Fifteenth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

It was the night before everyone would leave. All of them, except for Yoosung were bundled up in front of the TV. Eyoon was seated on the floor, in-between the two youngest members whilst C.A.P, Chunji and L.Joe were sitting in the couch. Niel had dragged his beanbag into the living room. There had been a small argument of where everyone was supposed to sit, the oldest kind of won after a short while. Eyoon found the beanbag to be interesting. It looked a bit fun actually, especially since she’d never seen such a thing before. Though, when Niel caught her gaze, that’s when she stopped looking at the beanbag. The girl didn’t want to make him upset or something like that.

“Ricky, go get me some water.” Niel spoke from his place, and that despite that half of the living room table was filled with different kinds of sodas and snacks. “Hyung, go get it yourself, I’m watching the movie.” Ricky wasn’t going to move, the movie was simply too interesting. “Chang –.” The maknae cut his hyung off, “get it yourself.” Niel had been on a bad mood the entire day, something that the two maknae’s had experienced. Eyoon, tired of having Niel destroy the rest of the night, got up and trudged towards the kitchen.

After have gotten the glass down from the cupboard she filled it with fresh cold water. Eyoon was so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn’t taken any notice of that someone had entered the kitchen. “You don’t have to do that; Niel can get his water himself.” The voice made her so startled that she nearly dropped the glass. In haste the girl spun around. Her gaze locked with Changjo’s, “I know, but I don’t want his bad mood to ruin the day.” She gave the boy a weak smile before brushing past him, an action that caused Changjo to let out a deep sigh. He wondered why Niel was the only one she saw.

“Eyoon you shouldn’t be bothered by Niel, he got two legs of his own.” C.A.P shoot his younger member a look as he spoke, but Niel only shrugged his shoulders. It wasn’t like he had forced Eyoon to go get him water. The only thing was that she stumbled on the carpet, the water splashed all over Niel’s face and shirt as a result of that. Whilst Eyoon fell down onto the floor the older boy shot up from his seat. He was fuming mad, “What the hell.”

The girl hurried to stand up, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean for that to happen.” she was about to reach out and wipe his face with the sleeve of her shirt, but Niel grabbed her wrist before she got the chance to do so. Eyoon let her teeth’s sink into her lower lip, the pain rushing through her only worsened when his grip around her sore wrist tightened. Without a second thought did he drag Eyoon with him. She didn’t get the time to react as he violently pushed her into the bathroom, and that before Niel locked the door behind them.

Tears were b her eyes as she carefully rubbed her bruised wrist. “Why did you do that, and what are you doing?” Eyoon raised her head so that she was looking straight at him. A slight smirk graced his lips as he spoke, “you’re going to fix my shirt.” Droplets of tears trickled down her cheek as she intensely stared at him.

“How am I supposed to do that?” Niel shrugged, it was not his problem to solve. Tired of the boy’s actions she gave him a hard glare, “You’re telling me to stand up for myself when I get bullied in school, but what you are doing right now is exactly the same.” Eyoon was slowly but surely starting to get fired up, something that was going to turn into a problem if she didn’t calm down.

Niel was not pleased by her accusations. He wasn’t bullying her. What he was doing was telling Eyoon to take responsibility for her actions. “I’m going to leave now.” She stepped around him and was just about to unlock the door when Niel spun her around. She gulped; their faces were dangerously close to one another, and unconsciously did her gaze settle on his lips. Eyoon knew that if their lips were to touch then her first kiss would be taken. “Niel?” even though she liked him, the girl was not certain whether she liked him that much. A kiss, it was special, at least that’s what she’d heard. Plus, Eyoon had promised Niel.

The boy had no clue of what’d gotten into him. That feeling was present within him, the feeling he knew so well. But it was even greater that time around. Subin hadn’t even managed to cause such chaos in his heart. His eyebrows drew together in confusion and fear. His heart had already been crushed once and he’d told himself to never fall in love again, yet, that was exactly what he was doing at the moment.

He was falling in love with Eyoon.

Niel cupped her cheeks, something that caused her eyes to widen in surprise. But what happened next made her even more confused. He drew her closer and their lips meet in a kiss. Eyoon was too baffled to even move an inch. Nonetheless, she didn’t push him away either. On the contrary did she sort of like it. The tension in her body vanished and her heart jumped in joy as his lips delicately moved along hers. The girl was not too sure of what was happening with her. She’d never felt such overwhelming emotions before.

She was in daze when he, with slight hesitation withdrew. He was unsure of what her reaction would be. Niel expected her to lash at him, to scream and shout. But none of that came. Instead did she only stare at him. Eyoon wondered why he’d kissed her. Niel had made it quite clear that he still had feelings for Subin. The boy hadn’t said it out loud, but she wasn’t that ignorant. “What about Subin?” her question sparked irritation; Niel didn’t want to think about Subin at that moment. She was his past, nothing more, nothing less. “I don’t want to hear her name.” it was over and Niel had moved on, or, that’s at least what he was doing. Eyoon was gradually becoming a bigger part of his life, a fact that made him both worried and excited at the same time.

A loud bang erupted as someone hit the bathroom door, “Niel, open that damn door now.” C.A.P was not happy over the way Niel was acting. Not to mention, the other members were starting to get worried as well, “NIEL.” C.A.P roared, he was beginning to get really frustrated. Niel stepped back, something that allowed her to unlock the door. But it took her a few seconds to get the door open. The leader of Teen Top stared back at Eyoon as she stepped out. The girl was still dazed over what’d taken place between Niel and her.

Though, Eyoon’s thoughts were briskly interrupted by a voice inside her head. It was a voice she hadn’t heard for nearly a month. It was to say not a voice she ever wanted to hear again, “I know that you’re in the human world. I’m going to find you, and when I do, it’s over for you.” her heart pounded faster and her pulse raced at the queen’s calm but threatening voice. Eyoon finally knew that it’d been a bad choice to let the member of Teen Top, Yoosung and Kwangmin enter her life, because now, their lives were at stake.

Eyoon had two choices now. Run away or stay. The first choice was definitely the better of the two, but she didn’t want to. Not now, not when Niel had begun to open up.


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas ^^

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)