Chapter Seventeen


It's been three months since the last time Jihyo saw Sehun. She tried to avoid Sehun as much as she can, she knew Sehun will searching her but after what happened in the school yard, she can't imagine how she can deal with him. It was just very awkward for both of them. Jihyo didn't knew about the sudden kiss actually she need him to explained about his exceptional behaviour, but Jihyo was too afraid to be alone with Sehun. 

Beside now Jihyo has a good relationship with Kris, she knew that she adore Kris so much, he was perfect in Jihyo's eyes. Not to mention about his looking which is no doubt he was so handsome, but the warmness she felt whenever she was with him just like oase in the desert. Yet she can't tell him about what happened with Sehun, because she think it would be bad for their relationship, and it's better to keep it by herself. Even she always felt guilty towards Kris, but she can't let Kris knew about what happened. Jihyo knew it wouldn't be good for their relationship, if you start hiding the truth it will become habbit and someday it will worsen .


"Yes, later Jihyo-aa,, later you shold him knew" Jihyo said while hitting his forehead.

"Noonaaaaa...."" Kwangsoo yelled, 

Jihyo was startled because she was too busy with her own mind.

"Oh,,Ehm Kwangsoo-aa, wae geurae?" Jihyo answered

"Thee..there..there's someone who's looking for you." kwangsoo answered him panting.


"I don't know noona, he doesn't said anything but he said it was urgent, I think the man was very serious so you have to look for him now. Really really now noonaaa.." Kwangsoo answered and pushed Jihyo from behind.

After Jihyo walking far enough from him, Kwangsoo just laughed crazily, since he was able to lure Jihyo to fall to his trap. And he can't imagine how Mong her face was, and how easy Jihyo lately to fall to his trick. But he knew, it has to be something to bother her lately, that's why she always fell to his trap, and it was unusual, indeed she was wellknown by her Mong face, but she was smart and not easy to deceive.

Jihyo who's clueless with Kwangsoo trap, continue walking to find out who is the guy and why he searched her. She walks towards the school gate and saw a limousine waiting her and a little girl, who she doesn't know yet, who is she. 

"Anyeong.." Jihyo said with a little bit hesitate. And the girl turn around with the small bouquet in her hands.

"Aaahh, Yerinnaa. Mwoya Igo" 

"Sonsaengnim, here is for you. Right now you need to closed your eyes first."

"Why do I need that Yerinaaa??" Jihyo asking and her smiled was wide from ear to ear.

"Palliii sonsaengnim.. Pallliii.."

"Arrasseo, so when I could open my eyes?"

" I will count till Five sonsangnim, and after that you can open your eyes. Oke? Hana.. Du.. Set.. Net.. Dasot..

Jihyo open her eyes and there is a freaking handsome man was standing in front of her, with a black suit, his hair was styled up. How could this man become perfect, it must be unfair for some of guy out there. 

"Yaaa!! What was this for?"

"Mmm.. It was Yerin idea actually" Kris answered Jihyo question while scratching his neck. For sure he was very nervous to do all of this

"Yerin told me how you got a little bit distracted lately, and somehow we working this out and think you might stressed a little bit and need a little stress relieve here." Kris said proudly and put his hand on his heart.

Jihyo was startled with Kris just said, he knew there's something bother her mind, so did Yerin. They can feel it, and she can't reply anything to him. She just smile with a liitle bit ackward and the guilty feeling was covered her heart. Looking Jihyo reaction, Kris tought she was different from any woman, usually after the surprise, they will jump, laugh happily, hug him and will kissed his cheek to say how thank you they was. But Jihyo was different all she can do just Mong, and don't know it was cute for Kris and her expression was priceless. 

Kris moved closer to Jihyo and kissed her forehead

"Don't be too surprised sunshine, I'll ease your stress, so enjoy our date." He whispered and then he put Jihyo hand on his arm and guide her inside the car.

Jihyo stopped him

"How about Yerin, will she come with us?"

"No, Joongki will take her home." 

"Oh, ottoke I feel bad for her right now."

"Wae?" Kris was confused with her sudden panic reaction

"Because I steal her appa!" Jihyo pinched his cheek cutely and running towards the car while laughing. She was really cute, and Kris can feel his cheek has turned red like tomatoes.


**So the date will be on next chap** If you have any idea for Jihyo and Kris date, please tell me.. Hehehehe... Need some fresh idea here..


Without they notice, Kwangsoo was watching how they act lovey dovey. He was very grateful because he knew Jihyo already has someone who loved her. He can saw from Kris eyes that he really likes Jihyo and could protect her. Even at first Kwangsoo was a little bit upset with him, because no matter what, he already has a daughter, it means he was married and divorced or seperate, the thing that Kwangsoo think it was an unresponsible. But one day while Kris was came to school to pick up Yerin, but somehow Yerin still has class with Jihyo, Kwangsoo bumped into him. He saw Kris was standing in front of the School notice board, and went after Kris actually to asked what kind of relationship he has with Jihyo.

