Fourth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

”Hyung, I can’t believe you, how can you let her ride in the car.” Niel huffed from his place right next to Eyoon, he didn’t like the way everyone was taking her side. How all of the members thought she was so cute. Why couldn’t they just have left her at the hospital and made them deal with her. Niel let a sigh escape his lips when the girl shoved her elbow into his ribcage. She probably did that on purpose, but he couldn’t do anything about it, not now at least. If he were to shove back then he would most definitely be told off.

Eyoon had fun; she was going to give back for his mean words. Little by little, then he would understand that a jacket would be the least of his problems. Though, her way of revenge was more childish like, annoying to be précis.

“Eyoon sshi, I’m going to give the guys a ride home then I’m going to show you a place where you can stay at for the time being, alright?” Yoosung explained as he drove the van down the street. They were heading towards Teen Top’s dorm. “Okay.” The girl was overly excited to get a place where she could sleep. It would be much better than to sleep outside.

“Eyoon, do you want to come up and look at our dorm?” turning her head to the side the girl nodded eagerly, “What, What about the rule that no girls are allowed?” Niel groaned; he was not satisfied over how the members were dealing with this matter. Why couldn’t they understand that the girl could jeopardize their career?

 “Niel what have gotten into you, why are you so defensive?” Eyoon was equally as curious as the rest of them. Did every human get that angry and sad when something was destroyed? Tilting her head to the side she stared at him. A jacket couldn’t possible mean that much; it was just a piece of clothing.

“She’s just any other girl; I can’t see why everyone is making such a big deal out of it.” his words struck her heart. If he thought that Eyoon was just like any other girl then she was going to prove him wrong. “Niel, aren’t you being a bit harsh, Eyoon has been living on the streets her whole life.” Yoosung included and for a second the girl could’ve sworn that she saw Niel’s angry expression ease a bit.

“Really, you lived on the streets, no way. But what about your parents, where are they?” Ricky’s words caused her some confusion. Eyoon didn’t know where her parents were, she’d never in her life met them so she didn’t know. “I don’t know, I’ve never had any parents.” a hoard of voices boomed inside the car after that and the girl had a huge problem with hearing what everyone were saying.

Closing her eyes for a second she tried to take in all the things that’d taken place, but as she did so the thing that they were being transported in shook and Eyoon crashed into the boy on her left. “Yah, be more careful, I don’t want you to destroy anything else.” Niel snapped; it came out a tad harder than he’d thought and the look on the girl’s face did almost make him apologize, almost. “Sorry.” Without even realizing it did Eyoon sulk, the last thing she wanted to do was to cause trouble for them.

“Hyung you’re making her sad.” Ricky reached out and wiped away a tear that she hadn’t even noticed. “I don’t care, I just want to go home and forget about this day.” Pain rushed through her body, it was pulsating in a way it never had done before. Not even when she’d seen humans getting killed had she felt such overwhelming emotions. The girl had to get out of there now, with such feelings rushing in her veins Eyoon were afraid that she would hurt someone, more specifically Niel. Plus, she didn’t have hundred percent control over her powers, something that could cause a human to die if she were to suddenly snap.

“Please stop.” She had to get out of there, and that fast. But Yoosung didn’t stop; instead did he explain that they were at their designated destination in a few minutes. Eyoon felt panic invade her and she took a quick glance at Niel, the boy was not even looking at her. Did he really despise her that much?

Tears were starting to stream down her cheeks. The pain inside her was building up, though, she couldn’t let herself let go of it. Eyoon was too afraid to let the power go, because it was so great at that moment and the last thing the girl wanted was to kill. If that had been the case then she should’ve stayed with them. This just showed how much pain and anger Niel had caused her to feel.

“We’re here.” After that had been uttered Eyoon pushed past Ricky, opened the door and stepped outside. Her feet’s touched the ground and she glanced up on the sky, or more importantly, the little flakes that were falling from it. Snow was falling, cascading the city in a shimmering white color. But the beauty of it all was overshadowed by the pain inside. She’d been stupid enough to believe that she could be close to humans. Or maybe Eyoon was just bad at controlling her powers, either how, it’d happen and she needed to get it out of her system. And in order for that the girl needed to get away from them.

So, ignoring the words that were sent towards her she headed down the street. Eyoon had to find a more isolated place where she could let everything free. Though, this meant that she would never be able to find her way back. In other terms, the girl would probably never in her life see them again. Or that’s what she thought at least. Well, until the girl heard how Ricky spoke, “go and get Eyoon, you are the one who made her upset.” An even louder voice followed, most definitely Niel, “No.” she weren’t sure of what to feel about the fact that he seemed to hate her so much. If humans acted like that all the time then this world was not for her.

“Niel, go.” It was Yoosung this time and when no reply could be heard she turned around, Eyoon’s eyes widened and the girl panicked when seeing how Niel was heading her way and in haste did she start running in the other direction, “YAH.” His voice echoed in her ears and Eyoon took a quick look behind to see how close he was; a stupid action because he’d closed in and were now not that far away. Why hadn’t she just run when she had the chance to do so?

Adrenaline rushed through her as his hand came in-contact with her arm and before Eyoon knew it he’d spun her around to face him. Though, out of nowhere did the girl’s defense mechanism set in and her whole body radiated electricity, meaning that anything that came in-contact with her skin felt it.

The whole purpose of it was so that the enemy would understand that she was dangerous. Her head was throbbing; she was doing everything in order to not let her powers free. Eyoon didn’t want to hurt him. Luckily enough had the electricity that hit him not been that powerful, the girl even began to wonder whether he’d felt it or not. Niel didn’t act like it; either he hadn’t felt it or he hid it well.

But it didn’t really help her, “Get away.” She was terrified, he needed to back away. “I can’t or else I’m going to get terrorized by all the members and our manager, so sorry. I would love to have you leave, but unfortunately I can’t let you.” Eyoon’s body began to shake, and her head throbbed in pain. The girl knew what was about to happen. If she didn’t take it out on him now it would backfire and Eyoon would be the one hurt instead. Still, it was better than him dying.

Tears poured and she tried to back away from him, though, he only compensated it with stepping closer. If he could’ve just left when he got the chance.

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)