Sixth Chapter

Choose Me [Hiatus]

”Move it, you’re in the way.” Eyoon was pushed forward and into the huge mass of people. Numerous of voices boomed in her ear and she turned around in haste, only to panic when none of the familiar faces were there. All the members of Teen Top and their manager was nowhere in sight. Letting her eyes wander she took in everyone that were currently standing around her.

Though, she couldn’t recognize anyone. All of them were complete strangers to her. But as she stood there something else collided into her, thus causing her body to once again being pushed forward and before Eyoon knew it her body crashed into another person.

“I’m sorry.” Her hair fell in front of her face as she bowed. Just at that moment Eyoon wished that she’d stayed inside the van. At least she wouldn’t have to deal with this. But since Ricky and Changjo literally forced her out the girl hadn’t had any choice. With her head facing the ground she saw how the person turned to face her. But instead of being greeted with hurtful words, like the ones Niel always shot at her the voice was calm, “don’t worry, no harm done.”

Once the shock had somewhat worn of the girl straightened her back, brushed the bangs out of her eyes and stared at the person before her. Eyoon could almost feel how her cheeks flushed. The boy displayed in front was handsome, breathtaking, and definitely someone the queen would love to play with. A bad feeling spread within and she gulped down. What if they were looking for her?

From what she’d heard only one has managed to break free. Though, the queen had found that girl not long after and she was met with a gruesome death. A shiver ran down her spine. It was these seconds of thoughts that caused her to wonder whether she’d made the right choice to escape. “Are you alright?” Eyoon bit down on her lip; did he know that she was lost? Trying to not make a big deal out of it she smiled, “I’m alright.”

His eyes wandered down her body, though he came to a stop as he saw her bare feet’s. The boy wondered why she was even dressed like that, in a white, thin summer dress and no shoes. Eyoon followed his gaze and soon found herself staring at the same thing he was, her feet’s.

She had forgotten the shoes that Yoosung had bought her earlier that day in the van. The girl didn’t really like wearing shoes, maybe because it was something completely new to her. Therefore had she, when they were riding in the van slipped them off. Though, then when they’d arrived Eyoon hadn’t got any time to put them on again because Ricky and Changjo grabbed onto her wrists and pulled her along.

“I think you’re the first person wearing so little clothes in the middle of winter. But aren’t you cold?” okay, how was she going to answer that, and without sounding suspicious. Parting her lips she replied, “A little.” He gave her a weak smile in return, “You’re not an idol, right?” her eyes widened, something he noticed as well.

Eyoon didn’t know what an idol was, but before getting the chance to ask him someone else interrupted. “Kwangmin, didn’t I tell you to not walk away like that. We’re supposed to hit the stage soon.” It was another boy, and once he’d finished his statement he let his gaze meet Eyoon’s. He seemed a bit shocked to see her there, “Kwang, just get ready okay.” Despite that he was talking to this Kwangmin boy he still kept his eyes on her, “Hyung.” Kwangmin found it a bit embarrassing that his hyung was staring like that.

He acted like he’d never seen a cute girl before. “Ah, right, well, just be ready in ten minutes.” Eyoon watched how the older boy left Kwangmin and her. “Sorry for that, hyung is the leader of my group so he just wanted to make sure that I’m ready.” She nodded her head, and that despite that she had no idea of what he was talking about.

“Right, I forgot to introduce myself, but I’m Jo Kwangmin, I’m a member of Boyfriend.” The smile he showed caused Eyoon herself to smile. “I’m Eyoon, and you are much nicer than Niel.” Her blunt side revealed itself. Not that she found anything wrong with being sincere and honest. “Heh, so you’re here with Teen Top?” Kwangmin thought it was a bit awkward, Niel was his senior and hyung. Still, he was glad that she thought he was nice.

