friends for so long. If he was any different from usual, Eli would definitely suspect something, but Soohyun didn’t want to tell him. He didn’t want to hurt Eli either. He was a really good friend,always there for him.

It felt like time passed really slowly and it took what seemed like hours for them to reach Soohyun and Eli’s shared apartment. The first step into the house and the acting had begun.

“KIM KYOUNGJAEEEEE~” Soohyun screamed at the top of his lungs and ran towards the kitchen. He made sure it sounded like the old, happy Soohyun.

Eli was in the kitchen making some donuts. He loved cooking since it was one of the things he could do best. Most importantly, Soohyun liked his cooking. He was placing the hot donuts onto a plate when he suddenly felt someone breathing into his neck. Soohyun was so close behind him that Eli could almost feel the other man’s abs through the fabric and his heart beating twice as hard.

“I missed you. Sorry I wasn’t with you last night. I slept over at Hoon’s.” Soohyun mumbled, not knowing what he was doing to the younger.
“Hyung, you’re being a little too… touchy today.” Eli managed to blurt out, pushing Soohyun away. He regretted almost immediately at the lost contact.

Soohyun beamed at Eli and grabbed one of the donuts. “Thanks for the donuts!” and he walked towards Hoon who froze at the front door. Hoon was shocked not only by Soohyun hugging Eli but also the total change in him.

“Hoon, try a donut. It’s good.” Soohyun smiled sweetly at Hoon, offering the donut.
“Thanks.” Hoon took a bite. Soohyun was right. The donut was delicious. It was crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. Perfect.

Eli placed a full plate of donuts on the coffee table and looked at the other two. Soohyun had decided that he should continue acting. He needed to stay cheerful to keep the secret.

He glanced at Hoon’s hand and brought it in front of Hoon. Soohyun intertwined their fingers and looked into Hoon’s eyes, giving him a sincere smile. Their hands fitted perfectly in each others, like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Hoon returned the smile and squeezed the other man’s hand softly, happy to know that he wasn’t acting that weird anymore.

Eli looked at the two and smiled bitterly. They were exchanging glances and they looked perfect together. He didn’t know what was going on in Soohyun’s mind.

He’s serious about Hoon. Is he?

The truth was that he was jealous and he couldn’t deny it. He loved Soohyun, a lot. The only reason why he was staying with him, helping him, was because he loved him. He knew very well why he loved Soohyun. Before Hoon entered Soohyun’s life, Soohyun only belonged to him. For the second time in his life, he felt that life was unfair.

Why couldn’t it be me? It should be me.

Eli almost couldn’t control his tears but he forced it in. He needed to excuse himself for a moment.

“I needed to talk to the both of you about the blood Soohyun hyung collected but I think I left something important when I went out just now. I’ll be right back.”

A Lie.

Eli ran out of the opened door, heading to nowhere. He just needed some time alone.


I'll be going on vacation for 3 days starting tomorrow so I won't be updating during this period of time. But I'll probably update another chapter tonight. Sooo Eli had liked Soohyun since they first met. Another obstacle for Soohyun and Hoon. I can't write SooLi. I know Soohyun seems a little confused in this chapter and that's actually because I'm confused myself. ._. I'm sorry.

And I'm sorry for breaking hearts... ;_;

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I hate to be a bother, but I hope you can update soon :(
this fanfic is one of my favourites, and I would love to see a new update soon!
but do well on school okay! <3
iloveyoukevinwoo #2
Please update sooon.~
This story is amazing! ^^
Nardack #3
Don't worry about it. ^^ School's more important (well, at least I think so).
Eli... T.T why does he have to die??<br />
that is just so saddening., he wasn't able to have a happy ending...<br />
now, SooHoon have to face Kiseop together.,<br />
Kiseop is an evil in this story but it seems fine.,
Nardack #6
Eliiii. ;~~~~~~~~~; The way you described his death and all was so beautiful, yet sad, but happy. Wonder if Eli's soul would help Soohyun and Hoon in the end or something like that. orz
Rianne2580 #7
omg omg omg omg omg!!!!<br />
Eli!!<br />
i mean yeah im still sad that he died.<br />
but what an EPIC way to die and like he told soohyun<br />
and soohyun knows and eli omg.<br />
@nardack i understand your impatience. I really wanted to get on with the story but I just couldnt find time. I had to stay back in school for 3 days out of the 4. thank God Monday was a holiday.. And there was a sudden load of homework. My school srsly. Enough about my rant. :x thanks for being so supportive. ;_; /touched
Nardack #9
Aw, it's okay. Curse my impatience with everything. .___. I wish you the best in your school! :>