send me to heaven;the last

Underground Angels

Eli felt his brain being uncontrollably manipulated. He gasped as he felt darkness drowning him, suffocating him, preventing him from breathing. Even if he opened his eyes, he saw himself in a totally dark area with nothing except for Kiseop’s presence. But he couldn’t pinpoint the exact location of where he was. It was like the worst nightmare a person could ever have.

The pigeon was pathetically squirming for help, but no one else was there to help him. Not Soohyun, not even Hoon. He was alone, or not so, as the devil prince was there. But the fact that the other man was present sent chills down his spine. He knew the other man was far stronger. He knew he was doomed. But he kept his eyes opened, becoming wary of Kiseop.

The presence felt close and closer. Eli was shivering, because of the sudden coldness, because of being afraid. In just a blink of his eyes, the scene had changed from a pitch black to what seemed like a snow storm just occurred. The sky was blue but dark, the ground was thick with snow that reached Eli’s knees. It wasn’t freezing cold, but cold enough for Eli to shiver even more. He could see Kiseop, not too far away from him, just a few metres away.

Kiseop chuckled evilly as he walked towards Eli, his hands reaching out to Eli’s chin, caressing it softly. Eli smacked the hands away only to earn a tight slap, followed by multiple continuous blows. The pain seeped into his bone to the very core, every vessel hurt so much. Bruises formed and he probably couldn’t even recognize himself anymore.

“You do realise you’re just a monster, do you?”

The words pierced into Eli’s heart so deeply. His body hurt, but his heart was in a far worse condition. No matter how he rejected the idea that he was a normal human being, somewhere deep in him, he knew. He knew Kiseop was right. Ellison Kim is a monster.

Blood, tears, whimpers. It filled the area they were in. The snow beneath him gradually turned crimson red as his blood dripped onto the fluffy white patch. It was ironical, the way the snow seemed so soft, so forgiving, while the man in front of him was merciless, so heartless.

How many more people will he hurt?

Eli sent one last glare to Kiseop, only to be returned with a kick aimed at his cheek, instantly breaking the bones. Kiseop lifted his hands and, using telekinesis, he strangled Eli. The snowstorm might have started again as the wind pierced into his wounds. But he didn’t know, as he shut his eyes tightly close, unable to open them at all.

His lungs were being crushed, constricted, as Kiseop tightened his grip on Eli’s neck. He could feel his neck on the verge of breaking, his windpipe being forced closed. He couldn’t breathe, at all. He was going to die. He couldn’t escape death.

Perhaps this was revenge, for loving you.
Why is loving you so difficult?
Why do I have to let you go?

Questions flooded his head as his body was tortured. Eli laid limp as Kiseop finally let go, leaving him alone to die, leaving him a few minutes, perhaps, at most, to live. He felt footsteps around him, but he wasn’t sure. He couldn’t hear. He forced his eyes opened into slits. He was back, somewhere in the sewage. It was his mind being manipulated.

Soohyun, with Hoon.

Their hands were linked and they both looked well. Even the scar on Hoon’s face was removed. Something must have happened. Eli didn’t know what happened, but he was happy, for the both of them. A part of him felt his heart clench another time; he had lost count how many times already. But he was glad that he could trust Soohyun with Hoon.

“Oh? You’re still alive?” Kiseop raised an eyebrow, but somewhere in his voice, it was hinted that he expected it. “So it was true. The bond between the both of you is that strong.”
“What did you do to Eli?”  Soohyun was filled with anger, that the people he was close to were being hurt.
“He’s there.” Kiseop pointed to the unmoving figure on the ground. “I’m done for the day.” He yawned a little, disappearing into dark smoke again.

Soohyun and Hoon were unable to stop Kiseop from teleporting away. He was gone the very next second. It all happened too fast.

Coward.” Soohyun growled.

He rushed to Eli’s side and he flinched at the sight of the man.

“Eli… I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
Gathering the last of his energy, “I never blamed you.”

A smile.It only made Soohyun feel worse, remorseful.
Eli had a lot to say, but he knew his time was almost up. He was blacking out, unable to feel much. He had lost his senses, only to be burdened by his feelings.

“I really can’t. I can’t lose you, Eli. Not so soon…” Tears streamed down Soohyun’s cheeks, as he remembered how Eli always used to be with him.
“Let me go… hyung.” It was so soft, barely a whisper, barely heard.
Soohyun shook his head, salty droplets falling onto Eli’s face.

For the last time he felt Soohyun’s presence. For the last time he felt the care and concern from the other man. For the last time, he said “I love you.” For the last time, his last heart beat.

Eli’s body faded away, along with white feathers. It would be the last time Soohyun sees those pure white feathers, symbolizing innocence, peace, and someone’s love for him. He knew he couldn’t return Eli’s feelings, and perhaps letting him go was a better choice.

Soohyun would never forget the smile on Eli’s face when he saw him for the last time. He would never forget Eli’s voice in the last sentence. He would never forget the wind which blew pass him after Eli’s body was gone as it seemed to whisper:

If we were to be born again in the next world, I won’t let you go, never.


D: D: D: I am so sorryyyyy. I hate school. ;_; Especially since there's an important exam end of year. This mean I have less time to update.
Bad news: The best I can update is probably once per week on saturdays. It's the only free time I have now... ))):
Good news: Sometimes I write oneshots... So here

About the random oneshots thing. I actually accept requests but I don't know how long I will take. And the third one was SooHoon!! :D I'm working on another SooHoon oneshot too. So please subscribe, support and look forward to an update. :D


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I hate to be a bother, but I hope you can update soon :(
this fanfic is one of my favourites, and I would love to see a new update soon!
but do well on school okay! <3
iloveyoukevinwoo #2
Please update sooon.~
This story is amazing! ^^
Nardack #3
Don't worry about it. ^^ School's more important (well, at least I think so).
Eli... T.T why does he have to die??<br />
that is just so saddening., he wasn't able to have a happy ending...<br />
now, SooHoon have to face Kiseop together.,<br />
Kiseop is an evil in this story but it seems fine.,
Nardack #6
Eliiii. ;~~~~~~~~~; The way you described his death and all was so beautiful, yet sad, but happy. Wonder if Eli's soul would help Soohyun and Hoon in the end or something like that. orz
Rianne2580 #7
omg omg omg omg omg!!!!<br />
Eli!!<br />
i mean yeah im still sad that he died.<br />
but what an EPIC way to die and like he told soohyun<br />
and soohyun knows and eli omg.<br />
@nardack i understand your impatience. I really wanted to get on with the story but I just couldnt find time. I had to stay back in school for 3 days out of the 4. thank God Monday was a holiday.. And there was a sudden load of homework. My school srsly. Enough about my rant. :x thanks for being so supportive. ;_; /touched
Nardack #9
Aw, it's okay. Curse my impatience with everything. .___. I wish you the best in your school! :>