SunMi's point of view:    

     Their was a nice cafe right next door to the WoolLim Ent. building that had three tables placed outside. It was a perfect place to sit and wait. I quickly ordered a cup of coffee and a chocolate croissant. I hadn't eaten eaten this morning due to the fact that I was excited and overly desperate to find Myungsoo oppa.

"Oppa." I repeated out loud.

     I had missed saying oppa the most when we had moved to California. It felt nice to be back in the land of oppas, unnies. donsaengs, sunbaes and hoobaes.

     I waited for an hour and nothing. Two hours, three hours, four hours and still nothing. It was already three in the afternoon and nothing. I was half debating with myself on leaving and coming back some other day, when I noticed a group of people exit the building. For a brief second I could have sworn I saw Myungsoo. As I got up from my chair, a group of girls then came out of nowhere and circled around them. I could only see the back of the head that I was almost sure was Myungsoo's.

"Myungsoo!. . . . Myungsoo!" I yelled out to him, hoping he could hear me through the screaming girls.

     Their was at least ten girls now surrounding all of the seven boys. I stood there confused.

Who were these girls?

Who were these boys to them?

     I kept calling out to Myungsoo but he never turned. Annoyed, I quickly pushed the girls that were blocking me from Myungsoo and pulled his arm so that his body was half turned to me. He first looked down to look at my hands tight grip on his arm, shocked, and then looked up to face me. It was him.

"Myungsoo." I said, almost about to cry in joy.

     He stared at me, speechless, and with absolutely no immediate reaction. He looked around for a second before loosening my grip on his arm. His expression grew cold, and without saying a word he turned and got into the black van. I tried calling out to him but he ignored me. The same security guard from earlier got in front of the boys and kept the screaming girls away as the rest got into the van. I was still calling out to Myungsoo as the van started to drive away, he didn't look back once.

     It was definitely Myungsoo! Did he not recognize me? I couldn't have changed that much, I mean not enough for him to not recognize me. I was frustrated with myself. It was definitely him. I could not bring myself to leave this spot.

"Excuse me?" I said to one of the screaming girls, who was now silent.

"Yeah?" she said.

"Who are they?" I asked, pointing to the direction the van had left.

"Omo. You pulled on L oppa's arm and you don't even know who they are?" she laughed annoyed.

"L?" I said simply.

"Uh yeah L. The face of INFINITE? You seriously don't know?" I could tell she was getting angry.

"Who's INFINITE?" I asked regrettably.

"Yah! You're getting on my nerves, how could you not know? Lets go girls." she said as she started walking away with the girls she was with.

"Wait! Are they coming back?"

"It's still early. They probably will." She yelled from a far distance.

     She seemed to be sure they would return. For some odd reason I trusted her judgment and I waited yet again. The girls called him "L", but I already knew for sure it was Myungsoo. The question now was, who was INFINITE?

     I sat down at the cafe tables once more and ordered another cup of coffee and croissant. Two hours later, the same black van pulled up. I got up immediately and waited for Myungsoo to get off. One by one, all seven boys climbed out of the van. I hadn't noticed before, but they were all nicely dressed in suits. I had to admit, they were all very handsome, including Myungsoo. The boys then started to walk towards the building, and I wasn't going to let this opportunity go. So without calling out for him like before, I took hold of Myungsoo's arm and once again after looking into my eyes, he removed my hand from his arm.

"Myungsoo." I said, almost whispering.

"What do you want?" He asked coldly.

"What do you mean? . . It's me SunMi."

"I know who you are." He said as he turned to wave the rest of the boys to go in.

"Why are you like this?" I asked.

     The security guard then walks up to us.

"Excuse me, is this girl bothering you?" The guard asked, annoyed by my constant presence.

"No, no she's not. I know her." He said as Myungsoo then grabbed my hand and pulled me into the WoolLim building.

     The security guard looked confused and I hoped he felt bad for making me wait outside all day in the cold. JERK.

"Why are you here?" Myungsoo asked as he let go of my hand and stared out the window.

"Do I need a reason to be here other than wanting to see you?" I asked.

     What the hell did I do to him for him to talk to me like this?

"It's been a while huh?" I didn't know what else to say to him right now.

     He was being too distant for me to hug him and spazz on seeing him again as much as I really wanted to at the moment. I grew uncomfortable standing next to him this way.

"Yes, it has been a while hasn't it? I'm glad you came to see me SunMi, but please, can you go now?" 

     Myungsoo, was definitely pushing it.

"Are you serious?" I asked, scared he'd say yes.

     He didn't look at me, not even as he spoke to me. Their was something bothering him about my presence.

"Go home SunMi." he ordered,


"Just go, and don't come back here." he added.

     I stood there even more confused and flustered than I was before. He couldn't mean that. He looked at me then and noticed my reluctant expression. In that second of shock, he then shocked me again. He pulled me through the exit door and pulled me along with him on the street sidewalk. When I was about to yell at him to stop, he started signaling for a taxi. A taxi cab stopped right in front of us soon after.

"Get in." he said, looking down at the taxi.

"No, I'm not going anywhere."

     He then got into the taxi and again told me to get in. I obediently got in the second time he asked. I came here to see Myungsoo and I wasn't about to let him leave without me.

"Where are you staying?" He asked.

