Fifth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

Her eyes snapped open, the feeling of the unforgiving electricity was still rooted within her veins. She’d taken all the pain, and all that to spare that stupid boy’s life. If it weren’t for the fact that she hated when the queen killed humans then she would’ve probably let him die. Maybe, well, Eyoon was still slightly confused to why she’d even let herself get so worked up. His words shouldn’t have meant so much to her.

As she moved her body a loud scream slipped past her lips, Eyoon was still sore, and despite that the girl’s body was a bit more resistible to the huge amount of electricity that’d passed through her body it still hurt. Footsteps came towards her and before she knew it the whole space around her was filled. Though, she couldn’t spot Niel anywhere.

“Are you okay?” no, she was not okay. Eyoon could literally feel how every part of her body was burning. Despite that electricity had left the after match of her power was still there. Nodding her head once she told them that she was okay. The last thing the girl wanted was for them to find out what she was. Problems would only arise if that were to happen. “Niel said you just collapsed, he didn’t hurt you right?”

As if on accord did Niel’s voice boom inside the cramped space, “I didn’t hurt her, I barely touched her at all.” he was upset, how could his own members even think that he would ever hurt a girl, it was totally absurd. He admitted that the girl was annoying, but to hurt her, never. “I –he, I don’t know what happened.” Despite that Eyoon knew very well what’d taken place she acted as if she didn’t.

“I’m going out.” Niel’s voice interrupted her train of thoughts and she stared in the direction of where the voice came from, though, the girl couldn’t see him. “Yah, where are you going, manager said that we should stay here.” She understood quite instantly that something was wrong; Eyoon could literally feel the tension in the air. In haste did she sit up, her head was spinning but Eyoon was determined. She had to do something about the whole ordeal of Niel hating her.

But before she even managed to take a step forward did a hand grasp onto her arm, thus forcing her to stop in her actions, “you should stay in bed.” Eyoon glanced up on the boy, his facial features were hard, and it didn’t match the soft voice he’d used to voice out his words. A sigh slipped past her lips and she stared ahead of her, somewhat hoping that Niel would enter and talk to her. Letting her head drop she retreated, there was no use in trying to escape, not when all of them were watching.

Once back in the bed Eyoon watched how the five boys gave her a wary look, “stay there.” after that sentence had been uttered they left. But they didn’t close the door behind, thus leaving her to hear every single word they spoke, something that could’ve been rather fun if it hadn’t been for the fact that Niel was there. His words were anything but amusing. They were just straight down mean, “When is hyung coming back?”

“I don’t know. He would send a text when he was leaving.” Eyoon listened to the conversation, and despite that there were a few words she didn’t really understand she still managed to put together the most of it. At that moment she was glad that she’d paid attention to the human language. The queen had forced everyone to study it. But its purpose had only been so that they would understand when the human begged for his life. It was not supposed to be used like this, in the human world.

“Hm, I can’t understand why he dropped the girl off; she shouldn’t even be here in the first place.” A sigh followed after his words and that’s when Eyoon found it enough. If he weren’t satisfied by her presence then she shouldn’t be there. It was not like the girl had anything to do there either way. Ignoring the words about staying in bed she gently let her feet’s down onto the ground. The conversation continued, but instead of it being just two of them talking a few other joined in, “The girl has a name you know.”

“I don’t care, she should leave.” Without even realizing it had her heart began to thump in a very bothersome manner. Eyoon should’ve known better. The day she saw that show, video, or whatever it was Niel who’d caught her attention. But he was not like anyone she’d ever met before. The only emotions he seemed to have was anger and sadness. And she began to wonder why; it wasn’t like the other five showcased any of those emotions.

A sudden sound caused Eyoon to back away from the door, luckily enough had no one seen her standing there. The girl nearly sprinted back to bed; the mattress shook slightly as she jumped down onto it. Placing her head down on the pillow again she returned to listen to their conversation, “Hyung wanted to know what we want to eat.” her stomach rumbled upon the word, she couldn’t even remember the last time she ate something descent.

“Maybe we should ask Eyoon.” Oh god, what was she going to say if they asked her, she didn’t know about any food in the human world. “Niel, you do that.” that sentence barely got out before he replied, “No way, I’m not going to ask her. Do it yourself.”

“Niel, she’s not Subin. She’s not going to hurt you.” that did definitely get her attention, and Eyoon darted, for the second time out of bed, though this time did she step out, leaving the bed behind. Six pairs of eyes turned towards her, but it didn’t stop her from speaking her mind, “Girl –.” Tilting her head to the side she roamed her vocabulary for that word that special word.

“What are yo –.” She cut the leader off, “Girlfriend, Subin is your girlfriend. That’s why you hate me.” a small smile lit on her lips, Eyoon was proud over that she’d managed to find the word. Though, that smile fell in an instant when the said boy stood up and took a steady hold around her arms. Taken aback by his sudden action she stared at him, eyes wide. Had she done something wrong?

“She’s not my girlfriend. But you’re right about one thing, I do hate you.” Niel did not care whether his words would hurt the girl. He was tired of it. Niel was tired of all those girls trying to be innocent and cute. It was all just fake and whenever they got the chance they would stab you in the back. Never again would he fall for that trick again.

Niel I think you’ve said enough.” CAP’s voice brought him out of his thoughts and he let his gaze fall upon the girl’s face. Teardrops were trickling down, something that bothered him a bit. But he was not going to apologize; he was not going to fall for her tricks just because the rest of the members did so. Niel was determined to not fall for that again, he’d already done so with Subin.

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)