“Yes, Teen Top. But I can’t find them.” her smile fell and was instead replaced by a frown. She was not used to so much people, so when she got pushed around like some kind of ragdoll the girl found herself confused. Eyoon had never experienced such thing before. “They are currently onstage, so I can understand that you can’t find them.” oh, no wonder. So that’s why Ricky and Changjo had urged her out from the van whilst making her promise that she would watch when they were singing. But how could Eyoon have known, she was not used to these kinds of things. But she’d broken a promise, so, did that mean that Ricky and Changjo were going to hate her as well?

“I promised to watch them, now they’re going to hate me.” Eyoon sulked, her mood had dropped drastically. Niel hating her was more than enough; she didn’t need two more to do so as well. “I’m pretty sure they’re not going to hate you just because you missed their performance.” Kwangmin was a bit dumbstruck. The girl before him seemed to honestly believe that they would hate her.

“Kwangmin, come on, we must go.” His hyung came back, meaning that he really had to go. “Eyoon sshi, I’m sorry, but I really need to go. But if I see any of the Teen Top members I’ll tell them that you’re looking for them.” Kwangmin hated that he had to leave her just like that. But his idol life was calling and he needed to get up and perform.

Once Kwangmin and the other boy had left she had nothing to do. Eyoon thought it was rather stupid to go around there and look for any of the Teen Top members, especially since the area seemed to be huge. No, it was probably for the best if she waited at the van. Letting a sigh escape she took a hurried glance around her, as if she believed that they would magically appear before her. But they didn’t and she headed towards the van.

Snowflakes greeted her as she stepped out into the winter landscape. Eyoon had always found snow to be extraordinary, especially once it glittered after the night had fallen, just like it was during at that précis moment. She shuddered slightly as her feet’s sank down into the coldness, but nonetheless did Eyoon continue to walk forward. Even if she was resistance to the cold she could still feel how it tried to penetrate her body and that without success.

After have reached the right van, which took a while since all other vehicles looked the same she tried to open the door. But it was all in vain because it wouldn’t budge. Eyoon’s shoulders sank in defeat and she wondered what she was supposed to do now.

It was probably no idea in trying to get back inside to look for them, not in that sea of people, plus, what if they were to leave her behind. The girl had no clue of where they were, all she knew was that she’d spent half the day in that van, pressed in-between Ricky and Changjo, and that after that Niel had made it quite clear that he didn’t want to be seated next to her. Of course it hurt her; she was not used to having someone hate her like that.

“Stupid Niel.” She muttered while kicking a pile of snow, causing it to fly away, though some flew up and into her eyes and thus made her unable to see for a second or two. “From the looks of it, you are the stupid one.” Eyoon hadn’t noticed him approaching, but when she heard Niel’s voice she panicked and her gaze snapped up to meet his. “I’m not stupid.” It was a natural defense mechanism. She’d never been called stupid before, but the girl knew very well what it meant.

“Really, then when are you still dressed like that? Hyung bought you a jacket and shoes, so why aren’t you wearing that, do you like living on the street so much?” He noticed how her gaze dropped and Niel cursed inside his head, maybe he actually said a bit too much this time. Still, he couldn’t understand why she was walking around like that. It was a wonder that she wasn’t as blue as a smurf because of the cold.

Niel’s heart sank a little as he saw tears running down her face. If it was something he truly disliked it was when a girl cried. Fluttering his eyes close he breathed out a deep sigh, doing so he tried to come up with something to do. He didn’t want anyone to see that he’d made her cry. Everyone was already pointing out every little thing he did towards her, so to have made her cry another time was not something he wished that the other members found out about.

“Here.” He draped the jacket he’d worn on the stage over her shoulders. The piece of clothing hung onto Eyoon’s body, and even though it was fairly large it still gave her some comfort. Believing that Niel hadn’t seen her tears she hurried to wipe them away before she raised her head to give him a small smile. The boy didn’t reply the smile, though; his heart eased and he was glad that she wasn’t crying anymore.

