First Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

Eyoon’s eyes fluttered open, the sun was rising in the distance and she smiled at it, welcoming the warmness that it made her feel. It truly sparked her interest and she watched in fascination how it made the day brighter. The young girl had never before witnessed it, something that made this extraordinary. Her kind would always need to hide from the sunrays; otherwise they would be put into a contemporary sleep until the night fell. But it was different now; she’d managed to free herself from them, and thus did those things not apply to her anymore.

She had, for years wanted to break free. Eyoon had always found it boring to just do the same things, over and over again, night after night. Plus, the queen had become rather evil. The girl hated to see how the older woman treated the male population of the humans. How she would lure them in and then kill them. Eyoon had witnessed it once, and it was still something that troubled her. Shaking her head she told herself that all that was in the past. She was going to create her own future from now on. Eyoon didn’t need to rely on them anymore.

Breathing in the fresh morning air she stood up. Her body felt a bit light but other than she felt fine. It was probably a side effect from breaking free, something that most likely would wear off in a couple of hours. Eyoon could, in the distance hear several new sounds that caught her attention.

 So, determined to find out she headed in the direction of where they came from. A short while later she saw how tall objects came into view, they were reaching up, towards the sky. Almost as if they were competing against one another over who reached it first. Though, the girl soon enough noticed that they weren’t moving. They were simply just standing there.

Humans did all of a sudden pop-up right in front of her. They stared at her with expressions she’d never seen before. A few males walked up to her as she headed down the road, they were asking after something called a phone number, and then if she had a boyfriend. Eyoon hadn’t answered them, she weren’t sure of what does things were. Plus, her vocabulary was limited. She could talk, but there were lots of words she needed to learn. Instead did she reply with a sorry before continuing on.

The ground she was walking on had become rather rough, it was not like the grass she was used to. Her feet’s were starting to hurt because of that, and just like any other day her stomach rumbled in hunger. Eyoon hadn’t eaten anything the previous day, she’d been so anxious about her mission to break free.

“Young lady, you should really wear shoes, you’ll get sick if you walk around like that in this weather.” An older man had suddenly walked up to her; he looked down at her feet’s as he spoke. Tilting her head to the side Eyoon took in and proceeded what he’d said. “Don’t worry, I don’t get sick.” The girl smiled brightly, and the man’s eyes flew open. He was taken aback by her sweet, innocent image.

“Well, then.” He disappeared after that and for the first time did Eyoon notice that all the humans around her had something on their feet’s. Staring down on her own bare feet’s she simply shrugged her shoulders. The girl had always walked around barefooted.

Not caring about that she began to look for a place where she could get something to eat. An ordeal that didn’t take too long as she breathed in one of the most delicious scents ever, following the it she soon found herself inside one of those things that reached up, towards the sky above. Eyoon stared at all the things that were eatable. Never in her life had she seen so much food.

Believing that it was just to eat she picked up a piece of food. It felt soft in her hands and she eagerly brought it to her lips. If the scent had been delicious then the taste was heavenly. But her peace was soon destroyed as someone grabbed onto her arm and that in a very harsh way. “Excuse me, but you have to pay first.” A female voice stated and Eyoon turned her full attention towards her, the girl displayed a similar energy to the one the queen did when she was irritated.

“Pay?” what was that, Eyoon had never paid for anything before. “Yes, pay, or else I’ll call the police.” The other girl dragged her away from the baskets, thus away from the food, instead did she soon find herself elsewhere, but in the same building. Eyoon was confused now, there were so many new things she needed to learn. It was definitely not as easy living outside their kingdom than what she’d first thought. Maybe she’d been ignorant to how the outside world actually worked. It was so different from what she was used to.

“I can’t pay.” Eyoon had nothing which she could possibly pay with. The girl didn’t even know with what they used to pay with in this world. Though, she did know how they paid in her world. How the queen would lure in a human male to steal for them. Everyone of her kind had that same ability, only weaker than the queen. But Eyoon did not want to use it; she hated how it was used, especially since the ones being taken advantage of were killed once they’d been used.

“Then I’m going to call the po –.” The girl was interrupted by someone else, a darker voice, “No need to call the police, I’ll pay for her.” Eyoon caught sight of the man; he was old, much older than her. But why would he even pay for her, did he even know what her kind was capable of doing to someone like him?

“Why do you pay?” she tilted her head to the side, Eyoon wanted to know why. She didn’t even know him; she’d never in her life ever met him. “Well, isn’t it unnecessary to spend time at the police station over a piece of bread?” his words sort of made her understand that the police was something bad, someone you didn’t want to meet, “Maybe.”

Eyoon watched as the man handed something over to the girl, it looked just like a simple piece of paper, but instead of being blank it was decorated with things. “Let’s go, I’ve paid.” He cracked a smile and Eyoon followed him out on the street again. “Thank you.” she was sincerely glad over that he’d paid for her.

“No worries. But haven’t your parents thought you to pay for yourself if you want to buy something?” Parents, hm, she didn’t have any parents. The queen was the closest thing she got. “I don’t have any parents.” it had never been something that’d bothered her, the fact that she didn’t have any parents. “So you’re an orphan then?” shaking her head Eyoon told him that she was not an orphan, but that she lived outside. The man seemed truly shocked to hear that.

In his eyes she was probably human. But the fact was that she weren’t. Though, her appearance was exactly the one of a human, only that her beauty was even greater. The appearance of her kind was what they lived on. Without it they wouldn’t be able to survive.

“I’m guessing that’s the reason to why you’re only wearing a thin dress and no shoes.” The girl nodded her head; the way of dressing had never been a problem before so it was not something that bothered her, not at all actually. Eyoon was used to dressing like that, it didn’t matter whether it was summer or winter because her body had the same temperature all year around. The weather never affected her the same way that it affected humans who needed to dress after seasons.

The man shook his head in disbelief. He couldn’t understand how she, in the winter cold December could walk around like that. Snow was soon going to paint the streets white and walking around with no shoes seemed unbelievable.

“Here is some money, go buy some new clothes and get something to eat.” he handed over a rather large bundle with money. Eyoon were hesitating, she didn’t really want to take them. Her life was good as it was. “Please take them, and take care of yourself, there are some people out there who aren’t as nice.” Huh, was someone going to hurt her?

He shoved the money bundle into her hands before he spoke up, “I need to get to my job. But it was nice meeting you. Take care.” He gave her a smile before he turned around and headed down the street, and Eyoon was once again alone. Staring down on the money the girl wondered what she was supposed to use them for. Buy new clothes were just unnecessary. Though, food was not, especially since she didn’t want to go with the police.

Deciding to get something else to eat she wandered down the street the man took. Eyoon would have to, after that she’d eaten go and find a place where she could sleep at. She couldn’t go back to the woods again, if, then they would catch her and then the girl would never be able to escape again, therefore did she have to sleep outside, on the streets.


It's a bit confusing and weird, I know.
But it will hopefully get better as the story progresses ^^

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)