Eleventh Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

It was Monday morning and Eyoon was preparing for her first day in school. Yoosung had apparently enrolled her into a high school nearby. The girl was actually anticipating it. To be able to go to school like a human. The only thing she was slightly skeptic about was the clothing she was supposed to wear. The skirt ended on her mid-thigh, it was shorter than what her dress had been. The shirt and blouse was fine, it was only the skirt that was the problem. Yet, since Yoosung had strictly said that all students must wear it she’d had no choice but to put it on.

“Eyoon, you need to hurry up, Yoosung said he’ll be here in ten minutes.” Ricky announced from the other side of the door. “But this is embarrassing.” She pouted whilst tugging at the end of her skirt. “What is embarrassing?” it was Changjo speaking that time, something that made her wonder whether all of them were standing there and waiting for her to step out. “The skirt, it’s too short.” All six boys froze; they couldn’t remember that they’d ever heard a girl complain about her skirt being too short. “Just get out.” Niel had begun to grow a bit irritated that she used his room all the time. It’d made him think about throwing out the body mirror, “Niel.” C.A.P gave the younger boy a warning; he was being too harsh towards the girl.

It was with much hesitation which she stepped out from the room. Her hands were still attached to the skirt as she tried to get it to cover more of her legs. “Are these really supposed to be this short?” Eyoon was referring to the skirt, yet again. All of the boys were starting at her, their mouths slightly agape. None of them could understand why she would want to hide her legs. Though, she got a bit concerned when no one answered. The girl was pretty certain that she’d put it on wrong and that’s why it was so short. But Eyoon felt someone’s hand grasping onto hers when she was about to head inside Niel’s room for the second time.

“It’s supposed to be like that, so don’t worry about it.” Changjo gave her a small smile, an action that caused her nerves to ease up a bit. If everyone’s skirts were so short then it would probably be okay. “Really, hm, I guess I just have to get used to it.” with that said the girl let go of her skirt. Eyoon hadn’t even taken noticed of that Changjo was still holding onto her hand. On the other hand had Niel done so and his blood was literally boiling. He didn’t like that s were acting like that around her. It wasn’t like she was a baby who needed to be taken care of.

“Oh, you haven’t eaten any breakfast yet.” L.Joe pointed out all of a sudden, Ricky soon joined in on the conversation, “Right, what do you want to eat, I think we have some toast.” Eyoon didn’t have a clue of what toast was, on the contrary did she really want Chocopie. Kwangmin had been right about that, it was really, really tasty.

“I want Chocopie.” Some of the members gawked at her, “That’s just plain sugar; you need something that’ll make you stay alert so you can study hard.” L.Joe was not going to let her eat something like that to breakfast, never. “But I really want it.” Eyoon was behaving really childish like. Though, there was a reason to why she was acting like that. Some of the food she’d eaten hadn’t always been to her liking. Therefore was she slightly afraid of trying new things, just in case they would taste bad. “Just let her eat it, if she wants to get fat then so be it.” Niel added on.

“I’m not fat.” Eyoon lifted her shirt up, thus revealing her flat tummy. “I’m not fat, right?” everyone had suddenly turned their attention to her, or more importantly, to the skin exposed. “Yah, don’t do that.” Niel shouted as he rushed forward, he tugged hard at her shirt so that it would fall back into place. Eyoon was so shocked and surprised by his action that she took a step back, her eyes blinking rapidly. Niel’s hands had brushed against her skin. Hopefully he hadn’t noticed how warm she actually was.

“Eyoooon –, you can’t go around and do that.” Ricky whined from his spot, his cheeks flushed. The young boy was not the only one blushing, about all of them were. It was not every day they got to experience something like that. “Why not, some of the boys at that concert showed their tummies.” The girl was referring to some group that’d called themselves 2PM. Niel wanted to slap his hand over his face, was she really that stupid.

“Do that then. Go around and rip your shirt off and we’ll see how long you’ll be able to keep your ity.” Niel was blurting out all kinds of things, he hadn’t meant for the last part to come out, but now it did, “YAH!” C.A.P roared, not happy at all by what his younger group member had said. The girl tilted her head to the side, ity; it was a new word which her vocabulary needed a description of.

“What’s ity?” The six teenage boys shared a glance; none of them were ready to explain what it was. That was until five of them shifted their gazes towards Niel, he was after all the cause of this new problem. “You tell her, it’s your fault.” Chunji was the first one to leave the apartment; he came with the excuse that he had a vocal lesson to attend. “Yeh, I just remembered that I have a rap class.” L.Joe scrambled out the door, soon followed by C.A.P who decided to leave as well.

Ricky and Changjo exchanged a hurried glance; they were not ready to explain such a thing. Plus, it was Niel’s fault, not theirs. “I found a cool button on the elevator the other day, Changjo, come on.” Ricky backed away, before he, in a fast motion grabbed the other boy’s hand and dragged him away. Eyoon was left alone with Niel after that the two boys had closed the door behind them. “Why did everyone leave?” he girl was clueless to why everyone suddenly left.

“Because no one wants to answer your stupid question.” he rubbed his temple, how the hell was he supposed to sort this out without making it totally awkward. “It’s your fault.” She pointed out, an action that caused him to gawk at her. If he remembered it correctly then it was definitely not his fault, it was hers. If she hadn’t lifted her shirt like that then this situation wouldn’t have occurred. “No, this is your entire fault.” He began to grow frustrated at Eyoon, and the fact that she shook her head didn’t ease his growing irritation either. “But tell me, what’s ity?” she moved on, there was no reason to bicker about whose fault it was. “Yah, don’t change the subject. Plus, why should I tell you?” Niel was doing everything he could in order to get out of the bothersome situation. Shouldn’t girls her age know about those kinds of things?

“If not, then I’ll tell Yoosung oppa.” Eyoon threatened and the boy sighed deep. “Reproducing, doesn’t that ring a bell somewhere in your little head?” nope, that was yet again a new word which she didn’t know. “No, should I?” cuss words flew through Niel’s head, how the heck could the girl not know of those things. It wasn’t like she’d been living under a rock for her entire life. “Yes.” All kinds of thought were causing chaos inside of him. “Just don’t go around showing your body off, it’ll give people the wrong idea. Plus, your ity –.” Ugh, he hated that word, it sounded so weird escaping his tongue, “you should only give it to someone you like.” Eyoon thought about it, hm, someone she likes.

“Then Kwangm –.” She was abruptly cut short, “YAH, don’t even think about losing it to anyone.” Niel didn’t even know why he got so worked up over something like that. If she wanted to lose it to Kwangmin then it was her choice. “But why, I like him?” the girl’s lips drew into a thin line. Niel was making her confused. First he tells her that she can only give it to someone she likes, but then he change his mind. “No, just, don’t.” Niel’s voice was loud and harsh, something that made her a bit uneasy. “Okay, I won’t.” Eyoon was not even sure of what she was agreeing to, but since the boy managed to calm down she guessed that it had to be a positive thing.

“Anyhow, I’m going.” She her heel and was about to head towards the door when Niel spoke, “Promise.” The girl rolled her eyes, nonetheless did she reply, “I promise.”

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her too...waaaaaa...how dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)