Ordinary Days? I Think Not

The Final Lullaby (4th Book of Fate's Sweet Melodies)

One night, TOP decided to cook western food for dinner and cooked a little bit too much as usual (so poor Dae Sung had to run away in fear of being stuffed with the leftovers but they found him anyways). They had a heavy dinner — spaghetti, fried chicken, chips, salad, etc. They were so full by the time they went to the living room, Lia, Dae Sung (well, he was forced to finish the leftovers) and Tae Yang collapsed on the couch in front of the TV. The triplets were already in bed so Big Bang and Lia got to have one of their bonding nights.

“Hey, let’s get some snacks to eat,” Ji Yong spoke up to TOP as he stood around the place. “You guys want any?”

Lia just blanched and clutched her stomach, making a face. “Uh, snacks after dinner?” she exclaimed, “And we had a heavy dinner, too. Uh-uh, thanks but no thanks, ’cause I think I’ll pass.” She shook her head no.

“Me, too,” Tae Yang agreed. Dae Sung looked a little green.

Ji Yong shrugged, got up and went to the kitchen to get the snacks.

TOP went to the cupboard where all the DVDs were. “Say, uh, Maknae, where’s that ‘Seeds of Chucky’ DVD you stacked in the cupboard?”

“Wait, you’re going to watch that movie?” Dae Sung cried.

“Well, why not?” Ji Yong asked, coming back in the living room. “It’s the perfect movie to watch right now, especially since it’s raining heavily. A good horror movie with weathers like this is always the best thing ever.”

“Here’s what the matter is — it’s downright terrifying,” Lia answered.

“Oooh . . .” Seung Ri wailed, curling his fingers, trying to scare her. “I’m coming to kill you and turn you into dolls like . . . CHUCKY!” He pounced on her like a cat on a mouse. He tickled her.

“Aaahh! Get off of me, you!” Lia shrieked.

He grinned evilly at her. “Heh, heh,” Seung Ri cackled.

“If you guys don’t want to watch the movie, go to the room and find something to do. . . . OW!” TOP had bumped his head on the top shelf. “Where is that bloody DVD?

“Oooh. A nice word, hyung, since the show is going to be full of blood and murders,” Dae Sung remarked, raising an eyebrow. “May I suggest you trying to look on top of the DVD player?” he suggested.

TOP looked there and then he turned to the others sheepishly. In his hands was the DVD he had been looking for.

Tae Yang was smothering a laugh.

Seung Ri was rolling her eyes.

Dae Sung was smirking.

Lia was giggling.

Ji Yong was sighing.

“Oh, shut up,” TOP snapped babyishly.

But then they decided to play cards instead and abandon the movie. TOP was trying to teach Lia how to play ‘Black Jack’, but when he played with Seung Ri to show her how it’s played, he kept losing.

Lia smirked. “I’m not sure I want someone this stupid teaching me,” she said.

He glowered at her.


Hey, keep a lookout for them, okay?” Lia muttered as she crouched down behind the curtains in the living room.

Ji Yong and Dae Sung had a mischievous look on their faces. They knew that ‘them’ was referred to TOP, Seung Ri and Tae Yang.

They were playing ‘One, two, three, home’ one day at Se7en’s villa one day in the morning because it was so big and because he was out on vacation and had asked them to house-sit for him. The triplets were at their grandparents’ house. TOP, Seung Ri and Tae Yang were the seekers, while the others were the hiders.

Then they spotted them looking for the three of them. They quickly scrambled out of their hiding spot and raced to the kitchen. The boys saw them. They hurried to the table and tried to catch them but they dodged around them. Ji Yong went to one edge, Dae Sung went to the other and Lia was in the middle. Behind them was nothing but a wall. TOP, Dae Sung and Seung Ri thought they had them cornered good and proper. And Dae Sung and Ji Yong thought they had, too, until Lia had a brainstorm.