---Kwangsoo Flashback---

"Good picture right?" Kwangsoo stand besid Kris and just asked a random question

"Aah, ne.. Kris bowed to him."

"Kwangsoo, you can call me Kwangsoo" Kris just nodded and didn't expect ackwardness between both of them.

"Yerin. Oh Yerin. She was who draw this picture. At first me and Jihyo Noona was confused what the meaning of this picture, actually it was simple she just draw a father mother and a little girl. But when you see it did your heart feel hurt?"

"Umm.. Nae.." Kris answered

"That's it, right, you felt terrible right. This is what me and Jihyo noona think, she was lonely. she was looking her mother, she needs her mother. That's why she didn't draw the mother face, only the body and left with question mark on it. She actually didn't knew how her mother looks like, is it pity? I feel pity for her. And this is the story why she won the drawing contest and we put it here, so everybody can see it and for parent it would be a reflection to them, to think twice before they do something stupid and their child will only be their victims for their selfishness." Kwangsoo really emphasized his last word so kris would understand what he was talk about.

"She is mine." Kris answered Kwangsoo but her eyes couldn't leave the picture

"I didn't know it would be hurt her so badly. Yes we were selfish, we didn't think about Yerin before because we think she's still a baby. We didn't know it would be go this far, it will be her long lasting wound in her hearts and you know, how I want to heal that wound so badly. Kris turned his face to Kwangsoo and from that day Kwangsoo knew that he's serious about what he said, Kwangsoo can feel his sincerity through his eyes, and he knew that the man in front of him could breaks to cry at any moment. So he patted his shoulder.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was yours" Lying. I'm very good at lying. At first I've already knew you were Yerin's father

"It's ok, gwaenchana. Thank you for making it clear." Kris said to Kwangsoo.

 ---End of Kwangsoo Flashback---

"Noona, am I doing the right thing?? I am right. You need to cherish yourself noona, fall in love, make a mistake, get hurt, laugh, cry, and to be loved. So you're completely become a person, you have to enjoy your life noona, God has been gave you the second change, so you need to explore more about your life. Right ahjussi, I'll guide her to pursue her happiness. Don't worry, just watched us above there right." Kwangsoo played with his mind and walked away with smile.

"Congratulation Noona...."



There's not only Kwangsoo who watched that scene, there's more people who watched it.



Okey, I'll finished it until here first. SInce a lot of idea gather in my mind right now, I will write it down first on my memo's so I won't forget.  First I need to apologize for my lon long long update since September, as I said before, my work just took too much time and I need to focused on it first. So that's why I haven't been able to update, because I can't focus to get more idea to write. But I'll keep this story move. I won't stop writting it. I will finished my story till the end. So don't worry. But I have to admit that I might a little bit busy for next year, and I hope you could understand if I gave you a long awaited update. But I'll promise if I'll update it very looooonnnggg.. Thank you for your understanding my lovely subscriber,, commentators,, silent reader,, my upvoters.. I love you all!!!! Still need your support to this story. 


Once again thank you and Happy New Year...!!!!!!


Ps. Did you watched V-app.. For Chanbaek shippers,, congratulation your dreams come true.. !!!! I'm happy for you all..

Keep support EXO next year, next next year, next next next year,,, and forever!!!!


Saranghaja !!!!!





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putriam #1

Thank youuuuu.... yes,, I really love Jihyo n ship her with any idol. Hope this year she will be back with new movie...
putriam #2
Hiiii my lovely readernim....

What are you doing right now? Thank you for still support my story,, actually I have a big news for you all,, the goooodd one...

Yeeesss,, now this story has a co-author,, so please welcome Ms_Otaku... Yup actually Ms_Otaku will help me to edit the story grammar,, since I want the story is more interesting and able to understand for all of you, that's why I need Ms_Otaku to help me...

And I think,, you may re-read from the first chapter and you will know the different with the old one and how great she is, also it become easy to undersand the story.. It really helps me a lot..

So please support usss....
hai authornim. basically im just like you. im a big fan of song ji hyo too. and im exo-l too hehe. and i ship ji hyo with any male. cause im happy to see her with any male especially male idol. btw keep on writing this fanfic. i really love it! hehe fightinggg
putriam #4

Thank you :):):):)

You too,, have abundant love this year, surrounded by the people who loves you and blessed with health...

Thanks to you who still love this story

shotstill75 #5
Chapter 17: Thank you for keep continued this lovely story. Happy new year. I wish you have a happier, healthier and prosperity life.
putriam #6
Dear my readernim. Sorry to keep you waiting so long.
I've just finished my next update, I'm so sorry for not being able to update.

It's just I've been busy with my work, and I wasn't able to write a new chapter, since my mind was focused on work.
But don't worry I will update this night or tomorrow morning, just want to give a liitle touched for next update.

Thank you for your patient and Happy New Year in advance.....
mei254 #7
Will you continue? :)
Chapter 16: This story is really good... Just love it :) Excited about next update
ace_me #9
Chapter 16: it's really sweet revenge, the story is good as always. thanks for always update this story ;)
hwaiting, authornim