It hurts me when you lied to me

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Chanyeol sighed for the nth times as he damped the towel in his grip into the bowl of water that he had placed on the bedside table, squeezing the towel right after to lower the weight of the towel by squeezing the water out. He turned to Sehun, grimacing as he pushed Sehun's fringe that had blocked his forehead from his view before settling the wet towel on the other's forehead.

Sehun had caught a cold once Chanyeol's arrived at the restaurant— it was quite shocking for him when the other called him, crying and sounding so broken, it actually broke a part of him. He didn't expect when he arrived to see the other slumped on the cold surface with his back leaning on the restaurant's wall. He was glad the workers didn't kick Sehun away, instead they pity him and helped Chanyeol to lift the lifeless Sehun to his car.

He didn't know the cause of the other's cries but actually a part of him knew the reason, he had knew everything even before telling Sehun his schedule. He knew who was their client and he regretted for letting Sehun go alone, if only he had been there for the brunette, maybe he wouldn't feel too much pain.

He brushed Sehun's hair— a smile slowly crept on his face as he noticed how peaceful the other was when he was sleeping. He looked so calm and like someone who had no burden or problem on his shoulder, it made Chanyeol smile.

"Why can't you fall for me instead?" He chuckled to himself, asking for a question which he clearly knew the answer to it.

He played with the locks of the brunnete's hair, enjoying the moment he could enjoy in the past before leaning his face to Sehun's face. He could feel the other heavy breathing on his face as he closed their distance slowly. He eyed the other's cherry blossom lips that was slightly parting, he smiled faintly when he realized a small part of his ex-boyfriend had never changed before the smile turned into a frown.

He wondered if he didn't let Sehun go would he be able to see the view in front of him everyday? Would he still be able to kiss the other's plump lips without being called a stealer or pushed away by the man under him and would he still have a part of Sehun's heart for himself.

He sighed before breaking his stare on Sehun's lips as he turned to the other's forehead. He lifted the towel draped on Sehun's forehead before leaving a soft peck on it as he dropped the towel back gently. He straightened his body before getting off the chair, walking back to the door but not before glancing to Sehun.

"Goodnight." He wished before closing the door shut.




The next day Sehun woke up, he felt emptier that he had felt before. His heart felt nothing but empty, it didn't feel hatred or love it just felt nothing. He wondered why he remained on living. He didn't have any thing to be achieved anymore, he didn't have a motto, he had, nothing. The once he had been chasing, disowned him and his family? It never felt like a family for him anymore.

He sighed as he gripped on the duvet that was draped on him, pulling it off him as he climbed down the bed. Everything felt light as he stood on his own feet, his sight darkened for a bit before he saw the light again. He just felt weak as he tried to step forward to the door. The cold must have infected him real bad.

He grasped on the knob of the door once he reached there, leaning his head on the door frame as he tried to gain back the energy he had lost just by walking to the door. It was as if he just climbed a mountain. He chuckled to himself before turning the door knob.

Before he could push the door open, the door was pulled open by the other side as he felt himself falling forward. He shut his eyes tightly, ready for the impact but instead he landed on something softer as he felt his waist being gripped by a strong pair of arms.

"You okay?"

He nodded his head before opening his eyes, glancing to the person above him as he threw the latter a smile. "Thanks." He muttered to Chanyeol, not budging to tell the others to remove his arms off him as he let his head rest on Chanyeol's chest.

He heard a soft chuckle from Chanyeol. "Enjoying the position, aren't you?" The other spoke, his laughter follow along as he tightened his grip on Sehun's waist.

"A bit." He wasn't lying, it actually felt comfortable to be in other's arms. He felt protected for once. Being in Chanyeol's arms made him miss the linger of Jongin's touch but he knew he won't be in the other arms anymore.

"You should go to the bed, you still look weak." Chanyeol muttered as he straightened his body, jerking his hands off Sehun at the same time. "I was going to check on you but seems like you can take the medicine now." He mumbled everything out as he turned his back to walk back out.

Sehun immediately grabbed a hold of Chanyeol's arm, stopping the other from budging from his position. "Wait, I'm okay. You don't have to go." No, Sehun was far from okay but all he needed was Chanyeol by his side, he didn't need anything else. "Just stay with me." He pleaded.

Chanyeol sighed as he took Sehun's hand on his arm, dropping the hand down from his arm. "You are not okay, you need the medicine so I will—"

"Just stay here will you?" Sehun cut Chanyeol's words off, pleading the other to stay again. "I need you, my friend, the one who have been with me since I was young."

Chanyeol frowned. "That's the problem Sehun." He raked his fingers through his hair, sighing out frustration. "I don't want to be your friend."

Sehun curled his finger on the hem of his dress shirt, his teeth nibbling on his lower lip. He felt guilty, once again. For hurting Chanyeol. He kept on hurting the other, leaving a pain on the other's heart as long as he remained happy. He wanted to chuckle, most of the time he acted clueless, never caring about the other's heart.

"Chanyeol...I…" He tried to speak but he felt as if something was holding his back as he just kept his mouth again.

Chanyeol just shook his head, chuckling. "I don't want you to feel pity so just forget about this and let's move on. Forget I ever said that." He shrugged it away before turning his back from Sehun, his fingers curling into a fist.

Sehun watched as the other slowly stomp away from him, a part of him just wanted to disappear from the place. He felt.. stupid. He had lost Jongin for his own mistake and he was slowly losing Chanyeol too, he could be count as selfish. How could he even ask for Chanyeol when Jongin was there for him? But now that Jongin had decided to leave him and Chanyeol was willingly to be by his side, he pushed the other away. How selfish could he be? He wanted to ask himself all of that, the questions that would remain unanswered for him.

He had to make thing right just once. He ran after Chanyeol who was still in his sight, he embraced the other from his back, circling his arms on the other's waist as he rested his head on his back. "Don't go." He pleaded as he grabbed the hem of Chanyeol's shirt,

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ajajajahahahajajajajaj so many upvotes lol...this story doesn't deserve all of that


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can’t wait for more! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Chapter 14: Plot twist.....???????!!!!!!!!

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Need update plzz
Plz update authornim
teufelchen_netty #5
sadly no update
qattrunxoxo #6
Authornim... Pls update... I really like this story
authornim pls updateeeeedee :(
MochiUp #8
Chapter 13: Come Sehun you have to endure it and make him fall for you again!! Sehun-ah fighting!
I liked the way Jongin react when Hun cried, hope they can love each other again.
Gkarthik #9
Chapter 13: I want chanyeol and luhan to be together!!!!!!!!!! go sekai!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 13: i smell chansoo