Chapter VI Part III:

Nightmares from My Past


“Can you drop me off at some place later?” after we finish eating.


“Where?” secret.


“You’ll know later.” Getting the book he brought. “I didn’t know you read stuffs like this.” It’s a novel. “I love reading books, especially Novels.”


“When I’m bored I do reading or sports.” He’s cleaning the mess. “How about you help me first?” throwing a look at me. “So after this we can leave.”


“Sorry.” I did it on purpose. “I thought you don’t need my help anymore.” I put down the book. “Do you want me to start now on what happen 5 years ago?” he stop all of a sudden. Evevnthough I wasn’t entirely looking at him, “But I’ll tell you the wonderful ending later.” I admit, I tried to smile.


“Okay then.” continuing his work, “Start.”


5 Years Ago:

”Oppa let’s just walk home.” Cause he wanted to drive the car.

“But it’s dangerous. It’s already late at night.” I’m not afraid cause I know he’ll protect me.

“Jebal.” A cute pleading action will do.

“Okay.” It always work.

On our way back home I notice 5 guys behind us. “Oppa someone is following us.” I started to get scared.

“I know. Don’t look like you know.” He quickly made me walk in front.

“Excuse me but can we talk to you.” One of them.

“Oppa do you know them?” Why did I bother ask? I know he doesn’t know them. “Yah! Oppa.” Two of them started holding me.

“Don’t touch her.” He then use his fist for them to let go of me. Luckily, Oppa is really good at fighting.

“Continue what you do. You don’t know what will happen to your loving sister.” They pointed a knife under my neck. What am I doing? Causing my brother to get all weak. I should have…


“Kaja.” We are done, “Tell me the place.” cleaning! “I know you have something in mind.” He sense it, when I told him the first part.


I was scared bringing him at that place. What if he left and hurt me? Or this will all end? I might lose that house. That’s the last thing I ever wanted to happen.


 “Oppa.” I was trying to calm myself.


“Yeon Young, don’t worry.” As I was trying to reach for his hand. “Just tell me what you want.” Trying not to use his fist. “If you want my money, my car ” handing them the car keys, “anything, just don’t hurt us, especially my Dongsaeng.” But they don’t want any of it.


“What if I told you…” touching my right arm. “it’s her that we want?” destroying the right sleeves of my arm.


“Oppa!” I started crying.


I sense that he has reach his limits. He threw the key and started beating up the other 3 guys. I found a way to escape and started running but the guy has a gun with him and I heard him clutching that it is ready to be use.


“If you don’t comeback he’ll die in front of you.” I saw him kneeling on the ground with his hand on his stomach.


“Just go.” in the middle of his pain. “I’ll be okay.”


“Stop here.” We have reach our destination. “Just follow me.” After I went out of the car. “You might get lost.” He held my hand.


“I’m sure I won’t get lost.” The way is pretty tricky.


After walking for about 5 mins., we finally reach the house. “Welcome to our home.” Me and Oppa’s.


“He built you a house?!” he was stun seeing it.


I doubted on escaping all on my own. I mean I know I can just call for a police but the chances of him getting killed first… I won’t take any risk!


“Yeon Young.” He was telling me to go.


“Missy think twice.” Everyone now is holding a baseball bat.


They started hitting him with it.


“No!” I was heavily crying. “I’ll stay, don’t hurt him anymore.” I wish someone would help us.


“Come here.” Pushing me towards him.


I was looking at my brother, he’s bleeding from all those strike he had, “Are you okay?”


“Do you have to ask?” trying to stand up.


“We won’t hurt him anymore.” I don’t know, “Trust me.” That’s why I don’t believe in that word anymore.


“He didn’t built me a house.” Hitting him on the shoulders. “It’s just, it’s the only place where we can be normal.” Getting the spare key.


“Wait.” He pause in the middle. “Are you committing a taboo with your brother?!” What kind of thinking is that?


“Are you crazy?!” I almost drop the key. “What I’m saying is that we can be normal people.” Opening the door. “Without people doubting our relationship.”


“Say it clearly.” He’s still in his position.