“Don’t get any weird thoughts, I still don’t like you.” even though his words were harsh it still didn’t wash away the smile on her face. If there was something humans had thought her it was that actions speak louder than words. But instead of saying anything Eyoon kept shut, she didn’t want to ruin his mood. “You are not a complete meanie.” The girl stuck her tongue out and that in a very childish way. “Yah –.” He had just circled his hand around Eyoon’s wrist when he got interrupted by that familiar voice. The one Niel now dreaded.

“I see you’ve found a new girl.” Pain erupted within him; it would be a lie to say that he’d moved on. Still, when he turned around to face the other girl he tried to keep a straight face. Niel was not going to show that he still had feelings for her. “It’s not my girl; she’s our manager’s daughter who came with us today, nothing more, nothing less.” Niel was not even sure why he’d said that Eyoon was Yoosung hyung’s daughter. Though, on the other hand, it was not a complete lie either, because she was most definitely not his girl.

“Really, then how come she’s wearing you jacket? And it seems like the new trend is to go barefoot.” The laugh that escaped the girl’s lips caused Eyoon to feel slightly embarrassed. It was a taunting laugh; she’d heard the queen emit one of those when the humans begged for their lives, so she knew the meaning of them. That she had the upper take and that she herself knew it. The only problem was, did Niel even understand that?

“Oh, sorry, forgot to introduce myself, I’m Subin, Niel’s exgirlfriend.” Eyoon kind of understood that the moment Niel’s whole body language changed. But what hurt Eyoon most, which was kind of strange, was the fact that she saw how he still liked Subin. Not trying to be rude she, too spoke up,

“Hi, I’m Eyoon.” She gave of a weak smile, something that she found rather hard when it was not a sincere one. “Well, it was nice to meet you, but I have to go. My members are waiting for me.” Subin winked and then wandered off in the opposite direction. “Don’t say a word.” Niel was fuming with anger, if Eyoon hadn’t been there then the possibility of him actually getting to talk to Subin would’ve been higher.

“Bu –.” Her words were abruptly shortened when he grabbed her wrists and pushed her up against the door of the van. Eyoon’s eyes widened and she was stunned over how much influence that girl seemed to have over him. It was like Niel were Subin’s own little puppet. “Didn’t I tell you to shut it?” she winced as his grip hardened, he was actually hurting her.

“NIEL.” After that, everything happened so fast. The boy was pulled back and away from her slightly trembling body. Eyoon was still in shock when Ricky walked up and scanned her face in search for any bruises. “Come on.” The car was somehow unlocked and she, plus Ricky were soon seated inside the van. Her hands were shaking so violently that the boy had to hold onto them in order for them to keep somewhat still.

“I’m sorry for what Niel did; he’s normally not acting like that. But I think Subin has gotten to him lately.” Eyoon didn’t want to hear that name. Just the thought of that girl playing with Niel’s heart the way she seemed to be doing was painful to see. And that fact that he didn’t seem to even realize that is even worse. “Don’t apologize; it’s not your fault.” Eyoon was doing her best to not let it get to her as the door to the van was pulled open and that in a very aggressive manner. Niel’s piercing gaze met hers and he showed more than well his dislike.

“I want my jacket back, now.”


I don't want to sound mean,
but I would truly appriciate it if someone would comment :)

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please update soon! your story is really awesome! i love it ^^ <3
Please update soon!!!! :(
i don't get it? :|
@____________________@ want to read this but i need to review for my subjects for coming 1st yr. But it's vacation!!! I'll read this at midnight :D
Awwww....this is cute, but WHAT is she?!?! And the queen is going to get her!!! Oh no!!! And kwangmin is in love with her dramatic!!! Please update soon!!!
i love your story very much!!
nice combination between kwangmin and niel :)
i love both of them, heheh ..

please update soon??
Update! :D
Kim_MyungHee #8
I really love Eyoon unnie...<br />
good thing Neil oppa is starting to act nicer...<br />
<br />
please update soon...:)