Author's point of view:

     The boys had dropped them off at their dorm building around noon. Jia went straight up to her room after walking SunMi and Minhee to their room. It was a short trip but for some reason they were exhausted. Minhee went straight to bed, while SunMi sat on her bed and unpacked her luggage. SunMi had forgotten about the envelope and was going to go to sleep too until her phone rang. She checked the caller ID to see it was her grandparents.

"Yoboseo?" SunMi answered.

"Oh, SunMi-ah. How are you?" Her grandmother asked.

"I'm good grandma. I've missed you. How's grandpa?"

"Mm, he's doing great sweetie. We've missed you too. You haven't visited lately, everything okay?"

"I'm sorry grandma. Yeah, everything's okay. Would you like me to come over today?"

"If you'd like."

"Of course I'd like to! I'll be over soon."

"Mm, I'll make your favorite food then."

"Thank you grandma. I'll see you soon. I love you."

"Okay, I love you too."

     As soon as SunMi had unpacked her bag, she hurried over to her grandparents home. Her grandmother had cooked a buffet just for SunMi. Their was Kalbi, Japchae, Kimchi stew, Kimchi fried rice and other side dishes.

"Grandma, thank you for the meal. It truly was delicious." She said as she gave her grandma a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Next time bring your friends."

"I'll bring them for sure. Their will be less left overs that way." SunMi said as she cleared the dinner table.

"Make sure you bring that Myungsoo kid. He's a good boy." Grandpa added.

     SunMi stayed quiet.

"How is Myungsoo sweetie?" Grandma asked now.

"He's . . He's fine. He's in Japan now I think." SunMi responded hesitantly.

     She really had no idea where he was.

"Ohhh, that boy seems to work too hard. Good for him." Grandpa said.

"Uh, he does." SunMi simply agreed.

     After cleaning up, SunMi and her grandparents spent a while in the living room watching a TV drama and talking. It was starting to get late and her grandparents suggested for her to spend the night. SunMi obeyed and wished her grandparents a good nights rest as she walked up to her bedroom. She locked herself in her room and jumped onto her bed. She laid facing up as she thought.

     It felt like a dream that just yesterday she had spent the greatest day ever with Myungsoo. It felt so unreal that it had been so great, so peaceful, and that now, now it was nothing but a distant memory.

     Just as she remembered yesterdays events, she remembered the envelope that Hoya had handed to her this morning. She quickly got up from the bed and reached for her purse. SunMi desperately looked for it inside her purse until she remembered she had placed it in her jacket. She reached for her jacket and quickly found it in one of the pockets.

     She now held the envelope in her hands as she walked over to the bed. She sat and stared at the envelope in her hands, too scared to open it. After a while of contemplating, she slowly began to open it. It was a letter.



     I know I said I wouldn't come into your life again, but just give me these short seconds as you read my final thoughts.

     Do you remember the day we went to the park when we were little? I begged you to push me on the swing and you wouldn't. Do you remember what you said to me then? You said no because the kids at school teased you for always doing as I say. From that day on you swore that you wouldn't take orders from me, and from that day you never did listen to me and you did as you pleased. I don't know why, but I suddenly remembered that.

     It seems you've gone back to your old self. You do as I say again. When you first got here, you were just as stubborn as the last time I had seen you. I thought I was the only who changed and I didn't like that fact.

     When you agreed to end our friendship, I admit that I was surprised. Where was the old SunMi I knew and loved so much back then? Since when did she start listening to me? I would think that to myself and it only made me angrier.

     SunMi, I was hoping, no I believed that you were the same stubborn girl. I didn't want you to give up that easily. I probably shouldn't be complaining, right? I was the one who wanted this, right? I'm sorry for making you have to change. My actions were obviously not right. I'm sorry SunMi.

     Since it has come to an end, I feel the need to at least explain myself to you. Explain why I've become such a jerk.

     SunMi, I love you. It's easier to write it then to say it out loud. I loved you even before you left to California. But because you left, my life became a mess. I grew cold and angry. I hated you. When I saw you outside the Woollim building all my hatred, that I had kept locked up, had returned. How did anyone expect me to smile at the one that had made me hurt for so long? I now understand that none of this was your or my fault. I couldn't differentiate adult matters with my own matters. I'm sorry for being such a coward and not being brave enough to tell you this in person.

     I am happy however, knowing how independent you've become. Even though I wasn't brave enough to keep you by my side, know that you'll always hold a place in my heart. From this day on, I hope and pray for your happiness and mental peace. Thank you SunMi. Thank you for giving me so many chances that I know I did not deserve. I will surely never forget it.


                    Kim Myungsoo

SunMi's point of view:

     As I read this heartbreaking letter I began to hyperventilate.

Did he just say he loved me?

He didn't want me to agree on ending our friendship?

He's sorry.

What did I do?

     A million questions were coming to mind and I didn't know what to do. I began sobbing and I clutched my heart as I realized that he did care for me. All this time I believed that I was the only one who wanted more but it turned out he was the one who's loved me longer. I was confused. How did things turn out this way? I looked around my room for no reason, I felt so alone. As I cried, I quickly reached for my phone. I couldn't let it end.

     I dialed Myungsoo's cell phone number and as it rang my heart beat was racing to the speed of light. I wanted to know where he was, I wanted to go to him and tell him I loved him too. No answer. I called at least 10 times before giving up and calling SungJong.

SungJong didn't pick up either. Were they busy? I grabbed my jacket and shoes and headed out to look for them at their dorm.

Myungsoo's point of view:


     After I walked her back to her hotel room last night, I couldn't stand how much of a coward I had been. I couldn't bring myself to confess my true feelings. She seemed so ready to end it that I felt I couldn't go back anymore. I guess it made my decision easier, but at the same time, it broke my heart knowing that I only had one choice left. Ending it.

