You Can Count on Me, like One, Two, Three

The Final Lullaby (4th Book of Fate's Sweet Melodies)


The night was peaceful. Every in the Big Bang apartment was sleeping. All the sounds that were heard were the gentle snores and the dogs shuffling outside. Down on the road, cars drove by the streets. All was quiet and calmed, peaceful and quiet.

Seung Ri was having a great dream where he and Lia were finally blissfully married as they watched their little son run around the room, squealing happily when Lia woke him up from that dream. “Wae? I was having a nice dream,” he pouted sleepily.

“My water broke.”

Instantly he woke up. “Bwoh? I’ll get the bags!” He saw King lying down on the floor. “King! Go wake up the others now! Lia’s water broke!”

Luckily King seemed to understand. He got up and shot out from the room to TOP’s room. He scratched the door, waking him up. Without needing an explanation (although asking a dog to tell you what’s wrong would be hard due to the language communication) TOP immediately knew what was happening and ran to his sister’s room, where he found her gasping for breath as Seung Ri ran about the room, frantically packing.

King headed to Ji Yong’s room. Luckily the door wasn’t locked. He jumped on his bed and Ji Yong woke up screaming. He tugged on his pants. Ji Yong was about to shoo him away when he heard TOP saying, “Mei Mei, hang in there. We’ll get you to the hospital soon.”

He ran out at the same time King made a beeline for Tae Yang and Dae Sung’s room. He whined and scratched the door until Tae Yang opened the door.

“What’s going on?” he slurred groggily. He rubbed his eyes.

King impatiently tugged on his pants. Tae Yang woke up and saw that Ji Yong and TOP’s rooms were ajar. He looked down the hall and saw that Lia’s room was opened. He ran back in his room and shook Dae Sung up. “Wake up you pig! Lia is having her baby now!” he had to shout in his ear.

Dae Sung shot up as though he had been pinched and they ran out of the room. But then Lia was out and ready to go. They all carried her down to the car. Poor Lia had to muffle her screams so that she won’t wake the neighbor up from their sleep.

“Young Bae, do you mind staying back to look after the dogs?” Ji Yong asked. “Dae Sung will stay and help.”

Tae Yang and Dae Sung nodded as the car drove off to the hospital. They turned to each other and hugged one another, giving a little dance.

Lia was having her baby!


Seung Ri, Ji Yong and TOP managed to get her to the hospital in time. Lia was just having her contractions so she was in a great deal of pain. The boys stayed by her side until it was time for her to deliver. The doctor looked at the three of them and back at Lia. “Miss, I’m so sorry but only one of them can stay in here as you deliver,” he told her reluctantly.

“Can’t I have all of them in and watch?” she begged. “Please?”

He nodded. “Sure. But only one of them can stay by your side.”

Ji Yong and TOP pushed the maknae to her as she said, “Maknae Oppa, please,” weakly before crying out in pain.

“It’s starting,” the nurse said.

Everyone quickly took their positions as the doctor told Lia to push. She pushed with all of her might, crying and screaming.

“Push, baby,” Seung Ri said, holding her hand in his.

What do you think I’m doing?” she snarled at him. She rolled her head back and gave out a scream in agony. “Ohm, this hurts!”

“You’re doing just fine,” the doctor said to her. “Push more.”

“I’m — pushing,” she huffed.

“Hwaiting. You can do it, Bubbles,” Ji Yong encouraged from somewhere in the room in which Lia wasn’t able to see since he was being blocked by the nurse.

She screamed as she pushed. “Ah, it hurts!” she complained. She gripped onto Seung Ri’s hands tighter.

Seung Ri dabbed her sweat off with a moist tissue, wincing at the pain but he kept his mouth shut. If he ever so opened his mouth to complain, he was sure that his girlfriend would snap at him, saying that she was in a lot more pain than he was at the moment.

“Is she okay?” TOP asked worriedly.