“What’s that?” she exclaimed, pointing to the window. The boys looked and they dashed under the table and out of the kitchen!

“What the —?” TOP said.

They hadn’t seen what happen as the other three ran fast.

All they saw were blurry figures rushing by them.

“After them!” Ji Yong cried.

They ran out of the kitchen. Lia and her team were way ahead of them, racing towards the swimming pool. The boys ran faster.

But they were faster. As each of them jumped in the pool, they yelled loudly, “One, two, three, home!”

Nooo!” the losing team moaned.

Yyyyes!” the winning team cheered.

“Oh crap it,” Ji Ying complained as he and his team stopped so they wouldn’t get wet. “How’d you guys get out of the kitchen? We had you cornered!”

Dae Sung, TOP and Lia smiled before replying while bobbing their heads out of the pool, “That’s for us to know and for you to figure it out. Mehrong!” They laughed, splashing the water at them.

“Oh, c’mon,” Ji Yong persisted. “You know you want to tell us . . . spill the beans.”

“Haven’t got any beans to spill,” Dae Sung replied.

“Yeah, you do,” Seung Ri said.

“Nuh-uh,” Lia shot back.

“Ya-huh,” Tae Yang said.

“No,” TOP answered.

“Well, I know how to get them to talk,” Ji Yong said as he stripped to his swimming suit. “Attack them!!!!”

The boys jumped inside the pool and the other swam for their life. Ji Yong grabbed TOP; Tae Yang had Dae Sung; and Seung had Lia cornered.

Lia dived in but Seung Ri was already holding onto her. He pinned her to the wall. “Tell,” he said; his face so close to her. His heart began beating faster and faster as they were being so close to each other, their lips inches apart. He decided to use it to his advantage. “You’re so hot,” he murmured. He leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips. He crushed her, putting his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

Lia closed her eyes, kissing him back as she wrapped her arms around him. She loved the feeling of Seung Ri holding her. Oh, how she wanted to just give in to him. To let him have her —


It was a trick. Damn it, she fell for that. But man that felt good.

So she did the only did she could do.

Since her hands were being held by his hands, she wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to pull him down. He lost his balance and let go of her so she dunk his head inside before swimming away. By then, Dae Sung had gotten away from Tae Yang and TOP from Ji Yong as well.

“All right! You win!” Seung Ri gasped, coming up for air.

“Truce!” Tae Yang and Ji Yong agreed.

The others smirked at them.

They began to play in the swimming pool. After an hour or so, they all got out and dried themselves.

After lunch, they went to the rec room to chat. Then for the first time, Lia noticed TOP had a Tupperware full of something.

“What’s in there?” she asked him.

He grinned. “Oh, just snacks in case we get hungry,” he told them.

“Are there nuts inside it? Please tell me there’s nuts! I love nuts! Don’t you just love nuts?” Dae Sung squealed and they all looked at him as though he’s gone bonkers.

A silence came through and then —

“You’re nuts,” Lia remarked. She paused and laughed. “Haha. Get it? Nuts? Dae Sung Oppa is nuts over nuts!”

Dae Sung scowled at her as the rest of them laughed at him.


Eight months later. . .

One morning Tae Yang and Dae Sung were watching a TV show in the living room when TOP walked to the kitchen where Lia was there with a cup of water and some medicine. “Hey, what are you eating, Mei?” He wandered over to her.

She looked up, startled, and quickly tried to hide the medicine but TOP managed to grab the package from her hands and read out the label. “Morning pills?” He frowned and looked at her. She refused to look at him as it dawned to him. He walked dangerously in front of her. “Ophelia Choi Jun Mei, what is the meaning of this?” he asked in a low voice, trying his best not to burst and to keep his cool. “Why are you taking morning pills?”

Tae Yang and Dae Sung looked up from the TV, suddenly interested in what was going on in the kitchen.

“I . . . I . . .” she stammered.

