I should be the one rejecting you.

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Sehun leaned his back on the closed door as his eyes stared down the ground. A loud sigh escaped his mouth— the thought of Jongin made his heart ache and his mind frustrated. He did not expect the sudden change of behaviour from Jongin, hell he had never imagined slapping the latter's cheek. He turned to his palm— bringing the hand that had been because he kept clenching his hand into fist above to his eyes' level. He kept on turning his hand, checking it. He didn't even understand why he did so.

"What have you done?" He muttered out followed with another breathy sigh. He let his hands fell on the sides of his legs before clenching both of it into fists— the expression Jongin made when he struck his palm on the man's face surged to his mind again. He hated the expression Jongin made, he really hate it. The way his lip twitched on the side in a satisfied smile and how the eyes stared deeply into his, he hated it all.

He brought his hands to rub his face, rubbing it extra hard to let the frustration disappear. He just wanted to forget everything Jongin had done— he just wanted to forgot Jongin for now. He wanted to ask himself why did he even bother about Jongin now. Could it be because he was letting out his frustration on Chanyeol to Jongin who was the innocent one here? He pushed his hair back— he probably just needed some time to think.


Jongin remained the same way as Sehun had left him— he felt guilty. He kept hurting Sehun and he hate himself for doing so. How could he even? When he was clearly the one who wanted to protect Sehun. But was what he doing hurting Sehun with his words? He should have let the man cried, let the man release all of his anger on him but he had to in. He grasped on the comforter, digging his nails in it before letting himself fell back on the mattress. 

He heaved out a sigh as his eyes wandered to the ceiling. The white dull ceiling brought a bit of peace to him. The end of his lip twitched up as a faint smile slowly crept up on his face. The clear memory he had flowed back to his mind, bringing a wider grin on his face. He released the comforter as his arm slid to side comfortably. He slowly turned his body to the side, acting the same scene that had once happened to him. 

"You are so beautiful." He muttered to the figure in his arm, a wider grin appeared on his face when the figure smiled back. He closed his eyes, letting himself fell back into deep slumber.



"For the nth times, I am a guy Jongin." Sehun puckered his lips as his hand that were grasping the side of Jongin's cheek moved to pinch his nose. "Stop calling me beautiful!" He added again as he let out a huff, pinching Jongin's nose once again before releasing it and letting his hand dropped on the mattress. 

"You have to stop denying the truth Hun." Jongin snickered— taking Sehun's hand on the mattress to intertwine their fingers together. He smiled before inching closer to Sehun who was just lying next to him. "You are beautiful in my eyes." He said once again. 

 "I am handsome!" Sehun fought back— wriggling his hand in Jongin's hold as he tried to escape out. 

Jongin only tightened his grasp. "Then you are both handsome and beautiful — I love you both way anyways." He leaned his face to Sehun before leaving a quick peck on the blond's forehead. "Have I ever told you how much I loved you in blond?" 

"Don't try to change the topic!" Sehun whined but still leaned closer to Jongin— leaning his head on Jongin's chest as he pulled their inter

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ajajajahahahajajajajaj so many upvotes lol...this story doesn't deserve all of that


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can’t wait for more! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Chapter 14: Plot twist.....???????!!!!!!!!

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Need update plzz
Plz update authornim
teufelchen_netty #5
sadly no update
qattrunxoxo #6
Authornim... Pls update... I really like this story
authornim pls updateeeeedee :(
MochiUp #8
Chapter 13: Come Sehun you have to endure it and make him fall for you again!! Sehun-ah fighting!
I liked the way Jongin react when Hun cried, hope they can love each other again.
Gkarthik #9
Chapter 13: I want chanyeol and luhan to be together!!!!!!!!!! go sekai!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: i smell chansoo