
Between the Lines



Another guesting, another day of being called pretty by the hosts. Even her own members couldn't help but be awe at her beauty and babble about it whenever they're given a chance.


Like yesterday, they were again being asked regarding their first impressions towards each other, and as expected, the members would all agree on one thing, that she is out of this world beautiful.


Most of the time she would fight the urge to scoff because seriously what if they are just going along with the overrated hype regarding her looks. Sometimes, she would look at the mirror and wonder what people see in her, even before she rose to popularity being an idol.


A pair of questioning eyes just looks back at her.


The boys at her school would fight for just a chance to glance at her whenever she attends classes, the same could be said for some of the girls, though most of them secretly despises her, she would know that they talk behind her back accusing her of stealing their boyfriends, spreading  baseless rumors about her, but it's useless to put up defenses when she's already being put into such insane stereotype.


She hates being called beautiful but she would just hide the disdain with her coy smiles.


She hates being called beautiful because she wants to prove to them that she's more than the pretty face.


Someone then appeared in front of her distracting all her thoughts with a goofy eyesmile: "What are you thinking of, beautiful?"




You blinked, once, twice, you caught yourself muttering an answer that's not related at all to her question and she just burst into a giggle. Yeah, add funny to beautiful while you're at it.


You caught yourself wrapping both arms around her and you felt her tensed at the contact, after all this time, it's stupid really, sometimes you wanted to ask her if she dislikes you that much.


"You just called me beautiful."


Despite her awkwardly standing there with clenched fists at the skinship, she managed to smile and reply: "I did."


You rolled your eyes and bury your face at the curve of her neck to hide your giggle, she stiffens even more and you just like torturing her this way.


You hate being called beautiful but whenever Seulgi says it, it's always an exception.



These butterflies in the stomach are immortal it seems.



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shinchan222 #1
Chapter 20: Binge read the whole fic 😭 this is soooo goodddd. Please countinue if possible 🙏
(Gonna go binge read your other stories)
marielsoshi9 #2
Chapter 10: i miss you authornim
Chapter 20: So cute!!!
Chapter 19: Ahhh the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Chapter 18: So chaotic lol.
Chapter 17: Hahahahahaha Seulgi was so cheesy hddjjdj.
Chapter 16: Cute.
Chapter 15: Ahhh Yeri had a crush on Seulgi :(