Eight Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

Sunrays were cascading over her face and Eyoon fluttered her eyes open, and that in a very careful manner. The girl could still feel the slight, stinging pain in her body, though; luckily enough did her body heal quite fast. Still, there was something with this new pain; it was noticeably different than the one she was used to. Instead of feeling the pain inside her head it was lingering in her chest.

Moving her body she shifted around, the softness which she was laying on was a feeling which she’d never experienced before, meaning that this was not a place where Eyoon had ever spent a night at. The girl’s gaze roamed around the room, the more she took in everything the more Eyoon found it familiar. It was Niel’s room, and it was his bed she’d been sleeping in. Though, the boy himself was nowhere in sight. She sat up, her feet’s touching the floor as Eyoon glanced down on the clothes she was wearing. She’d actually slept in the clothes Changjo had wanted her to wear.

A thought struck her as she was sitting there, where was Niel?

Eyoon brought herself up on her legs before proceeding towards the door. The whole apartment was silent, which meant that she had to be quiet. Several thoughts were running through her mind as she pulled the handle and carefully stepped out and into the living room area. The low sounds of snoring met her ears and Eyoon snapped her full attention to the couch standing a few meters away, the back was facing her, thus making it impossible for the said girl to see who it was, but she had her guesses to who it could be.

A small frown formed on her lips when she saw who it was, because even though Eyoon sort of already expected it to be Niel, it was still something that made her uneasy. Something must’ve happened the day before, after that she’d collapsed. There was no way that he, on his own accord would let her sleep in his bed.

Moving over Eyoon slowly and very carefully slid down on her knees. At that point she had a good view of his sleeping figure. It was the first time she could be so close to him and that without him getting all fired up. If there was something she wished it was for him to stop all the negative feelings he had for her. On the other hand, Eyoon didn’t know what kind of feelings he had stored inside him. But one thing was clear, he did still love Subin. Whether he believed it or not was another case.

An indescribable emotion erupted within her heart and she clutched a hand over her chest. It was nothing else but raw pain mixed with something else, something she’d never felt before. The girl couldn’t be sick, not like humans. But since she had absolutely no one to ask she couldn’t even figure it out, the thing that was causing her to feel like that.

With her gaze still settled on Niel she leaned forward. Though, that was about as far as she got. Because just as Eyoon reached out her hand to touch his face his eyes flew open and their gazes met instantly. “What are you doing?” he startled her, and for the first time Eyoon didn’t know what to say. Instead did she simply just stare at him, mouth slightly agape. Her whole brain became blank and there was only one solution at that moment, run.

The only problem was that Niel wasn’t going to let her escape that easily. He pulled Eyoon back towards him after that he’d circled his hand around her wrist. What Niel didn’t expect was the fact that she tripped on her own two feet’s and tumbled forward, something that got consequences. Wide-eyed Eyoon found herself sitting in the boy’s lap, her face was so close to his that she could feel his breath tickling her skin.

“Seems like you two are starting to get along.” A voice overshadowed any thought that was pounding in her head. Eyoon pushed herself away from Niel and half ran towards the bathroom. Once inside she locked the door. The more minutes that passed by the more confused she got by her own actions. The girl couldn’t understand why she’d done what she had. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she got embarrassed.

A light knock on the door brought her back to life. Eyoon listened as one of the boys told her to unlock and get out, that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Right, but then, why did she feel so embarrassed? Raising her head she stared into the mirror and the picture of herself. Eyoon’s cheeks were painted in a faint red color, though, that was not all to it. Her heart was beating faster than normal. “Eyoon open up.” another voice joined in and she began to realize that she couldn’t stay in there forever. But as the girl stood there, with her hand on the door handle she felt panic bubble within.

“Eyoon, I really need to use the bathroom.” Niel’s voice met her ears and she stared at the door in disbelief. Somewhere deep down inside she wondered whether he actually had to go or if his words were just a way to get her to out. Either how, Eyoon had no other option but to open, because eventually she would have to. In one swift motion did she unlock and pull open the door, only to be instantly pushed backwards as Niel stepped inside. The look on his face and the way he acted told her that he was annoyed.

“You –you are doing that on purpose, aren’t you?” Eyoon found herself truly confused. She had absolutely no idea of what he was referring to. Well, if it had something to do with the small incident just minutes ago, back in the living room then it had all just been an accident. The girl never planned to end up in his lap. “Don’t play dumb with me, you’ve collapsed two times around me and the rest of the members think that I’ve done something to cause that, which I know I haven’t, so whatever you’re doing just stop with it.” Niel would never understand why she’d collapsed like that, and even though it was just the way it was supposed to be it still made her angry and upset.

No human was allowed to know what Eyoon. But even so, she sort of wanted to tell Niel, maybe then he could actually understand. Though, the chance of it backfiring was probably a lot higher, meaning that if she were to tell him he would most definitely not even believe her, or he would and then all hell would break lose. And one thing was at least for sure, Eyoon wanted him to believe her, she wanted Niel to trust her.

“I can’t.” if, then he would die. Niel was the only one who caused her to build up such violent power. He made her feel so many emotions, many of them foreign to her. So, no, Eyoon couldn’t stop before she came to know what was causing her power to reach such high limits. A low growl slipped past the boy’s lips just as he shoved her against the wall, something that arrived as a surprise for Eyoon. But it also made everything worse. She could literally feel her pulse rising in that all too familiar way. Niel was charging her power with his actions. “Why not, it can’t be that hard.”

“If I want to protect you, then yes, it’s hard.” Eyoon knew that she’d said too much, but the few seconds when he was taken aback got her enough time to push him away. The electrifying power had already reached a point where she had to take it out. Normally she would be able to calm down on her own accord. But those times when the volume of the electricity had reached to high she had no other option but to either kill something or to get to power to backfire at her. And at that précis moment Eyoon didn’t know whether she would be able to survive if it was to hit her again in such a small amount of time. The girl was not immortal.

Heading past Niel she threw open the door and ran. Eyoon needed to get out of there, she couldn’t kill a human. Though, she did not either want to die, meaning that she had to find something else, a substitute for a human, yet something living. “Eyoon, where are you going? I need to talk to you.” totally ignoring Yoosung’s question she darted out of there and took the staircase down. Pain was starting to build up, it was a reminder of that she was taking too long, and that if Eyoon didn’t hurry up then she was the one being electrified.

Once out on the streets the girl had to avoid humans as much as possible, something she soon enough found hard. They were literally everywhere, and she really had to hurry up now. The lives of the humans around her were not the only ones at stake, even Eyoon’s life as well. Shifting her gaze around in every possible direction she noticed a huge tree further down that same street. It would probably work. Still, the girl was slightly hesitant. The tree was something living, and she was about to kill it.

The gruesome feeling of pain was growing in strength and Eyoon began to sprint forward. The girl pressed her hands against the trunk of the tree and let the electricity flow, and almost immediately did she feel how her body became much calmer. On the other hand, the tree was dying. Eyoon watched how it changed color and died under her touch. Just the thought of her being capable of doing such thing sickened her. Not to mention, what if it had been Niel?

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her too...waaaaaa...how dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)