Ninth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

She must’ve collapsed after have given that tree all that electricity, because the second her eyes flew open the sky was dark. Luckily enough had the pain vanished somewhere along the time when she was passed out. Stretching her body she felt the snow envelop her, the girl was lying on a bed of it. Though, there was a slight problem to it, since her body was warm it’d caused the snow around her to melt, thus causing the clothes to get wet and stick to her body.

A low groan slipped from her lips as she stood up, water was trickling from Eyoon’s hair and down her face and body. It would take hours before it would be all dry again. And for her to be out there, all alone in the darkness was not something she wanted, especially not after that day when that man had his disgusting hands on her. Even being with Niel was better than staying outside. So, without having a choice Eyoon began to head back to their apartment. But it was not without getting glances and weird looks from the ones she passed by. It didn’t really actually bother her, she’d somewhat gotten used to have humans stare at her. They must think that she’s really weird, walking around with no shoes and only a thin blouse on her upper body.

“Girly, why don’t you come with me, oppa will treat you really well.” a man did suddenly pop up right next to her, he scared her so much that she almost immediately started to run. The last thing Eyoon wanted to experience was to have another man’s hands all over her body. No one had the right to touch her. The queen had specifically told her that no male was supposed to touch her in any way, and if. Then the girl had every right to finish them off. Even so, how could she simply just kill someone, it was as if the queen thought that humans had no value.

Once she managed to reach the correct entrance she took the staircase, just like when she headed down. Teen Top’s apartment was located on the tenth floor, something that caused her to be a bit out of breath when she knocked on the door. Seconds passed by and Eyoon found herself wondering whether it was the correct door or not. That or they were not there. The relieve that swept over her when hearing a lock click was abruptly cut short when another door was opened and a older woman stepped out. “I’m sorry but I think they left a few hours ago.” no, they couldn’t have left.

Letting a pout grow on her lips she sank down against the wall. Eyoon didn’t have the code to that stupid lock. In other terms, she would have to wait until they came home. “You are going to get sick if you’re walking around like that, wait there.” the woman reentered her apartment before she soon enough came back whilst holding onto something. “Here you go. This will keep you a little warmer.” Eyoon gratefully took the blanket and wrapped it around herself. Indeed, it was warmer, almost to the point where it became uncomfortable, mainly because of the fact that her clothes were soaking wet.

“If I were you, I would head home. They will probably not come back for hours.” Eyoon’s eyes rounded in disappointment, she had nowhere else to go. The room which she’d been promised at Yoosung’s place was still not completely finished. So, as of the moment did the girl spend her time at Teen Top’s apartment. With no other option but to stay put Eyoon told her that she was going to be fine. “Well then, you can leave the blanket at the door when you leave.” She was left alone after that. The woman returned to her door and locked it behind her.

Heaving a sigh Eyoon decided to ring the doorbell this time. She couldn’t just sit around there and wait for them to come back. Her stomach rumbled; the girl was craving for food. Just as she was going to sit back down Eyoon heard footstep’s creeping closer and closer towards the door. She got so taken aback when the door flung open that she literally jumped onto the person, her arms entangled around the still unknown boy, “Eyoon.” Changjo’s voice met her ears and she felt her heart beat a little faster. Eyoon had gotten so happy that she didn’t even think about what she was doing.

“Sorry.” The word came out as a low mumble as she withdrew herself completely. “What have you been doing, we got really worried when you just disappeared like that and didn’t come back. We thought you ran away.” he let a small, slightly awkward smile paint his lips as he glanced down on her. His eyes widened when seeing the condition the clothes were in, and how much of her body that Eyoon was actually showing.

Changjo’s cheeks flushed red, she was showing every part of her upper body, except for her chest, which luckily enough was shielded with a bra. The boy grabbed her by the arm and pulled her inside, it wouldn’t look good if someone saw them together, especially not in the state that Eyoon was, and with the clothes she was wearing. “Wait, I forgot the blanket.” She was about to rush out and get it when Changjo reached out and let his hand circle around her wrist. “I’ll get it, you stay here.”

Eyoon wanted to get out of the soaked clothes. Grabbing onto the hem of her blouse she pulled it over her head, and just as she was about to start undoing her bra Changjo’s voice interrupted her, “What are you doing?” the girl turned around to face him, something that didn’t really ease the blush growing on the boy’s cheeks. It was the first time he saw a half girl. “Taking this off, it’s uncomfortable.” Eyoon replied whilst trying to figure out how to get the bra off. Changjo could literally feel how his heart nearly jumped out of his chest at the sight. His hormones were raging, but even he knew how wrong it would be to just pounce on the girl.

