Thirteenth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

”NOOO, don’t kill me.” Ricky and Changjo were seated on the floor, both of them holding onto a playstation control. They were playing a totally unfamiliar game, well; Eyoon hadn’t even known what a playstation was before that moment, “NOOOOO.” Ricky threw the small device to the floor as his character suddenly died on him. The boy on his right laughed, pleased that he’d beaten his group member. “Eyoon, here, you play.” Changjo picked up the control which Ricky had used, and that before he handed it over to her. The girl stared down on it, not really sure of how you were supposed to use it.

“Ah, right, sorry. I guess you’ve never played this before.” Changjo moved over to her side, his hands overlapped hers as he then began to show how everything worked and what all the buttons were for. Eyoon listened carefully; the girl tried her best to take in all the new information as best as she could. She’d totally forgotten about that Changjo’s hands were on top of hers due to that. “Why the hell are you screaming for, I’m trying to sleep.” Niel walked inside the living room, only to come to an abrupt stop when he saw his dongsaeng’s hands on Eyoon’s.

The girl ignored Niel’s sudden outburst as she spoke, “Changjo is teaching me how to play.” The boy rolled his eyes, he could see that. Still, Changjo had a mouth to speak with; he didn’t need to have his hands all over her just because of that. “I can see that.” he shook his head; nonetheless did he place himself down on the couch.

Niel wanted to check that she wouldn’t try anything. The youngest Teen Top member weren’t so subtle with his feelings, something that she should’ve taken notice of by now. For all he knew Eyoon could probably make use of Changjo, or in worst-case scenario, turn the two boys against each other. Niel did already know that the five other members were fond of the girl. They could try and decline it, but he knew that they all liked her.

“Let’s play, let’s play.” She chirped, happy that she’d learned a new thing. Every single day did Eyoon learn new things, and every time was she glad about it. Because even though she wasn’t human she was still beginning to live a life in the human world. Changjo grinned as he started another game; the boy was determined to win yet again.

“Go Eyoon.” Ricky chanted, over and over again. “Yah, the other members are sleeping, keep it down.” Niel warned him, well, all three of them actually. It was in the middle of the night, when people usually were sleeping. But that didn’t seem to include the two maknaes and Eyoon. Niel muttered under his breath, “stupid kids.”

Half an hour later Eyoon found herself to be in the lead. How that’d happened would forever remain as a mystery. But it was reality and Changjo was devastated. He wondered how someone who’d never played it before could be in the lead over someone who’d played it for years, “Seems like you’ve found your match.” Niel couldn’t help himself from smiling. He knew how the maknae was cocky when it game to his videogame skills.

“It’s just beginners luck.” Changjo had thought about going easy on the girl, just because it was her first time and all. Though, those thoughts were long gone. “Beginners luck my , she’s totally crushing you.” Niel was having a great time teasing the youngest member, “Yah, hyung.” Changjo wasn’t appreciating that his hyung was doing that, it made him look pathetic in front of Eyoon. The girl pumped her fist in the air after have ‘killed’ Changjo yet another time. “This is really fun.” She exclaimed loudly, something that earned her a hush from Niel.

“Let me play, I wanna win over Changjo, too.” Ricky moved over to her side, an action that caused Eyoon to be seated in-between Changjo and him. The girl wasn’t bothered by the fact that those two were sitting so close, but someone else was, and that someone was Niel. “Just give him the console.” He wanted her to get away from the two boys. “But I want to play some more.” The game was more fun than what she’d first believed it to be. Maybe it had something to do with that she was kind of good at it. “You’ve been playing for over half an hour, let someone else play.” Niel couldn’t understand why she was acting like a baby.

With slight hesitation did Eyoon give the device over to Ricky, the boy greedily took it before challenging Changjo, “I’m definitely going to win this time.” she heaved a sigh as she watched the two of them begin the new game. After have watched for awhile did Eyoon head over to the kitchen for a glass of water, which she then took with her back to the living room. Though, she didn’t return to her seat on the floor, no, she placed herself down next to Niel in the couch.

“Why are you sitting here?” he was glad that she was no longer sitting in-between Ricky and Changjo. Still, he was not happy that she’d taken a seat right next to him, “Because you look lonely.” Niel wanted to laugh at how stupid she was. He’d chosen that place. “Well, I’m not so you can go sit on the floor again.” A small frown was evident on Eyoon’s lips as she shook her head. The girl was not going to move from her place.

“I’m not moving.” he wanted to sigh, but then again, it was better that she was seated next to him and not the other two. “Yeh, yeh, just keep your mouth shut.” Niel spoke as he shifted his attention back to the fight that was showing on the TV in front. The girl heaved a deep sigh. It was quite clear that Eyoon had a long way to go before she would be able to read and understand humans.

The minutes ticked on and on and she could feel the tiredness creeping on. But since she was sleeping on the couch she couldn’t go to sleep. The girl would have to wait until the Teen Top members withdrew into their own bedrooms. Though, it seemed like that would take awhile. After have given the clock a hurried glance she bit down on her lip. Eyoon was beyond tired; the past week had been a living hell for the girl as it was her first school week. Her bruises were luckily covered by the long-sleeved shirt she was wearing.  

Eyoon leaned back, her head resting against the soft cushion. Maybe she could close her eyes for a few minutes. No one would take notice of it. The only thing was that those few minutes turned into several minutes. Well, no one would’ve noticed if it weren’t for the fact that her head rolled down onto Niel’s shoulder. The older boy tensed upon the feeling. He didn’t like it at all. Changjo interrupted him just as he was about to push her head off, “Hyung, let her be, she’s been having trouble sleeping this week.” well that was not really his problem, still, Niel parted his lips and asked, “Why?” from what he’d seen there hadn’t been anything which could’ve bothered her so much. “She said it had something to do with school, probably lots of homework.” His eyes lingered on her face as he sighed; it was not the homework that was troubling her.

So you’re still getting bullied huh.


I'm still on a hiatus, though, I might update once in awhile ^^

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)