Chapter IV

Nightmares from My Past

Things are not really easy especially this day. Oct. 13, how can I possibly forget it? It still feels like it happen yesterday.

After one hour of being alone in the roof top. I finally calm myself down. But I heard someone entering the roof top door. I already know it was him.

“Why do you keep entering my life?” I know it’s not really nice way of greeting but…

“It’s not like that. I really wan to help you.” I don’t need it. I really hate the feel of pity.

“You can’t.” In a very low voice.

“Trust me.” He turn me around and kiss me lightly on the lips.

It felt warm. It felt nice but it’s not right.

“What are you doing?” I push him away.

“What do you think?” I have no idea.

“Stealing kisses from other people. It’s not really nice.” Screaming at him like there is no tomorrow. But he’s satisfying himself by laughing?

Yup, chuckling, is that even the appropriate way of responding after stealing a kiss from me? I officially hate him.

See? You trust me.“ Why did he say that? “When I kiss you, you didn’t even dodge or reacted, you stayed in that position.” No I didn’t. “Admit it or not but I know you like it.” Where is his confidence coming from?

“Ania! It’s not true.” But I can feel my face as red as tomato.

“You. Are. Really. Cute.” Omo, somebody please stop this guy. Or should I stop myself first? “Are you going to visit your brother today?” he’s now sitting comfortably beside me.

“Yes, after school.” I also did the same thing.

“You must have love your brother that much.” Yes, of course. After what he did to save me. He did suffer a lot.

“Besides my Mom, he is the only person who showed me my importance.” One of the reasons why I can’t let him go.

“Why?” my life… it has been complicated from the start.

“It’s a long story.” A weak smile.

His eyes show sincerity and trust. But… it’s… I really admire his eyes. What am I saying?

“Then… make it short.” A short one?

“Okay. Well... my Dad walked out on us the day after I was born. My Mom told me he doesn’t want responsibility. Oppa was 5 years old back then.” My life is super sad. “Me and Oppa have different surnames, he was a Kim and I’m a Kwan. My Mom doesn’t want me to follow Dad’s family name.” that’s why some people think differently towards us. “Until that day, 5 years ago. I mean, this day. He took him away from me. He is only one. The only person who thought I’m his everything.” Side tears are appearing.

“If you don’t want to continue you can stop now.” Giving me his handkerchief. “To be fair, I’ll also tell you my story.” His background story?

“I have a Hyung, he’s 7 years older than me. I don’t know where he is right now. I haven’t seen him for 10 years. My parents think I’m useless, that’s why they’re kicking me out. They threaten Hyung that he will never see me again if we persist in seeing each other. They said, I’ll just him.” He also bear from the pain and loneliness. “I’m trying and working my best right now so they won’t neglect me and I can finally meet my brother again.” You can also stop now.

“Won’t you go to any class?” I started changing the topic.

“I want to be with you.” He is now sleeping on my lap.

“What… what are you do-ing?” his closing his eyes.

“Let me sleep in your lap.” I can’t say no now.

I let him nap contentedly on my lap for the entire day. But I forgot that I should not be too comfortable with anyone. I already sense trouble on me. But why is he pestering me? Why me? To all of those beautiful girls, with his charming features, he can have any girl he wants. But… why me?

“Hyun Joong-sshi?” shaking every bits of his body. “Time to wake up.” he open his eyes but close it again. 
“Op- Hyun Joong-sshi. Wake up!” I almost said the wrong word.

“Call me Oppa first.” You wish.

“You’re asking for to much.” I push him to stand up.

“I’’ go down first.” But he grab me.

“What?” his not forcing me but why don’t I free myself?

“You’re not stopping me?” What’s this feeling? He made me face him and gave me a hug! “I’m interested in you.” He whispered it to my ear.

“Oppa!” someone entered the roof top. “Oppa? Yeon You-” Sung rin? “You ty ! What the hell are you doing clinging yourself to Oppa?” she cam running towards us.

He hid me on his back and, “Sung Rin calm yourself down. We are not doing anything wrong. You are the one thinking different.” Then she stops on the middle.

“Oppa! Why are you doing this?” I held I tight grip on his uniform while I was watching Sung Rin go hysterical.

“Look. Just leave. If you don’t like what you are seeing.” His protecting me. That’s it. That’s what I am going yo call it. Is this a show?

“You!” pointing at me. “You are going to do it again are you? Do you know why your brother got killed? BECAUSE OF YOU!” then she walks away.

Is it my fault? How come… Oppa? I don’t know now… what should I believe. I need to leave now.

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
wow...its very NICE!
aiyo kollfen~ be waiting for update! btw, what to scare abt her n hyun joong together? people might be shock though~ haha
I'll update tomorrow!
@Forever_SS501 Literally, yes. I need money to publish JUST ONE COPY for me. I only need one copy and keep it as a MEMORY.
Forever_SS501 #5
update soon... Uh-mm so you have to pay to publish your book?????.....
@Forever_SS501 If i have enough money, I will. It will be updated today. Just wait. :)
Forever_SS501 #7
update soon... sorry i hand't read... bein too busy... So you will publish your book???... ^0^ ....anxious to read it.. lol.. really i'm :)
@JJongcifer Tomorrow I'll update. Sorry I have been really tired this days that's why I don't update the much. But tomorrow, I have already work on it. All it's left is typing it and posting. :)<br />
Thanks for reading anyways.
@Forever_SS501 Yup, it was suppose to be my Anniversary Project but it was postponed due to many reasons. Have you already read the whole part? Sorry, i only saw your comment today. Thank you for commenting.