A nurse turned to him and smiled. “Do not worry. This is a normal procedure. All females go through this at point of their life. It’s normal to scream.”

“But to be in this much pain . . .” TOP had to practically shout over his sister’s screams. Lia was in so much pain. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Ji Yong looking at him with concerned eyes.

“Maybe you should wait outside, hyung,” he murmured.

But TOP shook his head stubbornly. “No, I want to be here when my sister gives birth. I’m staying.”

Ji Yong sighed.

Finally they heard a baby cry. They turned to see Lia sighing with relieved as a nurse held the baby, giving it a little bath to clean it up from all the blood.

“It’s a boy,” she announced.

Ji Yong hugged TOP. Seung Ri kissed Lia on the forehead, whispering, “Congratulations, my dear.”

But the doctor was frowning. “Uh, Miss, I should probably tell you —” he started to say.

Lia began to cry again.

“— that you have another baby,” the doctor managed to finish lamely.

Seung Ri, TOP and Ji Yong all exchanged glances. She’s carrying twins? How could they not have known? They turned to Lia and from the looks of it, she knew.

“Jun Mei, could you not have told us about it?!” TOP bellowed. “You’re carrying twins?! Do you know how dangerous that is??” Poor TOP could have gone on forever.

One of the nurse looked at him, alarmed. “Mr. Choi, I would please advise you to stay quiet. Your nephew!” She held up the baby in her hands that was crying over the noise.

“Here, let me take him,” Seung Ri offered and the nurse handed him his child. He looked up at Ji Yong. “Your turn,” he said, nodding toward Lia, who was now trying to push the other baby out.

Ji Yong’s eyes darted nervously from Lia and back to Seung Ri. His eyes wandered to the maknae’s hands. He could see fingernail marks from where Lia had been holding. “Erm, how much pain would that be?” he asked him timidly.

“A lot,” Seung Ri replied gravely.

“Aaaahhhh!!!” Lia cried.

Ji Yong looked at TOP who was sitting on a chair, his head down. He didn’t bother looking at Seung Ri since he was carrying his child so he rushed to Lia’s aid and she automatically reached for his hands, her nails digging into his flesh. Ji Yong winced but to distract himself from the pain, he bit on his knuckle.

“Shush, Lia,” he said without thinking.

Why don’t you try giving birth? Do you want me to shove something up your and pull it out slowly so you’ll know how much it hurts?” Lia snarled, gripping unto him even harder.

The doctor glanced up long enough to give him a sympathetic look and his face flushed with embarrassment. “It’s okay, I’ll take your word for it,” he muttered.

The nurse next to him looked away so she wouldn’t burst out laughing.

Aish, this is embarrassing, he thought.

“When did Lia get so violent and so . . . ?” TOP shook his head. “Maknae, what have she been watching?”

Seung Ri’s eyes went wide. “What? Why are you blaming me? You do know that most of the dramas she watched are from 2NE1?” he asked back, cradling his baby.

“Uh, guys,” Ji Yong called hesitantly. Lia was starting to get even more irritated.

“But why do you let her watch it?” TOP went on, completely ignoring Ji Yong.

Me? You were there when she watched the shows too! Why only me? And why not lideo or the others?” Seung Ri whined.

“You —”

Will you stop talking as if I’m not here?” Lia growled unappreciatively.

Ji Yong patted her hand. “There, there, you are almost there,” he said.

“Sorry, oppa,” she gasped as she gave a final push. She sighed with relieved when she heard a new baby cry.

“It’s another boy!” the nurse exclaimed.

Lia let go of Ji Yong’s hand. “Take care of it,” she muttered to him. “Ask Oppa to come here please.”

Ji Yong nodded and walked to TOP. “She wants to you go to her,” he explained. He then took the second baby from the nurse.

“Lia, we have twins!” If Seung Ri wasn’t still holding onto his son, he would have done a little happy dance.

