Chapter III

Nightmares from My Past

When I arrive at our house, I saw 2 police cars and 3 more other. “Wow, I made something big.” I was nervous because of what I did but not regretting. “I’m home.”

“Where the hell did you go?” I saw the school Principal, my class adviser and Ms. Shawn with 4 policemen. “Do you know how worried am I?” My mom is screaming at me.

“Jongmal mianhae Amma. But I went where Oppa is.” Isn’t it a little scary?

“What are you talking about?” It’s the house. I wish I could just say it so it won’t sound ‘suicide’ to them.

“It’s a secret.” I have to low my voice when I said that. “Mr. Andres, sorry for causing trouble. Mr. Marcos sorry also. Ms. Shawn.” I bow to them. “Ahjusshi sorry. Amma just get hysterical sometimes.” I bow 90 degrees to them because I did cause their time.

“You may all go now.” My mom lead them the way out.

“I’m in trouble am I?” she’s looking at me in a disappointed-angry gaze.

“You are not in trouble. I’m just really, really, really upset with your actions.” I know but I can’ handle the pain. “I heard what happen. I understand, but like I told you…”

“… mines different. I know. Arrayo!” but my Mom chuckled. “What’s funny?” What did I do?

“You sound like a rebellious kid. Like your brother.” What needs to be so happy about that? “I’m really happy. You are starting to change.” I know. But why don’t I feel weird at all?

“So… Am I clear now?” I hope it’s a yes.

“Yes you are.” Happy. “I heard you have a new cute, handsome, smart classmate? Do you happen to know him?” Hyung Joong-sshi? Wait… did I just admit he’s cute, handsome and smart? Anio…

“Mom!” it’s really embarrassing.

I went back to my room and lie down on my bed. “Tomorrow is the day. It’s been 5 years; I guess... it’s time. Oppa, ottoke?” I stared at the ceiling for the time being before I knew it, I was already asleep.

“Dongsaengie, think of something else.” What?
“Today is the day.” The day…
“The day you lost me. The day you lost yours. The day you and me got separated.” My most hated day. I curse this day. If I could possibly erase this day in the calendar, I would.


When I woke up that morning, I found myself tearing up. There are tears from the former of my eyes. I don’t want to close my eyes because I’m afraid I’ll see that scene again. But even if it open I can still see it.

5 years ago:
”Oppa let’s just walk home.” Cause he wanted to drive the car.
“But it’s dangerous. It’s already late at night.” I’m not afraid cause I know he’ll protect me.
“Jebal.” A cute pleading action will do.
“Okay.” It always work.
On our way back home I notice 5 guys behind us. “Oppa someone is following us.” I started to get scared.
“I know. Don’t look like you know.” He quickly made me walk in front.
“Excuse me but can we talk to you.” One of them.
“Oppa do you know them?” Why did I bother ask? I know he doesn’t know them. “Yah! Oppa.” Two of them started holding me.
“Don’t touch her.” He then use his fist for them to let go of me. Luckily, Oppa is really good at fighting.
“Continue what you do. You don’t know what will happen to your loving sister.” They pointed a knife under my neck. What am I doing? Causing my brother to get all weak. I should have…

“Yeon Young wake up!” I forgot school. I quickly went out. I want to talk to Mom. I don’t want to go to school today.

“Can I skip school?” as soon as I sat down. My eyes are pretty swollen.

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
wow...its very NICE!
aiyo kollfen~ be waiting for update! btw, what to scare abt her n hyun joong together? people might be shock though~ haha
I'll update tomorrow!
@Forever_SS501 Literally, yes. I need money to publish JUST ONE COPY for me. I only need one copy and keep it as a MEMORY.
Forever_SS501 #5
update soon... Uh-mm so you have to pay to publish your book?????.....
@Forever_SS501 If i have enough money, I will. It will be updated today. Just wait. :)
Forever_SS501 #7
update soon... sorry i hand't read... bein too busy... So you will publish your book???... ^0^ ....anxious to read it.. lol.. really i'm :)
@JJongcifer Tomorrow I'll update. Sorry I have been really tired this days that's why I don't update the much. But tomorrow, I have already work on it. All it's left is typing it and posting. :)<br />
Thanks for reading anyways.
@Forever_SS501 Yup, it was suppose to be my Anniversary Project but it was postponed due to many reasons. Have you already read the whole part? Sorry, i only saw your comment today. Thank you for commenting.