his past

Underground Angels

The room was warmer and more humid. It was hard to breathe. There was a studying table with pieces of paper randomly scattered on it. A map was also pinned on the black wall with many markings.

If Soohyun was right, this was where Hoon’s father was before he left for his business trip. This room was probably sealed tightly, not letting anything in, or anything out. It was the perfect condition to work.

“Soohyun, are you and Hoon…?”

It took Soohyun a minute to register the question.

“Not really…” Soohyun stuttered a little, looking at his feet.
“Soohyun, tell me the truth. Please.”
“He… doesn’t seem to be responsive. I don’t know.” Soohyun ruffled his own hair in frustration, not knowing how to respond.
“He likes you. This is fate, huh, a real test.” Hoon’s mum sighed.
“I don’t understand.”
“I never told this to Hoon. And I hope you’ll not tell him too. One of you is to be sacrificed to seal the chosen one’s powers. You… know what I mean, right? Hoon, he’s a good kid.”

Soohyun knew very well what she meant. She wanted him to sacrifice himself and protect Hoon from harm. If Hoon was gone, many hearts will break. His mother, father, Jaeseop and Dongho will collapse. If he was gone, no one would grieve over him. Maybe Eli, but they weren’t family. Soohyun knew he would be the one to die. Less people would be hurt that way.

But he still smiled.
It’s okay if he’s going to live, and be happy.

“Yeah, I will be prepared to, when time comes. But I need to ask, did my dad do the same?”
“He was a brave man. Your mother was killed by the other family. She was a really pretty young lady at that time. We were great friends. She was so innocent. It was a pity. He only had you, a baby, left. He was heartbroken. He wanted to join your mother in heaven and chose to sacrifice himself.”

Soohyun understood. He was still smiling, but his heart felt sad, empty. Perhaps he was supposed to follow in his father’s footsteps. He didn’t mind dying, if it was for Hoon.

“What happened to me?” Soohyun managed to ask.
“Soohyun… You’re a kind soul. I’m really sorry. He asked us to take care of you. But we failed to do so.”
“Is that the reason why I have feelings for Hoon? What happened? It’s okay Mrs Yeo. I just want to know…”
“You were close with Hoon; you took care of him very well. The problem was that the two of you were too close; you took care of him too well. Hoon’s dad and I knew very well that the two of you needed to separate one day. We were unable to watch the both of you develop feelings for each other because we didn’t want to tear the two of you apart when the time comes.”
“So we were separated at a young age…”
“Yes. And Hoon’s dad used the last of his powers to erase your memories, and Hoon’s too. But I guess this is all fate. The two of you have to love again. I don’t know what to do.”

Soohyun felt pain in his chest. It was heartbreaking to see a mother worry for her son. Her love for Hoon was overwhelming. Soohyun felt that he had to do this.

“Mrs Yeo, don’t worry. I will be the one to… be sacrificed. What do I do?”
I will be the one to die.
“Soohyun, I’m really sorry. And I’m really thankful. You will know when time comes.”

Hoon’s mother hugged Soohyun, whispering “thank you” repetitively. She was tearing. She must have been touched. But Soohyun wasn’t doing this to touch people. He was doing this for Hoon to have a happy family.

He was always like that. Protecting others more than himself.

“Hoon’s father, he left. He went to stall the enemy a few days ago. He was prepared to die.”

Soohyun fell speechless. It wasn’t only because she was touched. She wanted to keep as many of her family members safe. Hoon’s mother was a great mother.

“Don’t tell Hoon anything. I don’t want him to worry. You don’t want him to worry too, right? He needs to focus on the fight.”

Soohyun only nodded. But he knows he will keep his promise because she was right.

Hoon’s mother wiped her tears dry and exited, leaving Soohyun in the room alone. He took a moment to cool down before taking a deep breath and walked out of the room. He was met with Hoon’s concerned eyes.

Soohyun cupped his face and looked at it for a brief second before letting go, only to slide his arms around Hoon’s waist to hold him there. Hoon wanted to ask, but Soohyun didn’t look like he wanted to talk about it. He dropped the subject and turned to his mother once again.

“Mom, why is the curse on us? What did we do?”
“I don’t know. It’s still a mystery till today.”

He was going to ask more questions but Soohyun’s phone rang. The ringtone was a simple one line from an unfamiliar song. The voice sounded familiar.

“Hoon, Eli called. We should get back…”
“Okay. Mum, I’m going. Take care.” Hoon smiled at his mum.


omg it took me frickin long to type this frickin chapter. It's like 3.16AM here right now. D: Eli will be back in the next chapter! Things are getting interesting I believe. Poor SooHoon. Their fate is still undecided..

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I hate to be a bother, but I hope you can update soon :(
this fanfic is one of my favourites, and I would love to see a new update soon!
but do well on school okay! <3
iloveyoukevinwoo #2
Please update sooon.~
This story is amazing! ^^
Nardack #3
Don't worry about it. ^^ School's more important (well, at least I think so).
Eli... T.T why does he have to die??<br />
that is just so saddening., he wasn't able to have a happy ending...<br />
now, SooHoon have to face Kiseop together.,<br />
Kiseop is an evil in this story but it seems fine.,
Nardack #6
Eliiii. ;~~~~~~~~~; The way you described his death and all was so beautiful, yet sad, but happy. Wonder if Eli's soul would help Soohyun and Hoon in the end or something like that. orz
Rianne2580 #7
omg omg omg omg omg!!!!<br />
Eli!!<br />
i mean yeah im still sad that he died.<br />
but what an EPIC way to die and like he told soohyun<br />
and soohyun knows and eli omg.<br />
@nardack i understand your impatience. I really wanted to get on with the story but I just couldnt find time. I had to stay back in school for 3 days out of the 4. thank God Monday was a holiday.. And there was a sudden load of homework. My school srsly. Enough about my rant. :x thanks for being so supportive. ;_; /touched
Nardack #9
Aw, it's okay. Curse my impatience with everything. .___. I wish you the best in your school! :>