     I walked back to my hotel room in a daze. It was hard to walk away from a woman I have loved and longed for, for so long. I eventually made it back to my room and as I walked in I noticed all the members in the room, waiting up for me.

"L hyung, how'd it go? SungJong asked as he walked up  to me and put an arm around my shoulder.

     I guess he could see my distress.

"It's done." I said in almost a whisper.

"What do you mean?" SungYeol asked now, confused.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, because we don't get what's going on at all." Hoya demanded.

     I looked at SungJong weakly, and then looked at the rest of the members who all held worried expressions. I confessed everything to them. About our close friendship, how I loved her, how I grew to hate her, and even how I pushed her away while the rest of them befriended her. They were angry at first, especially WooHyun, but then they began to sympathize with me. They comforted me as much as they could, but I still felt like a fool.

"L, I think you need to tell her." WooHyun suggested.

"It's too late now WooHyun." I stared up as I said this.

     It really was too late. Or so I thought.

"I think she has the right to know. If you wont tell her, I will!" WooHyun continued his rant.

"As much as I agree with you, WooHyun, we can't. It's not our place. We shouldn't get involved. It's all up to Myungsoo and SunMi now." SungGyu enlightened.

     They gave up after that. I was relieved that they had chosen to drop the subject and also promised they wouldn't get involved, but somehow I wished they would have told her. They were right after all, she did have the right to know as to why I had pushed her away. That's where the letter came in. As the boys went back to their assigned rooms and went to sleep, I stayed up and wrote down my confession.

     After I had sealed it in an envelope, provided by the receptionist at the hotel, I called SungJong to our room and woke SungGyu up. WooHyun was sharing the room with SungGyu and I but I didn't bother on waking him up. WooHyun was taking interest in Jia and I didn't want to come in between those two. I practically begged SungGyu and SungJong to take an earlier flight with me. I didn't have the courage or confidence to see SunMi the next morning. Luckily they understood. We switched our flight to an earlier one before going back to bed. As SungGyu called our manager to let him know that we'd be leaving earlier, I walked over to Hoya and DongWoo's room.

Knock Knock

     Of course Hoya was the one to open the door. DongWoo was probably spread out on the bed, in a really deep sleep as always. I could hear him snoring from where I stood.

"Myungsoo?" Hoya said as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

     I had woken him up from his sleep. I felt bad, but I had to give this to him.

"Hyung, could you do me a favor?"

"What? It's three in the morning Myungsoo." Hoya yawned.

"I know. I'm sorry. Here," I handed the envelope to him, "Could you please give this to SunMi for me?"

"Yah! You wake me up for this?! Give it to her yourself." Hoya got annoyed and returned the letter but I pushed it back to him.

"I won't see her tomorrow hyung. SungGyu hyung, SungJong and I are leaving on an early flight." I explained.

"Aish! Araso. You owe me Kim Myungsoo."

"Yes hyung. Thank you." I smiled at him before walking back to my room.

Flashback over.

     Had she read it yet? The boys and I were at the airport again, waiting to board the next flight to Japan. My phone began to ring, it was SunMi.

"Yah, Kim Myungsoo! Your phone is ringing." SungYeol pointed out.

     I looked at him, then back down to my phone in my hands. I declined the call. I didn't have the guts to speak to her. I was scared of her answer. By now, I knew for sure she had read it.

"Oh. Hyung, SunMi is calling me. Should I answer?" SungJong asked.

"No. No one answer her calls. . . We all need to move on." I said the last part in a whisper.

     Only WooHyun and SungGyu who were sitting besides me heard and understood. SungGyu sighed once, patted my back and then told us all to board the plane now.

     As I sat down at my assigned seat aboard the plane, I felt as though I had left my heart outside the boarding gates. SunMi had called all of our phones by now and none were answered. The members felt bad, and I felt bad for involving them like this, but their was nothing else I could do. My phone rang once before take off. I stared at her name, lighting up on the screen of my phone.

"Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to turn off your phone and put it away until after take off. Thank you." The flight attendant instructed me.

"Oh yes. I'm sorry." I quickly turned off my phone before placing it in my jackets pocket.

     Even as we had arrived in Japan, I still couldn't bring myself to turn my phone back on. The next day, all calls had stopped. The members were relieved but I figured that she had given up once again. I finally turned my phone back on then. I had over sixty missed calls and only five text messages.


Myungsoo, Where are you? Call me. Please.


Myungsoo! Why aren't you answering your phone?! Call me back, please.


YAH! Answer me.This isn't funny.


Please answer me. How could you write something like that and not let me say anything in return? Talk to me please. Please!


I wont give up. Just, answer me once. PLEASE.

     As I read the messages, my phone rang. I had to practice but instead I stared at the caller ID, SunMi. I was still staring at the phone when my phone announced I had 'One Missed Call.'

     That's how it was, everyday that I was in Japan.






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Sharissa #1
Man i suddenly missed him my first guy friend
Chapter 20: It was another cool story.
Their will be a sequel ?? *happy* I will wait for it !!
lcherry13 #3
Chapter 20: i love it!
shafkyulove #4
Finished in 35 mins sooo goood
svchen #5
I finally finished this AFF <3 I lOVE it! :))) SEQUEL PLEAAAASE :D
key-xing #6
You are an amazing writer! I came across this story and then finished it in one sitting :) This is officially my #1 favorite fanfic ever~ ^^
xapplepiex #7
Please do write a sequel(: This is one of my three favorite fanfics on here.
AhRiShA #8
This is one of my favs on AFF! Sequel??? Pretty please?
Do it! I'd love to read a sequel :)