Chapter 19

Army of Two

Tomorrow is the day I'm leaving for Busan. I'm leaving tomorrow early in the morning, around 6am. ChaeMin and JiHye still hung out with me almost everyday. I told them to try and give ourselves space because if they keep hanging out with me, it'll hurt them more to let me go. They agreed that it was true but they didn't want to regret missing a day with me. They rather be hurt with me leaving then hurt with regret, not doing things we should've done.


Again, I haven't spoken to TaeHyung. But, I'm leaving tomorrow and I feel like he deserves at least a goodbye.

When school ended, I said goodbye to ChaeMin and JiHye, giving them a long hug before I left to look around for TaeHyung. I walked around the whole school and I couldn't find him. I started calling out his name, hoping he'd hear and is still around. But nothing.

I walk out the school, dragging my feet. I passed by the mall we first met, the park where we met again, and the shops and markets I'll be missing here. I see a familiar figure in front of me. My eyes widened when I realized that it was TaeHyung.

"TaeHyung!" I shouted. He stops walking and turns around. I ran up to him and stopped immediately right in front of him. I was so close to hugging him. He looks at me, shocked and confused.

"TaeHyung." I say again.

"Yeah?" he goes. I catch my breath and look down at the ground.

"Let's hang out all day today?" I ask him, and look back at his face. He's just staring blankly at me.

"I'm leaving tomorrow early morning TaeHyung. I thought you at least deserved a goodbye." I tell him. He nods and starts walking off. I follow him.


"So...your sister?" I asked, resisting a little bit. But I was curious if she was actually leaving or if she's staying.

TaeHyung sat down on a little pillar, and I sat down next to him. He smiles a little, but I can tell it was a sad smile.

"She's still leaving." he says.

"I'm sorry." I tell him. He shakes his head.

"It's okay. They extended their moving day. The house started to have problems so their fixing them. She was suppose to move in about 5 days, but not anymore." he answers me. I froze there, and then nodded my head.

"TaeHyung?" I ask. He looks at me. "I'm sorry, for everything. But, thank you, for making my life a bit better. I just wanted to know if you know, we could be friends still."

TaeHyung stayed staring at me, and then looks forward.

"I just want to be friends still TaeHyung. Look, I don't know if I'm ever coming back but it wouldn't hurt to be friends."

TaeHyung stays looking forward. He doesn't move or make a sound. I slowly scoot closer to him. His head turns to me, noticing me scooting closer, and he quickly throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.

I froze there, not knowing what to do. He throws his other arm around me and hugs me tightly. He buries his face into my neck and I couldn't help but melt into his chest. I didn't hug him back though. I release from his hug and scoot away from him, without him realizing.

"Please TaeHyung?" I say. He looks at me and sighs, then he nods.

"Yeah. Friends." he says. I smile and he smiles slightly. He stands up and holds out his hand. I take it and get up. I felt him slowly linking our fingers together, and I let go of his hand.

"Where to now?" I ask him. He looks around us and points at a souvenir shop. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"There?" I ask.

"Why not? Let's buy Korean souvenirs for you to take." he says. I chuckle.

"TaeHyung. I'm moving to Busan, not America or something." I say. He looks away and I just shake my head. "Sure, let's go."

We both walk into the souvenir shop and I look around. Maybe it'd be nice to buy something, and probably have it to remember this day. I know it'd be quite sad, to have a souvenir remind me of the last day we hung out, but I want something to remember TaeHyung by.

"JaeEun, how about this?" he shouts. I look at him and he holds up what I think is a ball. He shakes it and it makes a high pitched noise, a pretty one. He grabs the other one and shakes it, and it makes a different high pitched noise.

"Wah, these make different sounds." he says, shaking them. I chuckle. It looked like he was a tourist here. I walk up to him and he hands me another one. I shake it and he smiles. I check the price and it was 5,000 won. Not bad, I can buy it.

"Can I buy two of these?" I say to the worker in here. He comes up to me and I hand him 10,000 won. I thank him and walk out the store, TaeHyung following behind me.

"Here." I say, handing TaeHyung one. He looks at me and then at the little metal ball, and then takes it. He starts shaking it lightly and I chuckle and shake my head.

We walked around Seoul a while and it was amazing to finally be with him again, even though if we are just friends. I'm glad I made the decision to hang out with him one more time. I'd probably regret not doing this tomorrow when I finally leave.

At first, TaeHyung was quiet. I could tell he was still sad and didn't really like the idea of us just being friends. But he got used to it later on, I guess. He started laughing like before and he even cracked regular jokes that he used to do with me. No conversation of our personal life came up, and that kind of felt weird but it was okay with me.

"Want me to drop you home?" TaeHyung asks. I check my phone and it's 5pm. I sigh and nod my head.

"Yeah. I have to pack some last minute things and sleep early." I answer him. He sighs and nods his head.


It's 6am, and I'm in the moving truck waiting for my mom to finish putting everything in the back of the truck. Last night when he dropped me home, I could tell the he was resisting hugging me. All I did to him was smile, say goodbye and walk into the home. I couldn't even look back at him to wave goodbye.

My mom finally closed the back of the truck and sit in the drivers seat. She starts the car and asks if I'm ready. I nod my head and she starts driving.

About almost 2 hours into the drive, I get a text from both ChaeMin and JiHye.

"Miss you already! Visit soon!" they both said. My eyes teared up and I smiled.

"You're hungry JaeEun?" My mom asks me. I told her no and she insisted on me eating, since I said no for the past 3 times she already asked during the drive.

4 hours later and we finally made it to Busan. My mom parks in front of this small apt. It didn't look that bad, I'll probably kind of like it here. We move our stuff in, with the help of our neighbors.

When we finally moved in, I just lay in my new room and stare at the ceiling. I'm about 6 hours away from everyone I love, but I'll have to get used to this.

"Sweetie? Want to help me unpack these boxes?" My mom yells to me from the living room. This apartment doesn't have stairs, so I'm kind of glad. Those stairs were a bit tiring.

I help my mom unpack and she stays quiet for a while.

"You're starting your new school here tomorrow." my mom finally says.

"What?" I say.

"Yeah, before we moved here I enrolled you over the phone to a school nearby here. You start tomorrow and they'll give you your classes in the office." she says. I sigh and nod my head. This is actually happening. I'm here and I'm going to start a new life. Without Dad, without Chaemin and JiHye. A new life without TaeHyung.

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Jeon_Sumaiyah #1
Chapter 30: update please
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 30: Please update and I hope you get your laptop fixed soon!! Hwaiting authornim! ;) <3 ^_^
Dukiepoopie #3
Chapter 6: I was laughing so hard during the whole chapter since touch my body was playing and all I could picture was j-hope and jimin dancing >_< :)
LilyClover #4
Chapter 30: Plz update soon!! I hipe your laptop are fixed too!! Good luck with school (if you still havr them >.< )
Raghad123 #5
Author nim.. It's been sucha while (3 months maybe) i decided to pass by and tell you that i miiss this tory .. Please update soooooooooooooooon
Raghad123 #6
Plleeeeeease update soon
Maglikeexo #7
Raghad123 #8
Chapter 30: I thought you really left the story and left us... Soooooo excited to know that you are going to update soon, i miss this story alot. Please take care and update as soon as your time allows you
Chapter 30: Ahh omg so excited!! Thanks for your hardwork!!! ♥ We will be waitinggggg
JeonMinyoung #10
Chapter 30: My brother's laptop has broken so many times it's insaaaane
As long as I know you're not abandoning this story, it's all g :)