Second Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

”Young girl, you shouldn’t be walking around here at night, all alone. Things can happen.” the man standing at the corner of the building creped her out and Eyoon hurried away. The man that’d helped her out earlier that day had been right. Some people were not nice. During the whole day had she tried to find a place where she could sleep at, but every time something was in the way. Either did someone already live there or it was just downright disgusting.

So, the girl continued to wander the streets, and despite that the night had crept on. Eyoon couldn’t just lie down and sleep, not in front of so many people. Plus, she was also worried, what if someone would do something to her whilst she was sleeping. The thought of someone killing her came to mind and she shuddered in fear.

Though, she’d received quite a lot attention when she’d wandered around the enormous city, mostly from the male population. But Eyoon had simply tried to ignore them and their shameless questions. She understood quite well when something made her uneasy. There were of course a lot of things that was unknown and foreign to her, things she needed to learn.

But as the night ticked on she noticed how the streets began to become empty. People were going home to sleep for the night. It seemed like everyone else but she did so. Eyoon was stuck, not knowing what to do. The thought of actually heading back to the forest crossed her mind once. But she soon enough brushed it away. This was something she’d wanted for so long; Eyoon was not going to ruin that by heading back. No, the girl was going to stay strong.

Dragging her feet’s she slowly walked down the road, she had no destination, but Eyoon knew that if she just found somewhere to sleep then everything would get solved. As she headed down the walkway she wondered what the queen was doing at the moment. Had she told everyone to look for Eyoon? Would they even do that? More importantly, would they even dare to head into the city?

She heaved a sigh, both in worry and because she was tired. The possibility of the queen actually heading into the city was small, almost insignificant. But it was still a possibility nonetheless. And honestly, if someone was to go against her then they would most definitely die a gruesome death. Just the thought of something like that happening made her uneasy. Despite that Eyoon herself had the capability to kill a human it was not a power she would use. Never, well, maybe if her life was at stake, then maybe. But even so, to kill someone, Eyoon didn’t even know whether she would be able to do that.

Pushing those thoughts away for awhile she entered some kind of place, food was displayed on the shelves and all around. The girl was fascinated over all the different kinds of things there were to eat. But instead of choosing something that could’ve tasted bad she picked a package with a similar piece of bread that she’d eaten the same morning. Once Eyoon had managed to pay for it with some of the money she’d received the girl headed back outside.

Not really knowing how to get to the bread she asked a person who passed her by, “excuse me, but how do I open this?” the woman stared at her; it was as if she couldn’t believe what Eyoon had said. Shrugging her shoulders she decided to ask one more time, using the exact same words as the previous time. “Just unwrap the plastic.” The woman grabbed onto the package before she tore away the thing that was protecting the bread. “Like that, easy.” She handed it back to Eyoon who thanked her with a smile. Even small matters like that was something she needed to be teached.

Taking the same route she started the girl let her eyes roam all the things that was on display in the windows down the road. One thing caught her attention more than anything else. It was some sort of box showing a few boys, all of them around her age. They were all dancing and their lips were moving, they were singing, but Eyoon couldn’t hear anything, which wasn’t such a surprise since a window was blocking it.

Despite so she still found herself spellbound by it. How different their style was in-compared to the people on the street. Not to mention, they were much cuter than any boy she’d seen before, especially one of them. Since dancing always had been a huge part of Eyoon’s life she could easily do the steps they were displaying with ease. But much to her disappointment did the show, or what it was stop. Instead something similar to it began to play. It was another group of boys dancing, and singing.

Eyoon stood there, rooted to the same spot the whole night. Show after show with different boys and girls were played. It fascinated her. Maybe humans weren’t as bad as the queen had made them seem. They were singing and dancing, just like her kind. “Excuse me, but aren’t you going to get sick if you walk around like that?” a voice interrupted her thoughts and she spun around in haste. The girl shook her head, “No.”

“Hm, but shouldn’t you be home and prepare for school?” he looked shocked; his eyes were wider than normal, probably because of the fact that she seemed so out of place. “Don’t worry, I don’t attend school.” that was actually one of the few things she actually knew what it was. But that was only because of the queen.

She’d explained to everyone that the easiest to lure was those who attended high school or college. The queen had through roughly explained to everyone what that was, how humans attended such things to learn. But Eyoon had always wondered why they would let themselves get lured in if they were so educated. It didn’t make any sense.

“Hm, but you can’t go around like that. You should really go home.” Eyoon simply shrugged her shoulders; she didn’t need to be told what to do. The queen had done that her whole life and for once did the girl want to decide for herself. It was her life after all.

Giving the window on her right one last glance she ignored the man and walked down the street, away from him. And it wasn’t until then that she truly took notice how tired she actually was. Eyoon had been awake for nearly twenty-four hours. Her eyelids felt heavy, but she couldn’t sleep, there was no place which she could do so at, instead did Eyoon enter another food store. After walking up to the cashier she asked the girl what would help her stay awake.

“Coffee, it’s the best.” The young girl smiled, it was a welcoming smile that made Eyoon feel at ease. “Then can I please get that.” she spoke and the girl turned around and began to fix with some kind of device. It made a loud sound, almost as if it was crushing something and that before she saw how a liquid was poured into a cup and later handed over to her. “That’ll be three thousand won, thank you.”

She’d been holding onto the bundle with money the previous day and night, something that’d caused her hand to cramp and the money to get a bit sweaty. But she had no pockets were she could put them in, meaning that Eyoon had to keep them in her hand. After have handed over the right amount she left with a goodbye.

The whole day that followed was a constant struggle. People around her would give her stares and glances; they must’ve believed that she was weird for walking around like she did. And the more the clock ticked on the more tired she grew. Eyoon had even managed to fall asleep against a tree, but was interrupted by a young girl who’d poked her in the face with a stick.

After that she’d left the place and just walked elsewhere, without any destination. The girl simply walked and walked, as if that would magically take her somewhere where she could get a few hours of peaceful sleep. But when the night, for the second time arrived she was close to collapsing. One was simply not supposed to be awake for so long.

“Yah, pretty girl, want to hang out.” a man did suddenly appear by her side, totally taking her by such surprise that she stumbled to the side. Eyoon did barely manage to make herself standing as he grabbed onto her wrist. Scared by his actions she tried to pull back and away. Unluckily enough did the man not give away; instead did he only tighten the grip he had. “Could you please let go?” the man only let out a strained laughter at her attempts to break free. “Awh, come on, don’t you want to give oppa a happy time?” she didn’t really understand what that meant, but the way his body pressed against hers made her scared. Eyoon wanted to get away, and that now.

The rain began to pour down, as if to make her life even more miserable. Drop after drop hit Eyoon, thus causing her dress and hair to stick onto the skin in a very uncomfortable way. Tears started to accompany her as they rolled down her cheeks, as they did so she trash around in a last attempt to get away. It felt like a miracle when he, out of nowhere lost balance and fell down.

Wasting no time to check on him Eyoon ran, her bare feet’s hit the ground, thus causing the water to splash upon her legs as she headed down the street. Adrenaline was pumping in her veins and all she wanted was for someone to help her, Eyoon was beyond terrified that he was going to come after her. Therefore did she, without even thinking run up to the first group of people she saw. Clinging onto one of them she made the person turn around. The girl didn’t even check who it was, if it was a woman or a man, nothing.

“Please, help.”

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)