“You’ve been sleeping with Maknae?” he asked her incredulously. He began shaking his head in disbelief.

“I’ve always been sleeping with him,” she said quietly.

He shot her a look. “You know what I am talking about,” he growled softly. “You have been having with him?” His voice started to rise and she flinched. The two busybodies exchanged worried glances. Should they go and interfere or should they just leave TOP to scold his sister?

TOP looked at Lia with a disappointed look on his face. “Jun Mei, I can’t believe you just gave birth to triplets and then you’re already thinking of having another baby?”

Lia snatched the pills back from him. “No, I’m not. Otherwise I wouldn’t be taking the pills,” she countered.

Tae Yang and Dae Sung held their breath. Lia was making a huge mistake, talking back to TOP like that.

“Yah, Jun Mei, don’t talk back to —”

“Annyeong everybody!” Seung Ri spoke up cheerily as he came out from the room, oblivious to what was going on. He smiled brightly, his messy hair covering his eyes, and wearing nothing but his boxers. He wrapped his arms around Lia’s waist from behind and kissed her on the neck. “Hello,” he said huskily to her.

Dae Sung gulped. Tae Yang hid his face. Lia looked down.

“Stay away from her,” TOP barked at him.

The maknae was very taken aback by his hyung’s behavior. What was up with him? He blinked in confusion. “Bwoh? Are you okay?” he asked.

TOP just glared murderously at him. “Who gave you the permission to have with my sister?” he snarled.

Seung Ri looked down to at kitchen counter where the pills lay and gasped, realizing why he was overreacting. He looked up to him. He opened his mouth to defend himself and Lia when TOP took a big step toward him. He shut his mouth and cringed. He took Lia by the arm and made her stand behind him protectively.

Lia wrapped her arms around him. “Oppa, please don’t hurt him,” she begged her brother.

TOP raised his fist up to Seung Ri and Tae Yang and Dae Sung ran to them to stop the fight when the door suddenly burst open and Ji Yong and Soo-Jin came in breathlessly, their faces flushed.

“Guess what?” Soo-Jin squealed.

Ji Yong beamed. “We’re getting married!”




So Ji Yong gets his happy ending after all ^^


Btw, I started on a new fanfic. It's called In Love with a Criminal. Do check it out. Subscribers and comments are loved~ :D

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: It's so good!!! When I read the part where Lia found out a secret, and it said a 'familiar' piece of paper, I was guessing, don't tell me it got to do with regards to the father of the triplets, because authornim gave a lot of hints in the following chapters, I kinda figured it out ^^ Nevertheless, it was still very good^^

I am really enjoying this story, and I am wondering what's going to happen in the next book ^^
Chapter 32: BOah gosh i really have all the books now is number 5 the next u are really great author nim
Chapter 32: Thanks for this fic, PocketSize!!! I like this fic!!!
I knew the triplet's father is Ji Yong!!!! kekekekekekekeke and the wedding was so beautiful!!!! ^_^
bb2ne1jp #4
yay gd and lia are married! weee~ damn soojin you be balling first with gd and now TOP. /jeliz/ LMFAO but they're children are sooo cute. kwan young reminds me of seungri causing trouble hehehe
OMG IT FINISHED????!!!!! <br />
It was awesum and I can't wait to read the fifth ''book''..~^^<br />
4th book finished?<br />
Cant wait for next book<br />
hope top will end up with soo jin
BigBang_VIP - hehehe, read on and find out! :D<br />
kpop_love_you - same here! (:<br />
lovis89 - heh >.< at least, right?? :D don't worry, I'll make sure Seung Ri gets a happy ending in the next story (:
lovis89 #8
well at least soo jin is with TOP *.* killer eyes stare lmao
YaaaaaaaaY! :) It's so cute :) I'm glad that everything turned out so well^^<br />
BigBang_VIP #10
Awwww that was cute!! :D What's gonna happen next?? :P