Sixteenth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

”Eyoon.” Kwangmin was ecstatic to see her. The only thing he wasn’t all too happy over was that she was living together with the members of Teen Top. The reason to why Kwangmin had headed over to Teen Top’s apartment was because Donghyun had ordered him to. Not that he’d minded because he wanted to know how Eyoon was doing. “Kwangmin, what are you doing here?” she chirped happily. There had been a few days since they last saw each other. “Hyung ordered me over here so I could give this to Niel.” The boy showed the plastic bag he was holding onto. Teen Top and Boyfriend had a quite close relationship to one another, so the leader of the latter group had cooked Niel a meal.

“You don’t have to stand there, come in; Niel’s isn’t here right now. He said he needed to do something.” Eyoon opened the door wider to let the boy inside. “Ah, really, do you know when he’s coming home?” Kwangmin was grateful to get some alone time with her. Every time they’d spoken there had always been something that’d interrupted them. Unfortunately did Eyoon not know when Niel was going to come home, something that she also explained.

“Well, it doesn’t really matter. I hope you don’t mind me asking, but where do you sleep?” he was beyond jealous at the Teen Top members for having Eyoon living with them. He would definitely not mind if she were to live in Boyfriend’s dorm, but then again, it was probably something which their entertainment wouldn’t be too happy about. He even wondered how TOP media could allow Eyoon to live with the Teen Top members, especially since it could cause a scandal to erupt. “I sleep on the couch. But that’s only for a short while. I’m going to move into Yoosung oppa’s apartment after New Year.” He nodded in relief, it meant that she wouldn’t live with six teenage boys much longer.

“Anyhow, I should probably go, the rest of the members are waiting for me.” Kwangmin wished no more than to stay. But with his group members he couldn’t do so. They were waiting for him to return so that they could start celebrating Christmas. “Okay, well, Marry Christmas.” Eyoon was a bit hesitant to whether she could hug him or not, “Can I hug you?” the girl was unsure if that was something which was normal to ask. When Kwangmin let out a low amused laughter she sort of understood that it was probably not that normal.

But before she actually got the chance to envelope him in a hug the outer door flung open and in stepped none other than Niel himself. Eyoon gave the incoming boy a bright smile, an action that made Kwangmin a bit uneasy. He was curious to know if something had taken place between Eyoon and Niel. But it was not something which he could just simply ask. It was a subject which he needed to approach carefully.

“Kwangmin was nice to bring this over.” She handed the plastic bag over to Niel, the older boy was skeptical to whether Kwangmin had another reason to head over. Eyoon was good-looking, friendly, if not a bit annoying; still, she was definitely a heart crusher. It wouldn’t come as a surprise if the other boy had a crush on Eyoon. Though, Niel was not going to make it easy on Kwangmin if that was the case. He, too, liked her.

“I was just about to leave, but it was nice to see you again.” the girl was sad that he was going to leave so soon. She’d wanted Kwangmin to stay a little bit longer. But since he’d said s were waiting and then with Niel arriving home it was probably for the best if he left. Biting down on her lower lip she carefully let her arms circle around the taller boy’s waist. Kwangmin tensed slightly at the suddenness of her hug, it caught him off guard. Nonetheless, he let her hug him. Niel was taken aback as well, his eyes widened at the sigh before him. Clearing his throat he took a few steps forward. Niel wanted the other two to break it apart.

“Eyoon, we should let Kwangmin leave. s are probably waiting for him to return.” He was being a bit childish, but Niel did not want anyone to get that close to Eyoon. She was his. “Ah, right, sorry.” The girl let go off Kwangmin as she moved away from him. “I’ll let you leave.” She gave him a small smile. Niel was doing it on purpose, Kwangmin knew that much. “Bye then.” The Boyfriend member bid goodbye before he headed towards the door, and as soon as it closed Niel spoke up, “Aren’t you being a bit touchy –feely with him?” he tried his best to not sound jealous. Not that Eyoon would notice anyhow. She didn’t even know what jealousy was or what it was caused by.

“No, I like him, a lot.” she was not being shy about that, there was simply no reason. But the only problem was that she had no idea of how much pain it caused Niel to feel. Maybe Eyoon liked Kwangmin more than him. “Come on, let’s eat. I’m really hungry.” She exclaimed out of nowhere. The fact that she’d barely eaten anything that day made itself noticeable as her stomach roared after food. “Yah, why do you change subject?” Niel was afraid, for the first time in a very long time was he terrified. He was scared that the kiss they’d shared meant nothing to her, “Because I’m hungry, really, really hungry.”

Eyoon wandered off to the kitchen and the refrigerator. She’d come to love a few more dishes actually. But that bread, plus Chocopie was definitely the best. On the other hand, it was something which the members of Teen Top wouldn’t give her; they’d said that it wasn’t healthy and that one should eat real food instead. Eyoon had no clue of what that meant, but she’d told herself to not get worked up over something so trivial.

“Then just cook some ramyeon. That’s what I usually eat on Christmas Eve.” Niel began to look for some ramyeon in the cabinets. Much to his disappointment could he not find any packages of ramyeon anywhere. The boy let out a groan; he didn’t feel like hitting the streets at that hour. Lots of snow had fallen during the last couple of days and it was cold as hell. “We don’t have any ramyeon.” Niel stated as he turned to look at Eyoon, the girl was curiously going through the plastic bag which Kwangmin had given. “Then let’s eat some of this.” she showed him the food, though, Niel was not going to eat that on Christmas Eve.

“No, let’s go out and eat.” he walked out of the kitchen as he headed for the hall. They were not going to eat something that Kwangmin had brought. “Why, this looks tasty.” It was times like that when she couldn’t really understand him. He’d cursed at how much snow it’d fallen, yet, not he wanted to go outside for a second time. Niel was acting really weird. “Come on, let’s go. It’s starting to get a bit late and I want to get home before midnight.” He shouted, but Eyoon sulked. She wondered why they couldn’t simply just eat the food that Kwangmin brought. Niel began to get a bit irritated since she wouldn’t move from her seat at the table. “Come on, I’ll pay.” A smile graced her lips upon hearing that, if he paid, then why not.

Half an hour later the two of them were sitting at a small eatery. There was not that many people present, which after all wasn’t that much of a surprise. Niel had, during the walk somehow managed to slip and fall on his , something that’d caused great laughter from Eyoon. The way he’d fallen had looked so hilarious that she hadn’t been able to keep in her laughter. “Stop laughing and eat instead, it wasn’t even fun.” The boy was still a bit embarrassed over that’d he’d slipped. A small smile remained on her lips as she carefully began to devour the ramyeon which Niel had so nicely paid for.

Ever since the kiss he’d been much nicer to her, she weren’t exactly sure to why though. “I like this side of you better; it hurts when you’re being mean.” Eyoon was being blunt and that without even knowing it. Niel knew that he’d been really mean towards her in the past, but that was slowly changing. The fact that he was starting to like her was the cause of that. At least Subin wasn’t on his mind anymore; Eyoon had erased all those thoughts, something he was grateful for. “That’s good.” He kept himself from smiling like a fool, but deep inside he was really happy.

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)