To make it even worse the door lock clicked behind him, it could only mean one thing; that the rest of the members were coming home. Rushing over to the said girl he instinctively wrapped his arms around her exposed body. Changjo couldn’t let them see her like that. Not only because it would embarrass Eyoon, but also because he sort of had a crush on her. Plus, the boy was pretty certain that he was not the only one who liked her.

“Changjo di –WHAA.” The girl was already confused by what Changjo was doing, though, when a few other voices joined in she became, if possible, even more confused. “What’s going on h – OMG, Changjo?” The one speaking, well, shouting was none other than Ricky, “Seems like our maknae isn’t so innocent after all.” Eyoon didn’t like how everyone was talking; it was like she didn’t even exist. Slightly irritated she brushed Changjo’s hands off of her before stepping to the side, thus causing everyone’s attention to shift towards her.

No one said anything; they were all just staring at her. “Is something wrong?” she couldn’t understand why they were acting so weird. Okay, she knew that leaving earlier without a word was maybe not the most polite thing. But seriously, they could at least say something, “Yah, what the hell.” Niel’s sudden outburst made her jump and the girl moved to stand behind Changjo. Peering over the boy’s shoulder Eyoon caught Niel’s gaze. What had she done this time to cause such a reaction?

“Look, I haven’t done anything. Eyoon did it on her own.” The boy shielding her defended himself. Though, during the time he spoke Eyoon had her eyes settled on Niel. The older boy’s eyes flamed with anger when Changjo came to the part that she’d undressed herself. Eyoon’s eyes widened and her pulse raced when Niel suddenly advanced towards her. The girl got so scared that she unconsciously let her hands grab onto Changjo’s shirt.

“Hyung just let her be. I think you’ve scared her enough already.” The maknae was not fond of the way his hyung was treating Eyoon. He didn’t like it at all, “You.” Niel was calm, but his heart was pounding in a way he hated. The boy was raging, yet did something else bother him. The girl wouldn’t look at him; she’d buried her face into the back of Changjo’s shirt. Eyoon froze when feeling how skin came in contact with her arm.

“Niel let her be, manager told us to get to bed early. You know we are going out of town tomorrow to perform.” But Niel wouldn’t listen to the leader, he was not happy about the way everyone treated her. It was like they thought Eyoon was the cutest, most beautiful and innocent girl they’d ever met. Tugging at her arm he forced her to part from his younger band member.

Everything happened so fast after that. Eyoon barely got the time to react before she found herself pressed up against something hard. Niel was suddenly standing in front of her, a smirk evident on his lips as he stared down on her. The girl’s heart was beating so frenetically that she couldn’t even meet his gaze. Her upper body was still only covered by a bra, and to have him so close was making her uncomfortable. “Maybe we should finish of what you started.” Her eyes snapped up to meet his, she couldn’t remember that she’d started anything.

Niel inched closer, his lips almost brushing against her cheek as he spoke, “Do you think deceiving Changjo will get you anywhere.” He scoffed. But deep down Niel was a bit hesitant. Changjo would probably do whatever she told him. For all he knew, the rest of the members would probably do so as well, everyone but him. “I wasn’t, the blouse was drenched in water, just like the rest of my clothes.” Niel looked down, something that he found as a rather stupid idea because his eyes focused on her chest. He was a teenage boy; hormones were living their life inside him. “Niel?” she voiced out his name, but it came out as nothing more but than a mere whisper.

“NIEL, OPEN THE DAMN DOOR.” Eyoon’s pulse skyrocketed when hearing Changjo’s shout. Though, her attention shifted very fast back to the boy in front of her, he’d raised his gaze again, “Niel?” she was not too fond about the way he was looking at her. He was actually scaring her. That awful feeling grew inside Eyoon, the defense mechanism was beginning. Electricity was starting to spark within her, something that meant that she needed to stay calm. Whatever he did, she had to just work herself through it.

“I’M COMING IN.” the maknae added on before she heard how he worked on getting the door open. His lips were just about to come in contact with hers when she saw how Niel was pulled away. Eyoon could barely even believe the sight of him lying on the floor. Instead of it being Niel standing in front of her it was Changjo. “Are you okay?” he asked, concern filling out every word and she gave him a slight nod in return. She was about as okay that she could in that situation.

“Come on, Ricky got you some new clothes, they are in the bathroom together with two towels. If you’re hungry there’s some food in the refrigerator which you can just heat up.” he was being so nice to her, much nicer than Niel. Eyoon was relieved that not all of them were like Niel. “Ah, right, you can take my bed tonight.” Huh, she raised her gaze to meet his, “but where are you going to sleep?” were they going to share bed or what?

“I can sleep on the couch, I don’t mind.”

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)