Chapter VI Part II:

Nightmares from My Past


Chapter VI Part II:

I was chewing my food all through. I wanted to hurry but I don’t want to choke myself. “What are they talking about?” I drop some food on the table. “I know it’s more or less about me but I feel uncomfortable.” It was really mess now.


“Yeon Young how many hours do you need?” I drop the fork due to sudden shockness.


“Aigoo~ Amma! Don’t do that.” I have to pick up the fork first.


“He’s waiting for you. Is 2 hours enough?” What for?


“De, I guess so…” I was confuse.


“Are you done? Go wash up.” Getting my plate of the table.


I don’t understand why she’s rushing me. Is there anything wrong?


“You’re still here?” when I walk up back to my room to take a bath.


He did this chuckling thing that he always do. “I’ll wait for you.” Before doing a smile.


After 2 hours:

“I’m done.” I have wear something nice.


“You should have wore something simple.” Am I overdress?


“She looks cute.” What mom’s usually do.


“Arayo. I have known that already. Ready?” for what?


“Where are we going?” I was backing out.


“On a date.” My eyes widened.


“You should have told me earlier.” I was suggesting a no. “Amma. Are you sure? Do you trust him?” I was unsure of anything.


“Just trust yourself.” Giving me my bag. “And no matter what happens, trust him.” he has sense the mother-daughter moment so he went out first. “If you really like him don’t be afraid of telling or showing it.” fixing my hair. “Your past may be in there…” in my head “but your future will always be in you.” it means I will do the decisions? “Don’t let that nightmare ruin your chances of being happy.” she’s right.


“Kumawo.” kissing my Mom on the cheeks. “Bye Bye.”


I saw him sitting on the bench in the front yard. He must be thinking of something. He look so peaceful from ym view. “Oppa.” slowly but calmly.


When he saw he came near me and gave me a hug, “Thank you.” then he let me go. “Kaja.” Holding my hand.


We went outside I saw a car, “You can drive?” he has the key.


“As you can see I have the keys and the car with me.” Showing off. “And I’m already 20. Can’t I have license?” he has a point. “Get in.” opening the car door for me.


“Thank you.” And he entered on the driver seat. “I thought you were thrown out?” it might be little off but curiosity.


“I was thrown out.” he starts the engine. “But you see, I’m still their son so they are still responsible. It’s a little something for me.” aigoo~


“You are not over doing it are you?” we were already on the highway.


“Not much.” He’s focusing. “I should be spoiling as much as I want since they don’t want me.” I can’t believe it. “It is handy is it?” throwing this smile.


“You’re so full of yourself.” I know he heard me even if it is low enough.


“Anio.” I chuckled.


We have arrive at thus place, it’s really peaceful. “Where are we?” he stopped the car.


“Just go out and look.” And I followed.


It was a greenhouse. A really big one. It’s naturedly and you will feel like floating n it. I was stun and I know he has planned something before hand.


“Follow me.” I was mesmerized. I am enjoying every minute.


“Where did you find this place?” it’s really fragrant.


“I have known this long before.” He has a basket with him.


“Only me and my brother knows this place.” In the middle there was a big tree. “And now you.” I feel honored. “Sit here.” I was just amaze.


“Thanks.” I have been saying that in a while. “Letting me know your place.” I don’t know if I should tell him about the house. “But like you I also have a special place only Oppa and me knows.” helping him out. “You cook this?” there was a bunch of food.


“No.” it’s like seeing him for the first time.


“Why did you bring me here?” again out of curiosity.


“I wonder why.” He was looking at me like straight in the eyes. “But you know, I have learned something from your Mom.” so they did talk.


“Like what?” I’m not sure if he’s going to tell me.


“It’s a secret.” handing out some food to me. “Eat this.” It’s uhm, I don’t know what it is. But it’s a foreign food. “When I’m here, I feel honest to myself.” Yup, the atmosphere is like that. “It’s like relieving me in any problem or negative thing I have.”


“I have never been honest to myself.” We’re opening to one another. “When I was a kid, I got severely criticized.” It’s a very touching story actually. “They thought that because of me my Dad left us. The reason why me and my brother have different surnames was because I’m not my Dad’s.” that’s the first time, “Oppa almost killed someone to protect me from those malicious rumors.” I was staring at the big tree in the middle. “That merely was the reason why I let that foundation of us grew even further.” I was just staring blankly and I continued, “Nobody likes him when he’s mad. The day, when he died, it’s the first time I ever saw him so weak and so mad at the same time.”


“What was he like?” he seems, “When you’re with him. What do you feel?” interested to Oppa now.


“He’s handsome, basically, super charming, really nice, loveable, caring understanding.” I know it’s not enough. “But when you made him mad, I swear, you should run.”


“Do you think I could surpass him?” it’s hard to say.


“Nope.” But, “You can always have a special place” in my heart.


“I want to know what happen 5 years ago.” He should have known that by now. “It’s different from stories I have heard than from you.”


“There is always time for everything. I’ll tell you later.” Eating a piece of meat.

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
wow...its very NICE!
aiyo kollfen~ be waiting for update! btw, what to scare abt her n hyun joong together? people might be shock though~ haha
I'll update tomorrow!
@Forever_SS501 Literally, yes. I need money to publish JUST ONE COPY for me. I only need one copy and keep it as a MEMORY.
Forever_SS501 #5
update soon... Uh-mm so you have to pay to publish your book?????.....
@Forever_SS501 If i have enough money, I will. It will be updated today. Just wait. :)
Forever_SS501 #7
update soon... sorry i hand't read... bein too busy... So you will publish your book???... ^0^ ....anxious to read it.. lol.. really i'm :)
@JJongcifer Tomorrow I'll update. Sorry I have been really tired this days that's why I don't update the much. But tomorrow, I have already work on it. All it's left is typing it and posting. :)<br />
Thanks for reading anyways.
@Forever_SS501 Yup, it was suppose to be my Anniversary Project but it was postponed due to many reasons. Have you already read the whole part? Sorry, i only saw your comment today. Thank you for commenting.