Chapter 18

Army of Two

"Wait what? You broke up with him? Why?" JiHye shouts, her eyes wide open. It's the next day at school and we're sitting outside on the grass during lunch time.


"I'm leaving next month. I'm going to Busan." I answer.

"What?!" ChaeMin shouts. Whoops, I forgot to tell them.

"Yeah. My mom can't pay for the rent for our house ever since my dad was gone. So she found a cheaper house online in Busan. I'm moving there in a month."

"But, there are cheaper apartments here in Seoul! You have to stay JaeEun!" JiHye shouts. I sigh and just shake my head.

"No wonder I haven't seen TaeHyung around." ChaeMin says. "But wait, can't you still be together with him?"

"No." I say, shaking my head. "It's personal. Don't worry about it."

ChaeMin and JiHye both sigh and nod.

"I would ask you to live with me again but, I don't think you'd want to leave your mom." ChaeMin says. I nod my head. I wouldn't want to leave her.

"Don't worry. We'll make your last month here fun." JiHye says, her face lighting up a small bit. "But, when you do move, you better find time to come back and visit us! You can't forget about us!"

I chuckle and nod my head.


MinKyu wasn't in Physics today. It was great. Nobody spoke to me at all in that class. I was left alone finally. If only it could be like that everyday.

My mom wants me to start packing already. I don't know why but she loves to be ready early before the actual events. We have a month until we move but she already had 3 boxes packed up in the living room when I came home.

"Those are just the photo albums and DVD's that we have." Mom says, coming out the kitchen with a plate full of rice and bulgogi meat. Since when does she eat in the living room?

I nod at her and then walk upstairs into my room. I stare at it and sigh at the thought that I won't be living here anymore in a month. I'll be leaving people that I care about.

With Mom it's easy for her to leave somewhere that far. She doesn't really have friends here, besides her business friends. When my dad was still here, he would never let any of us go out, unless it was my mom buying groceries or working, and me going to school or shopping for groceries with my mom. She can just leave them easily, but I can't leave my friends easily.

I grab a box that was sitting next to my door and I unfold it. I look around for things that I won't be using for the next month. I grab plushies, extra blankets and pillows, and some things sitting on and inside my dresser.

I throw all of those inside the box and see that there's still more space for extras. I look around my room and find nothing else that I don't need. I close the box and set it aside.

I go on my bed and just stare at the ground. I have homework in my backpack but I'm too upset to even touch it.

My phone gets a text message, and I stand up to go get it on my dresser. It was from TaeHyung. I resisted opening the text but ended up doing it anyways.

TaeHyung: "Can you just come outside real quick?"

I stare at my phone for a good few seconds before going to my window, seeing TaeHyung standing in front of the door steps, looking down at his phone. I sighed and walked downstairs.

I opened the front door and TaeHyung shot his head straight up at me. I walked out and slowly closed the door. I didn't walk closer to him, I just stood there right in front of my door.

"Yes, TaeHyung?" I say. He starts walking closer to me, but I end up going closer to him. I don't want my mom to hear or see anything that will possibly happen right now.

"Just let me ask you one thing." he starts off. I step down the steps and stand right in front of him. I nod my head.


"Why?" he asks. I look at him and start breathing heavily. I was going to speak but I just couldn't open my mouth. He keeps staring at me, waiting for my answer. I exhale.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore later on." I finally answer, but I'm not looking up at him.

"Hurt me?" he asks. I nod my head.

"How would you hurt me more?" he adds. I just sigh and shake my head. I finally look at him and he's still staring straight at me.

"TaeHyung, there's nothing that I can do. I'm moving to Busan. That's it. I can't do anything about it. My mom won't give in to any other places here." I start. "And I'm leaving in a month. I know your sister might be leaving in a month so I just ended us sooner. I don't want you to have your sister and I leaving you at the same time. That would break you and I didn't want you to deal with it."

