Twelfth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

Eyoon was on her way home. The school was located about a ten minute walk from Teen Top’s apartment. That route would probably get longer later on, when she moved in to Yoosung’s place. But that was then, now was now. Plus, she didn’t even know when she would be able to move in to Yoosung’s apartment.

Though, the girl’s biggest problem right now was not that. It was school, or more importantly, the people in it. Some of them had been really mean to her. Even meaner than what Niel had been. But there had been a difference between the boys and the girls. The latter ones had used really mean words towards her, whilst the boys had tried to touch her. It was to say not really how she thought it would be.

A huge frown was evident on her lips as she entered the code to the key locket, a low beep sounded; indicating that it’d declined entrance. Eyoon’s irritation grew even more and so did the electricity building up within her. The whole day had been really crappy. Trying to calm down she entered the code a second time, and just like the previous one was she declined entrance. “Stupid world, why are you always against me?” she muttered out to no one in particular, whilst doing so did the girl give the door a light punch. Not that it worked in getting it open, but it gave Eyoon a little satisfactory. She wasn’t a violent person. Though, when these sorts of things arose then all hell could break lose.

Determined to unlock the door she tried one more time. If it wouldn’t work then she wouldn’t have any choice but to wait outside, as simple as that. The thing was that when it beeped red and told Eyoon that she still couldn’t enter it became too much for the said girl, and within a second had she transported all the electricity over to the device and a loud bang echoed in the hallway. A tiny cloud of smoke rose from it just before it gave away a low sound. Eyoon had apparently destroyed it because the lock clicked open and she were be able to enter. Still, another problem had appeared, how was she going to explain the lock?

Luckily enough was no one there when she stepped inside. Even so, it didn’t really help her that much, because the first person entering was most definitely going to ask for an explanation. Well, as long as it wasn’t Niel then it was somewhat okay. Maybe not okay, but bearable. While waiting she changed out of her school uniform and put her normal clothes back on. Eyoon really had to come up with something to say and that without risking exposing herself and what she was.

Halfway through her explanation speech did a voice catch her attention, it was coming from the hallway outside the door. The voice sounded angry, yet scared at the same time. The worst thing for Eyoon was that the voice belonged to none other than the devil himself, Niel. The girl panicked. She began to head towards the bathroom and an escape, though, before actually getting the chance to reach it did the door creak open and Niel stared back at her. The staring contest lasted a few seconds. The one breaking it was Eyoon as she darted towards the bathroom and that in hope that she would be able to lock herself inside. That until some of the other members returned.

Niel had been caught off guard, something that caused him to miss the chance of catching her before she ran inside the bathroom and locked the door. “Eyoon, what the hell happened to the lock?” the girl cringed at his dark tone. It was safe to say that he sounded pissed off. “It was an accident, I don’t know what happened.” It was true, it was an accident. On the other hand would she not reveal what’d caused such severe damage.

“Accident, it’s totally destroyed.” There was no way in hell that it was just a simple accident. “Then, I’ll pay for it, I’ll get a job or something.” The queen had once described what a job was, and why it was necessary. How humans paid for things with the money they earned from a job, “A job, yeah right.” Niel didn’t believe her words; it would take a long time before he would believe a girl’s words again. Eyoon was determined to prove him wrong; she was going to get a job. There had to be someone who was willing to let her in.

“I’m going to prove you wrong, just watch.” She whispered aloud. The girl didn’t think that Niel had heard it, but he had, though, he didn’t say anything. He only smirked. The boy could literally already feel the victory. There was no chance in the world that Eyoon was going to succeed. She was a first year high school student; no one would take her in, “foolish girl.” The anger that’d flamed up inside him after that he’d seen the destruction of the lock had begun to falter. To tell the truth, he was actually looking forward to what Eyoon was going to do.