Ji Yong looked at the baby and smiled. He was so cute. He glanced over at Seung Ri who had a big smile on his face. He turned away, chuckling to himself. Of course Seung Ri was a proud dad of twins now. His heart ached a bit but he pushed those feelings aside. Now is not the time to wallow in his self-pity. They need him.

“Congratulations,” he said sincerely to Seung Ri.

The maknae beamed at him, hugging his baby son gently. “Ha, wait until Dae Sung Hyung finds out he has two new playmates instead of one. He’ll be over the moon!” The two of them laughed.

TOP was by his little sister’s side, his brow ceased with worry. “Mei, don’t you ever keep such big secret from me ever again,” he said in a stern voice. But he hugged her. “You had me worried.”

“Oppa . . .” Lia pushed him away. She looked at him sheepishly. She quickly looked down. “I have another secret,” she confessed. She closed her eyes and sighed. Her breathing wasn't normal.

He frowned. “What?”

“Oh!” the doctor suddenly exclaimed that made everyone turned to look at him. “I see a new head waiting to come out!”

Before anyone could react, Lia grabbed her brother’s hand, squeezing it tight as she started to scream for the third time.

“What the hell . . .” TOP began to curse under his breath.

Triplets?!” Seung Ri and Ji Yong shrieked. When the babies in their hands began to cry even louder, they quickly kept quiet. “Sorry, sorry,” they hastily said to the little ones.

“Yah, don’t hurt my babies!” Lia yelled.

“Shut up and just concentrate on getting this baby out,” TOP scolded her.

“Yes, yes.” She pushed with all her might and she let out a scream. “Aaaahhh, Maknae Oppa, I hate you! I hate you I hate you I hate you!” she burst out.

Seung Ri was taken aback, and hurt, but Ji Yong shook his head. “She’s only saying that because it hurts,” he explained softly, “but she really loves you. And it is sort of your fault that she got pregnant.”

“I see the head!” TOP exclaimed excitedly. “Mei, just a little bit more! Hwaiting, Mei! You can do it!”

“Shut it with the pep talk, you buffoon!”

“What buffoon? Dae Sung is the buffoon,” her brother complained.

“Please let it be a girl,” Seung muttered.

“Go, Lia!” Ji Yong called out.


Lia let out a really loud sigh with relief as the pain was finally over.

“It’s a girl!”

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 32: It's so good!!! When I read the part where Lia found out a secret, and it said a 'familiar' piece of paper, I was guessing, don't tell me it got to do with regards to the father of the triplets, because authornim gave a lot of hints in the following chapters, I kinda figured it out ^^ Nevertheless, it was still very good^^

I am really enjoying this story, and I am wondering what's going to happen in the next book ^^
Chapter 32: BOah gosh i really have all the books now is number 5 the next u are really great author nim
Chapter 32: Thanks for this fic, PocketSize!!! I like this fic!!!
I knew the triplet's father is Ji Yong!!!! kekekekekekekeke and the wedding was so beautiful!!!! ^_^
bb2ne1jp #4
yay gd and lia are married! weee~ damn soojin you be balling first with gd and now TOP. /jeliz/ LMFAO but they're children are sooo cute. kwan young reminds me of seungri causing trouble hehehe
OMG IT FINISHED????!!!!! <br />
It was awesum and I can't wait to read the fifth ''book''..~^^<br />
4th book finished?<br />
Cant wait for next book<br />
hope top will end up with soo jin
BigBang_VIP - hehehe, read on and find out! :D<br />
kpop_love_you - same here! (:<br />
lovis89 - heh >.< at least, right?? :D don't worry, I'll make sure Seung Ri gets a happy ending in the next story (:
lovis89 #8
well at least soo jin is with TOP *.* killer eyes stare lmao
YaaaaaaaaY! :) It's so cute :) I'm glad that everything turned out so well^^<br />
BigBang_VIP #10
Awwww that was cute!! :D What's gonna happen next?? :P