never-ending;pigeon's past

Underground Angels

Hoon feels like he’sfalling, falling into a pit, and even further down. Gravity kept pushing, forcing him down. The pressure pressing on him, making him accelerate as he went down. But his back never seemed to reach the ground. It was a never-ending pit.

He didn’t dare to open his eyes, so he shut it tightly closed. He knew that he was being crushed by everything but he couldn’t feel it. Everything else seemed numb to him. He felt scared, but he couldn’t express it. He was falling, just falling; he was breaking, just breaking.

It was then he snapped his eyes opened to see himself back at where he fainted. It was lighted, with candles hanging at the side. His vision wasblurry as warm tears somehow formed, and were trickling down his cold cheek, causing it to feel like it was burning. He was crying, and he just cried. He didn’t know why he was crying. He just sat there, on the ground, which was dry at this time.

Hoon had bled as his head hit the hard metal walls of the sewage. The dried blood was stained to the side of his head. And due to the heat coming from the flame and the humidity, Hoon had sweated, his hair plastering to his face, his blood mixing with his sweat droplets and tears.

Because Soohyun wasn’t there.

“You’re a mess.” A voice spoke, Hoon knew who it was. Eli. The voice wasn’t the familiar cheery voice but a cold, ear-piercing one.

He was different, totally different. His fringe covered his eyes, only showing his bottom half of the face. It was a smirk on his face. Even his vibe was different. It was fear, horror, death that he gave out. Eli was wearing a glove, with tiny blades on it, like a claw.

“Eli…” Hoon just mumbled, knowing something was wrong, way wrong. “Why?
His throat was dry, the complete opposite of his surroundings. He could taste himself as he spoke. The saltiness and bitterness all mixed together.
I hate you, so much.” Eli stared down, revealing his eyes a little. It was sharp and cold.

Hoon felt a sharp pain in his backbone, causing him to wince as he got up. He pulled out his daggers. His vision was going blank but he forced himself back into focus. He knew he had to fight. Friend or not, betrayal or not.

“Tell me someone made you. Tell me this isn’t you.” Hoon said, more like a plea. He didn’t want to fight Eli. He didn’t want to hurt him. He didn’t want to face this.
“I’ll kill you.” Eli growled, barring his teeth, clenching his fist.

Hoon was already hurt in his head, making him respond a little slower than he usually did. The pigeon dashed forward to throw a punch, aiming for Hoon’s stomach, hitting him as he was unable to avoid it. It cut into Hoon’s flesh, drawing blood.

“You deserved this, Hoonmin.” Eli roared before launching another punch at Hoon’s face.

Hoon barely avoided the direct impact of the punch, but the blades cut through the skin of his left cheek, leaving 4 long claw marks. It wasn’t deep, but deep enough for blood to ooze out. Hoon gasped, and pushed Eli away.

Hoon used his hands to brush away the blood dripping down his face but it only contributed more pain that stung right into his bones. He was overwhelmed with pain, hurt, betrayal and he couldn’t sort out his feelings anymore. He just wanted Soohyun next to him, but he knew he shouldn’t be too dependent on him at this point of time.

Hoon launched himself forward, bringing with him all his weight. He pushed Eli onto the ground, pinning him hard to the dry floor.

“Eli! Why? Why are you like this? I don’t want to hurt you.” Hoon demanded an answer, screaming at Eli’s face. His fringe now flipped up, revealing his eyes which were swollen and red. Eli had been crying and was crying then.

“I loved him. I loved Soohyun.” Eli looked away with those sad eyes. He didn’t want to look at Hoon. Because he knew that he was nothing compared to him. Hoon was in the middle of lost and confusion.

“You wanted this?” Hoon’s expression softened a little, along with his words.
“I just wanted Soohyun…” Eli’s tears flowed like a never-ending river.

Hoon slowly got off Eli. “I’m sorry.”

Eli knew that he had failed, knowing that he had no chance in trying to kill someone else, knowing that he had a soft heart.
I should be the sorry one.

The both of them sat on the ground together insilence as tears drenched clothing, as weapons are dropped from hands. Many minutes might have passed but they have no idea.

“Eli, I want to know… about the two of you.” Hoon placed his hands on Eli’s thighs, being as sincere as he could. Eli must have detected that sincerity as he was torn between answering and keeping silent, but he talked anyway.

“We went a long time back… when I was around 14? I was a human.” Eli had stopped crying. He turned to look at Hoon with puffy eyes, who nodded back as response.

“I was quite well off, the only kid in my family. We lived in a mansion. I had everything I wanted as a kid. But I wasn’t really happy, because I didn’t get the love from my family. They fed me with money, but not love. I hated my parents, but I loved them at the same time.” He sighed.

“I barely knew my parents. I don’t know what they did outside home. But I guess they made some really bad enemies, because one day, I was just playing outside the garden. The mansion exploded. The whole building fell, taking along everyone in it. Everyone, including my parents.”

Eli must have been used to being alone already. He didn’t seem to be hurt by the fact his parents were gone. But Hoon was near to tears, knowing that the man in front of him suffered heavy losses. His parents, his home, all gone in one incident.

“I don’t know who did it, even up till now. Maybe I’ve already given up. I was affected too, physically. I remembered glass shards and wood pieces were flying all over the place. I remembered the pain when those things pierced into my skin. I remembered the fire burning my skin. It hurt, so much. I remember those tears coming down.” Eli took a deep breath, before he was able to continue.

“I had to climb my way out, because my legs refused move. I couldn’t hear, and I could barely see. And then I saw him. I can still remember what he was wearing. He was beautiful, even when I first saw him. He was the one who saved me. But he needed to fuse me to another life form and the nearest animal he could find was a pigeon. So here I am, living my life as a freak.”

“Eli, you’re not a freak…” Hoon tried to comfort him but he knew it wouldn’t help. He had a tough life. Hoon really pitied him.

“Trust me Hoon, I am. And I had to fall in love with him ever since. I stayed with him, I helped him, I loved him. I loved him even more after knowing that he was alone as well. I thought we were fated for each other. But I guess I was wrong.” Eli smiled, but it was a sad one. Anyone could tell.

IT'S CHIRSTMAS EVEEEE!! xD I'm back with another update! Idk why my updates have been longer than usual nowadays but I guess it's okay? :D

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I hate to be a bother, but I hope you can update soon :(
this fanfic is one of my favourites, and I would love to see a new update soon!
but do well on school okay! <3
iloveyoukevinwoo #2
Please update sooon.~
This story is amazing! ^^
Nardack #3
Don't worry about it. ^^ School's more important (well, at least I think so).
Eli... T.T why does he have to die??<br />
that is just so saddening., he wasn't able to have a happy ending...<br />
now, SooHoon have to face Kiseop together.,<br />
Kiseop is an evil in this story but it seems fine.,
Nardack #6
Eliiii. ;~~~~~~~~~; The way you described his death and all was so beautiful, yet sad, but happy. Wonder if Eli's soul would help Soohyun and Hoon in the end or something like that. orz
Rianne2580 #7
omg omg omg omg omg!!!!<br />
Eli!!<br />
i mean yeah im still sad that he died.<br />
but what an EPIC way to die and like he told soohyun<br />
and soohyun knows and eli omg.<br />
@nardack i understand your impatience. I really wanted to get on with the story but I just couldnt find time. I had to stay back in school for 3 days out of the 4. thank God Monday was a holiday.. And there was a sudden load of homework. My school srsly. Enough about my rant. :x thanks for being so supportive. ;_; /touched
Nardack #9
Aw, it's okay. Curse my impatience with everything. .___. I wish you the best in your school! :>