"Home, with my grandparents."

"Take us to 3238 Mapdo-ju please." He asked the taxi driver.

     He was taking me home? He wanted to make sure I didn't bother him, or so that's what I was thinking.

"What's wrong with you? . . .and who's L?" I asked after a while.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just different. People change SunMi." He turned to look at me.

"You're L now."

"Yes, L."

"What does that have anything to do with me though?

"Nothing. I just don't want to see you. We stopped being friends a long time ago SunMi." his voice was serious.

     That hurt, I can't say it didn't.

"I came here because of y-." I started to say but stopped myself before I embarrassed myself any further.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing, never mind. It doesn't matter." I turned to look at his face once more, and then turned to look out the window.

      I stared out to the flashing lights, the passing cars and buildings as my mind went blank and filled with anger. I felt like all was lost, like our friendship never existed and I was now sitting next to a complete stranger. The ride home was quiet, too quiet. All I could hear was the fast pace of my heartbeat. We didn't speak again for the next thirty minutes it took us to get home. As soon as we arrived, I quickly got off that damn cab, without waiting or saying anything to Myungsoo. I was extremely mad.

     I walked into my home, greeted my grandparents and locked myself in my room. As soon as I had shut the door, I had fell on my knees and could feel my tears start to form. My first day back in Korea, and my one and only friend rejected our friendship. Technically, he was right, we weren't friends anymore. Four years is enough time to change drastically, but Myungsoo?

     That night I cried myself to sleep, ignoring the phone call from my parents. My voice would not sound nowhere near okay, as to not worry them. As much as this day , I had no intentions on going back to California any time soon. At least not yet.

     The next day, I woke up and reality sank in again. Myungsoo didn't want to see me, when all I wanted to do was see him. I couldn't accept this. I hurried and changed with a now determined mode. I wasn't going to let this go without a proper explanation. I rushed out of the house and this time, took the bus there. Again, just like yesterday, I sat and waited for Myungsoo. I was here earlier than yesterday, way too early if you asked me. It was seven in the morning, but luckily I didn't have to wait long. At exactly 7:38 AM, the same black van showed up and the same seven boys got off.

"Myungsoo!" I called out.

     I walked towards him, and I could see his anger radiating from his eyes.

"Who's she?" A frail, feminine boy asked.

"Annyeonghaseo, I'm SunMi-ah! I am one of Myungsoo's old friends." I introduced myself to them.

"Ohhh, Myungsoo's chingu?' I heard someone say, I wasn't sure who though.

"Mmm, since birth." I added.

"Wah, I'm SungJong!" The frail one said.

"Annyeonghaseo," the next boy bowed, "I am Lee SungGyu. I am INFINITE's leader." SungGyu was cute, especially that eye smile.

     He then introduced the rest.

"This is WooHyun"

"Annyeong." WooHyun said.

"That short guy at the end is DongWoo."

"What's up?" DongWoo said, I giggled.

"This is SungYeol." SungGyu said as he pointed to SungYeol.

"Yes, the tallest, funniest, best looking one in the group." SungYeol said as SungGyu smacked him in the back of the head once he finished.

"And this is Hoya."

"Nice to meet you." Hoya said as he bowed.

     He was really good looking, he stood out the most to me.

"And we are INFINITE!" the leader finished.

"It's very nice to meet you all. Wow, umm. Sorry guys, I haven't been in Korea long enough yet, but umm, what is INFINITE?"

     They all looked at me with a shocked, surprised, disappointed look on their faces.

"Looks like were not that famous overseas yet." DongWoo laughed.

"Come in, we'll show you." SungJong said as he took hold of my arm.

"No." Myungsoo said with a harsh tone.

"I mean, if you're not busy SunMi?" SungJong added.

"No, I'm not busy today. I would love to see."

     Myungsoo couldn't protest once the leader had insisted that I had to see for myself. The leader and WooHyun both pulled me into the WoolLim building leading me to what seemed to be a dance room. I walked in and immediately sat myself on one of the chairs positioned in the corner.

"Let's do 'Before the Dawn' it's my favorite." DongWoo said.

Were they professional dancers?

     Professional didn't even begin to cover it. Once they started dancing I could see how talented these boys were. Myungsoo was dancing half heartedly, but even so he did great. I had no idea Myungsoo had this side to him. It turned out that INFINITE was a K-Pop group, finally I understood! That explained the screaming fan girls yesterday, the tight security, the fact that Myungsoo used L as a stage name, but it still didn't answer or begin to explain why Myungsoo was pushing me away.




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Sharissa #1
Man i suddenly missed him my first guy friend
Chapter 20: It was another cool story.
Their will be a sequel ?? *happy* I will wait for it !!
lcherry13 #3
Chapter 20: i love it!
shafkyulove #4
Finished in 35 mins sooo goood
svchen #5
I finally finished this AFF <3 I lOVE it! :))) SEQUEL PLEAAAASE :D
key-xing #6
You are an amazing writer! I came across this story and then finished it in one sitting :) This is officially my #1 favorite fanfic ever~ ^^
xapplepiex #7
Please do write a sequel(: This is one of my three favorite fanfics on here.
AhRiShA #8
This is one of my favs on AFF! Sequel??? Pretty please?
Do it! I'd love to read a sequel :)