
Seeking Happiness

"Vegetables! We need Vegetables!" Bora ran to the Produce section in the grocery store, leaving Wooyoung alone with the shopping cart. He hurriedly pushed the cart to catch up with her. "Yah! Why do you run so fast?" 

She grabbed kimchi, onions, garlic, ginger, and scallions, tossing it into the cart before moving to where the fruits would be. "Yeah, we're gonna' need that... and that... and that..." Wooyoung whined. "Why so many vegetables? "Bora stuck her tongue out at him. "Why so many questions?" Bora had put various fruits such as mangoes, apples, oranges and bananas into the cart. "These are good and healthy! Watermelon is the best for summer!" She said as she struggled to carry the watermelon. 
Bora continued to place items into the cart. By now, they had tofu, chili paste and bean paste as well. Wooyoung stared at the ingredients, trying to make out what she would make. "Kimchi Jjigae?" 
Bora turned around, somewhat in shock. "How did you know?" 
"My mom used to make it a lot. It's actually one of my favourites! So it better be good!" 
Bora gave him a stern look. "Of course it will be! Are you doubting me? Hmph." She pretended to be mad and ignore him while looking for more food. 
"Pork belly, yes. Salmon, yes." She placed the meat carefully into the cart. "Oppa, do you have soju at home?"
"Yes I do!"
"Sesame oil?"
"Alright!" Bora grabbed the last two ingredients that she needed. 
As they were in line to checkout, Bora remembered something. "Oppa! Go get me a bag of rice! Please! I can't lift it because it's too heavy." 
Wooyoung came back just in time with the bag of rice. They paid for everything and went back to his place. 
"With all this food, it'll probably last you until Christmas!" Bora reloaded the fridge, placing her hands on her hips in satisfaction as she looked at how it was full of food now. Wooyoung came up behind her, surprising her with a back hug again. "Thanks, babe." He turned his head to the side slightly to place his lips on her cheek. He could feel Bora's body heat up and she wiggled out of his grip. Bora shrugged it off, but she really liked it. His lips were soft and it felt great against her skin. "Alright! You can go enjoy while I get some work done!" 
Wooyoung smiled; he couldn't help it. He never had a girl cook for him. As he looked at her silhouette from behind, he really couldn't stop smiling. He was so amazed by Bora and at himself. He enjoyed having one woman by his side instead of playing with multiple girls constantly. He took a seat on the couch and watched a movie while Bora cooked. It was only 4 in the afternoon but Wooyoung was starving; he couldn't wait to see what Bora was making for him.
Bora wiped her sweat with her forearm. Making the stew required hot temperatures, and it was really, really hot. While waiting for the stew to boil, Bora decided to make the rice. She cooked the salmon first and chopped it into smaller pieces. Then, added rice, soya sauce, and sesame oil. Once the rice was finished, Bora added tofu to the stew and turned the high heat to a simmer. She plated the rice and added roasted seaweed flakes and fried a sunny side up egg. That dish was finished! It was simple, but Bora loved it. She brought it out to put on the table. Wooyoung ran to go sit down. "You can look! But no eating yet!" Bora ran back into the kitchen to finish her stew. Once it had finished, she added some chopped scallion on the top. "Perfect!" She had a wide smile on her face when she looked at what she made. "Uh, oppa! Can you help me please?" Wooyoung walked in to her pointing to the heavy pot. He brought it out for her while she set the table. 
The two sat across from each other at the table. "Rice, and Kimchi Stew! Enjoy!" Wooyoung immediately dug in; he took a spoonful of the stew and closed his eyes to enjoy the savoury taste. "Omo, this is even better than my own mother's!" Bora blushed and shook her head. "Aniya! No way." 
"Really, Bora! This is so good!" He continued to eat happily. Wooyoung was with the girl of his dreams, and he got to eat amazing food; that she made just for him. 
Seeing how happy Wooyoung was when he ate the food she made, made Bora feel warm on the inside. It made her feel great and she wanted to feel this feeling forever. 
After they finished eating, Bora volunteered to wash the dishes. Wooyoung sat and watched her, and he could only think of how incredible she was. She cooks, she cleans, and she's so beautiful. Her face, and her body. Wow. But most importantly, she makes me so happy. He thought to himself. 
Wooyoung laid onto his couch comfortably and signaled for Bora to join him when she finished. He held her close as they lay down. "Thank you so much for today." He pressed his soft lips on her forehead as a token of thanks. "Any time, oppa." Wooyoung took a deep breath before he spoke the next line. "You know, I really like you."
(Betcha thought it was done here! Nope, it's not. There's still more! So, enjoy!) 
Bora looked up at him, blinking her eyes multiple times to try to comprehend what he said. She wasn't sure what kind of like he meant. "Really?" Her voice was soft and hopeful. 
"Really. I really like you, a lot, Bora." That's when all the feelings poured out.
"Nobody has ever really been there for me like you did; when my mom passed. I'm sure she's proud of me now, seeing that I'm with you." He paused. They weren't really together, but he wanted them to be. "I'm not good with relationships, but you make me want to be the best that I can. You make me smile, laugh; you make me happy. I just don't want to push you, because I know your situation and I don't want to rush. But if you're ready... would you like to be my girlfriend?" 
She gazed into his eyes as he spoke and she knew it was sincere. It made her so proud to see him opening up to her. He was no longer the arrogant and stubborn Wooyoung that she knew when they had first met. She nodded and moved up a little to lean closer to him, her lips meeting his. He pulled away quickly to verify that this was real. "You sure, Bora?" She nodded once again. "I know that with you by my side, I can get over anything." She gave him a warm and reassuring smile. She had already pushed away all the old memories of Taecyeon and was only looking forward to happy times with Wooyoung. 
They stayed in each other's arms for a few minutes before Bora decided to go home. It was a long day and she was tired, plus, she needed to update Tiffany! "Thank you for the amazing day, boyfriend." Bora teased. She kissed him once again before driving off. 
"FAAAAAAAANY! GUESS WHAAAAAAAAT~?!" Bora walked in to Tiffany and Nichkhun cuddling on the couch. "OMO! I, uh— I didn't know, uhm, that this... was a, thing. Wow!" 
Both Nichkhun and Tiffany shot up and sat straight, their faces flushing red. 
"So, what is it, Bora?" Tiffany asked.
"Wooyoung and I—"
Nichkhun and Tiffany held hands and jumped up and down before Bora could even finish. 
"YOU'RE DATING! WOOOO~!" The couple cheered.
"How did you—"
"The attraction between you two was way too obvious." Nichkhun stated.
Bora raised an eyebrow. "Unlike you two!" 
Tiffany giggled before congratulating her best friend. "I'm so happy for you!" She shrieked in excitement.
It was now the two girls' turn to hold hands and jump for celebration.
"I know, he makes me happy too." Bora concluded.
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Chapter 18: AAAHHH update please!!!
Khairol #2
Chapter 18: please...?
parvitasari #3
Chapter 18: Lets make wooyoung n nickhun jealous.. many guys on the club hitting their girlfriend.. but in the end there are cute y make up moments..
Update soon..
Chapter 17: I'll always waiting for your update! This is sweet:))
bora25 #5
Chapter 17: Awww so sweet :3
Omg im feeling all fluffy from reading the last two chapters~
Chapter 16: yaaaay i'm liking this story
parvitasari #8
Chapter 16: You are such a teaser author nim.. but yay they're together now.. this chapter is awesome..
cutiepiesehun #9
looks good!
azecaca #10
Chapter 15: I really like your story ! And the back hug is SO sweet ! You ve got a fan here