He just stares at me. I look at him, waiting for a response, for him to say something, but nothing came out of his mouth. We're just staring at each other.

"I'm sorry." I say, and then start to turn around to go back inside. TaeHyung grabs my shoulder and turns me around to face him. I look at him and he quickly leans down and kisses me, cupping my cheeks with both his hands.

Tears formed quickly in my eyes and already started to fall down. I slowly kissed him back and my hands held onto his wrists.

I then pulled away and turned my face. I shook my head, biting down on my bottom lip.

"I'm sorry." I say again, and turn around. I open the door and did not dare to look back at him.

I close it and run straight to my room. I slide my back down against my door until I'm sitting down on the floor. I silently cry to myself. I don't want to leave TaeHyung. I never wanted to break up with him. But I just can't have him hurt more in a month. He should just try and forget about me now that we're broken up, so he won't have to deal with the pain of me leaving next month.


It's been two weeks and I've seen TaeHyung at school. MinKyu slightly stopped bullying me. Okay, he didn't really stop, but his bullying isn't as bad as it was before. He doesn't say anything anymore. He just knocks my books down, pushes my stuff off my desk, or even sometimes trips me in the halls. I don't mind those. At least no one is talking about my arrested father anymore.

ChaeMin and JiHye invited me out everyday but I knew my mom wouldn't allow me to hang out everyday. She'd want me to pack. So I hung out with them about 6 times for the past two weeks.

About TaeHyung, he was quiet in school now. He never looked his way at me, or at least I think. I never caught him even catching a glance towards me. I should be happy that he's finally forgetting about me but I'm honestly quite sad. I don't even know what's going on with his life anymore, or if his sister is staying or still going. Or if the foster couple found somewhere to move closer here, in Seoul.

Sometimes I eat lunch with ChaeMin and JiHye, but other days I just go to the rooftop or sit alone on the grass.

I have an urge to go up to TaeHyung and be friendly. Just say hi or something. I miss talking to him but I just can't. I still like him. I still want to be with him, of course. But I can't have those feelings if I'm going to be so far away from him. It'll break my heart and possibly his, being so far apart and still dating. Gosh, I wouldn't be well with long-distance relationships.

I honestly don't know if I'll ever be coming back here, to Seoul. I mean for visits of course, but coming back as in living here? I don't think that will ever happen. If I knew for sure that I would be coming back here, I would stay with TaeHyung. Tell him to wait for me.

I know I'm 18 now, I can get a job and rent a place of my own. But, I don't even have a job. And if I get a job in Busan, I'll probably save enough for an apartment but the rent and furniture and bills and food. It's too much for just me alone.

But it's going to be done. Just two and a half more weeks until I'm gone. Almost goodbye, Seoul.

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Jeon_Sumaiyah #1
Chapter 30: update please
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 30: Please update and I hope you get your laptop fixed soon!! Hwaiting authornim! ;) <3 ^_^
Dukiepoopie #3
Chapter 6: I was laughing so hard during the whole chapter since touch my body was playing and all I could picture was j-hope and jimin dancing >_< :)
LilyClover #4
Chapter 30: Plz update soon!! I hipe your laptop are fixed too!! Good luck with school (if you still havr them >.< )
Raghad123 #5
Author nim.. It's been sucha while (3 months maybe) i decided to pass by and tell you that i miiss this tory .. Please update soooooooooooooooon
Raghad123 #6
Plleeeeeease update soon
Maglikeexo #7
Raghad123 #8
Chapter 30: I thought you really left the story and left us... Soooooo excited to know that you are going to update soon, i miss this story alot. Please take care and update as soon as your time allows you
Chapter 30: Ahh omg so excited!! Thanks for your hardwork!!! ♥ We will be waitinggggg
JeonMinyoung #10
Chapter 30: My brother's laptop has broken so many times it's insaaaane
As long as I know you're not abandoning this story, it's all g :)