“Niel?” his eyes round in shock and he felt his heart skip a beat at her sudden use of his name, usually she wouldn’t hesitate to call him all kinds of names. He couldn’t remember that she’d ever used his ‘real’ name. But what made him even more confused was the seriousness in her tone. It made him wondered whether something was wrong, “What?” Niel didn’t want to sound too interested. The last thing he wanted was for her to believe that he’d begun to like her.

“Is it normal for everyone in school to be mean?” the girl sighed at the memory of all those mean words that’d been thrown in her direction, and not to mention those boys who tried to touch her. It took a few seconds before Niel understood what Eyoon was talking about, though; there was a light knock on the door that distracted him from answering her.

“There’s someone at the door.” after have informed the younger girl he headed over towards the door, which, at the moment, couldn’t be locked. His expression darkened and anger washed over him at the sight of Subin standing there. “Hi.” The girl gave him a bright smile, a smile he wasn’t going to return, in fact, he didn’t even greet her back. “What are you doing here?” he hated the fact that she was standing at their doorstep. She had no right to show up like that.

Eyoon, who’d heard all the commotion carefully exited the bathroom and slowly crept closer towards the door. Something within her ached at the sight of Subin. She wondered why the other girl was there. The other members had told her that Niel and Subin relationship had already ended. “I just came to give you your jacket back, I fo –.” Subin’s gaze shifted from Niel to the girl standing behind him, or more like, hiding. “I thought you weren’t allowed to have any girls in your dorm.” Niel’s lips drew into a thin line as he glanced behind him. But instead of locking gaze with Eyoon did his eyes land on her arms instead. They were both bruised.

“Ah, I was just about to leave.” She had heard that rule before, that they were not allowed to let any girl inside their dorm. Eyoon had already destroyed the lock, so, to cause any more trouble was not something she wanted to do. Subin was not happy that such a common girl could enter Teen Top’s apartment so easily. Subin herself hadn’t even been allowed to enter their apartment when she and Niel were dating. She up kept a straight and calm expression, even thought she was pissed off about it.

Eyoon kept her gaze settled on the floor as she headed towards where her shoes were. Though, before actually reaching them did a hand grab onto her wrist, thus making it unable for her to move forwards. “Subin, you are the one leaving, not her.” Niel spoke only to add on with more, “Plus, the rule does not apply to her.” The girl’s smile fell, “I was going to leave either way.” With that being said did Subin shove the boy’s jacket into his chest. Niel didn’t even say anything as she her heel and slammed the door shut.

“You –.” He was about to tell her off for being so stupid. But Niel changed his mind when he noticed that Eyoon was crying. “Y –yah, what’s wrong?” he had totally forgotten that he was still holding onto her wrist. “It hurts.” Her cries made him release the grip around her wrist, that’s when he understood why she was crying. The wrist he’d been holding was blue and bruised. Something that both of her wrists were, there were a few spots along her arm as well.

“What the hell.” Anger flared and Niel was utterly pissed off. “Did someone in school do this?” Eyoon gave him a weak nod in reply, “some of the boys did, they’d pulled me into a room and said that they wanted to play.” All kinds of thoughts were running through his mind, he felt like punching someone in the face at that moment. They couldn’t have her, right?

“Then, did they, eh, play?” he couldn’t even imagine what he would do if the girl were to say yes, “No, they hurt me so I hurt them.” Eyoon didn’t include the part about her giving those boys electric shocks. They were not dead, but they would probably rethink a second time before doing such a thing again. “Really, you?” he doubted it, Eyoon looked so fragile and thin that it sounded a bit weird. “Why, I can hurt you too, if I want to.” If Niel only knew how close to death he’d been. “Right.” he rolled his eyes at her pathetic try to scare him. “Anyhow, we should get this fixed up before the other members think I did this to you.” Niel shivered at the thought of being attacked by the rest of the Teen Top members.

“Why are you just standing there, come on, or maybe you want me to get slaughtered by my own members.” Eyoon let a smile grow on her lips and Niel frowned. “Don’t even think about it.” instead of grabbing her wrist did he let his hand slid into hers, and almost instantly could she feel warmth spreading within her, especially at that special place in her chest.

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)