“Come in.” pulling him inside. I opened the lights and, “I’m sorry for the inconvenience.” I haven’t clean it yet. “I don’t do clean-up.”


“You care too much for your brother.” Pulling me closer to him.


“He’s hurt.” Trying to remove myself.


He push me on the wall. Cornering me against it, “So innocent.” The knife on my neck. “I like girls, especially innocent one.” Kissing me on the cheeks. I tried stopping him.


My brother ran after him and hit him as hard as he could. His pain, he step it aside, “I told you do anything JUST DON’T TOUCH HER!” holding a tight grip on my hand.


“SHUT UP!” hitting him on the back with the baseball bat. Oppa fell down.


“Oppa!” I whisper them to stop. “Don’t push yourself. They might kill you.” I saw blood on his mouth.


“I’m okay.” Spitting the blood. “Don’t act like you don’t know me.” I supported him to stand up. “Next time you find a chance to escape, GO! Don’t care about me.” It’s impossible.


“I’m not leaving you. If we die, we both will.” But he grab me again.


“Stop speaking non-sense!” pulling my hair. “You know what to do with him.” One of them started hitting him again.


“It’s cute.” Of course. “Looks like he planned all of this all along.” Not somewhat true. “Your brother, I mean Kyu Jong-sshi really knows how to make a girl happy.” He did this grin.


“What do you mean?” doing this expression.


“Nothing.” He pick up the picture beside my bed. “Forget about it. I was just kidding.” Laughing again. “You both are so cute.” I was just smiling.


“Thank you.”


“If you both are not siblings, I would have a big competition to handle.” As if…


“If we weren’t related to one another and we met by chance, I think he would be my boyfriend.” It’s like I’m falling to another world.


He did a deep sigh, “but he is your brother.” Putting back the picture, “It’s unbelievable how close you are to each other.”


“I owe him everything.”


Hitting him all over again as hard as they could. What did we do wrong? Oppa would never hurt anyone. Why are they doing this to us? His not fighting back afraid of them hurting me. There’s a gun pointing at my head and I don’t know how to act to it. He’s suffering because of me, getting weak.


“Please stop!” when he fell down and couldn’t even stand. “What did we do for you to do this to us?” I was kneeling and begging on him. “I’m pleading for you to please, don’t kill him.” My tears became more heavier.


“Stop.” All of them stop hitting him. “Kyu Jong-sshi, we are very sorry for our actions.” I lost all my energy. “Si Won paid us to kill you. To make you suffer.” He’s not even moving anymore. “You know what to do with her.”


“And that’s it.” I was preventing myself to cry. “When they finish harassing me. I don’t remember anything.” But I can’t stop them no more, “I just remember while they were doing it to me, I was looking at Oppa and I saw him lose his life and I just said to myself to let them satisfy. I’ll end up dead anyways.” The tears happen to appear.


“What kind of being would do that to a girl?” hugging me. “I shouldn’t have ask you for that story.” Continuing on hugging me, “I’m so sorry. I thought we are the same but you bear more pain than I.” wiping the tears away from my eyes. “Let’s go home.”

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m0zarts0nata-- #1
wow...its very NICE!
aiyo kollfen~ be waiting for update! btw, what to scare abt her n hyun joong together? people might be shock though~ haha
I'll update tomorrow!
@Forever_SS501 Literally, yes. I need money to publish JUST ONE COPY for me. I only need one copy and keep it as a MEMORY.
Forever_SS501 #5
update soon... Uh-mm so you have to pay to publish your book?????.....
@Forever_SS501 If i have enough money, I will. It will be updated today. Just wait. :)
Forever_SS501 #7
update soon... sorry i hand't read... bein too busy... So you will publish your book???... ^0^ ....anxious to read it.. lol.. really i'm :)
@JJongcifer Tomorrow I'll update. Sorry I have been really tired this days that's why I don't update the much. But tomorrow, I have already work on it. All it's left is typing it and posting. :)<br />
Thanks for reading anyways.
@Forever_SS501 Yup, it was suppose to be my Anniversary Project but it was postponed due to many reasons. Have you already read the whole part? Sorry, i only saw your comment today. Thank you for commenting.