Chapter One


It was raining outside, HyeKyo, Jihyo and Mr. Song Kang Ho were in the car. HyeKyo was sleeping at the front seat. Meanwhile Jihyo sat on the backseat, pretending to be asleep.

"I peek at my sister, I know that she's still awake, but why did she pretend to sleep anyway? Is she mad at me or appa? Did we do something wrong? "Actually Mr. Kang Ho noticed that his little daughter wasn't fully asleep and keep staring at her sister.

The radio was playing In Heaven, and the song fit perfectly on that raining day.

"Jihyo-ah, did you have fun today?" ask my appa, “Nae..” I said "Komawo appa for keeping your promise, I love you". I landed a kiss on his rough cheek. "ooouuww, uri little dal kyeopta". He piched my cheek with his right hand, meanwhile his left hand was still on the wheel. 

Suddenly I saw a very bright light irradiating our car, loud screech and screams were heard. I saw appa that was swerved to the right, and our car was rolling down over and over again, I can't see anything and I was scared, oenni was screaming and I can saw she was trying to say something to me. Appa was shouting very hard to ask people to help us. I'm scared, my body trembling and I can’t say anything. As if my words are stuck at my throat. I smell blood everywhere, I felt dizzy and suddenly I felt darkness overcomes me inside, a very very deep darkness. 

Those memories kept repeating as a flashback in my mind, and I keep thinking of what actually happened that one, scary night.

12 years later

"Jihyo! Song Jihyo! are you alright?!" I open my eyes slowly and try to adjust to the bright light of the room and see Omma sitting beside me, shaking my body to wake me up. "Do you still have your nightmares dear? Is it getting worse Jihyo? Should we go visit the doctor?".

“Aish omma, I've just woke up and yet, you’ve already ask me with so many questions. I'm fine, I've just dreamt that Kwangsoo was changed into a monster and he tried to bite me, that's why i was really scared and luckily you've had wake me up” I lied. I then chuckled and kiss her cheek and hug her to reassure her feeling, to tell her that I was alright. "I'm just worried about you my dear" she wiped her tears and I felt guilty to lie to her. 

"No, no. Don't cry omma. I need to get ready to go work, so you shouldn't cry.” I said, helping her to wipe off her tears. “Can you please prepare breakfast, I'm hungry already” I tried to convince my mom. "Okay, I'm sorry, so hurry up and get ready. I will prepare your breakfast downstairs".

I give her a little nod. When omma already closed the door, I took a long and deep breath, I saw the calendar next to me, October 28th. “Four days to go until the incident’s 12th years anniversary. Maybe that's why I kept dreaming about that night”. My phone was ringing, Kwangsoo has just send me a message

 "Noona, don't you dare be late today!! And ommonim already told me that she made a lunch pack for me, don't you dare not to bring it or even eat it without me knowing, or I will turned to monster like in your dream! kekekekekekeke.. Isn't it funny noona?? At least in your dream you're the one who’s scared. See you noona, be careful on your way because I’m walking behind you (imagine me as a monster in your dream).hahahhahaahaha". I huffed,”How can this tall giant make me mad even without me seeing him, let's see Kwangsoo-ya. You're dead today" I  ran to the bathroom to get ready.


Jihyo has been working as a kindergarten teacher for five years, she loves children very much and find peace when she’s surrounded by those innocent,little children. As usual, she always parked her car few blocks away from her school so that she can take a walk while seeing how cute a little girl and little boy were holding their parent’s hand tightly while walking and skipping. Without her knowing, she’l always smiles when she saw the children and she always remember the past when she and her sister were tightly holding their appa’s hands and jumping around happily. "Hmmm.. I missed them. I will try to find out. I need to remember everything on that night." I said to myself, determined.


"Appa,,.” I called for appa’s attention sweetly. “Whom do you love more? me or onnie?" I asked appa while holding his big hand. "Yah, Song Jihyo! what do you mean by that?! I won't play with you anymore, I’ll even ask my friends to not play with you!" HyeKyo said, pouting cutely. "Eiii, don’t be mad HyeKyo-ah, of course I love both of you how can I not love my own daughters? There's no parent in this world who didn't love their child. Even if  they have many children, every parent will always love their child no matter what, so Jihyo, do you get it? I’ll always love and treasure both of you forever. Nothing will change, even if I need to trade my soul for both of you I'm willing too. So don't fight anymore, say sorry to your sister." Appa explained patiently to both of us.

-End of flashback-


Suddenly tears welled up in my eyes when I remembered the past.


Meanwhile in United States..

Kris POV

“Should I go back to Korea appa?” I heard a hum from appa.

“Is it okay now?”

 “You haven’t heard anything from them?”

“Okay. I think everything’s settled now..”

“I believe in you”

“So, see you in two weeks appa”

Everything will be fine Kris, don’t worry to much. I reminded myself. I knew that appa’s being serious this time, I believe in him. When he said everything was fine, it will be fine. I tried convincing myself again. I close my eyes for a while.

“Holy crap!!! What time is it?! I need to pick up Yerin!” I quickly grab my car key and wallet. I then run hurriedly to the parking lot. “I hope I’m not too late to pick her up. I don’t want to keep her waiting for me too long” I’m worried, she’s everything for me. “Wait for you appa Yerin-ah” I mumbled while searching for Yerin’s homeroom teacher’s number in my contact. When I successfully found it, I quickly press the ‘call’ button.

“Yes. Hello Mrs. Elizabeth, this is Yerin’s father speaking”

“Yes, I’m fine, thanks for asking”

“Mrs. Elizabeth, is Yerin around? Do you mind keeping her safe until I come?”

“Yes, I’m sorry for bothering you. Thank you”

I hung  up the phone and step on the accelerator to arrive faster to Yerin’s school. 




Here is the first chapter.... How is it?? It's a little bit short right? Miyanhae..I need reader opinion, since it was my first story I need your help to correct mine, and tell me if it's boring or I need to put something to make this story interesting. 

And so as you read... Here is uri Galaxy.. Yup Kris already appear in my first chapter,, I can't holding up who will come next... So bear with me, I'll update my second chapter. Actually I want to put a cliffhanger up until Kris wants to pick up Yerin, but I decided to not to. Hehehe..



Edited by beta-reader, 010116



Please enjoy..... 

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putriam #1

Thank youuuuu.... yes,, I really love Jihyo n ship her with any idol. Hope this year she will be back with new movie...
putriam #2
Hiiii my lovely readernim....

What are you doing right now? Thank you for still support my story,, actually I have a big news for you all,, the goooodd one...

Yeeesss,, now this story has a co-author,, so please welcome Ms_Otaku... Yup actually Ms_Otaku will help me to edit the story grammar,, since I want the story is more interesting and able to understand for all of you, that's why I need Ms_Otaku to help me...

And I think,, you may re-read from the first chapter and you will know the different with the old one and how great she is, also it become easy to undersand the story.. It really helps me a lot..

So please support usss....
hai authornim. basically im just like you. im a big fan of song ji hyo too. and im exo-l too hehe. and i ship ji hyo with any male. cause im happy to see her with any male especially male idol. btw keep on writing this fanfic. i really love it! hehe fightinggg
putriam #4

Thank you :):):):)

You too,, have abundant love this year, surrounded by the people who loves you and blessed with health...

Thanks to you who still love this story

shotstill75 #5
Chapter 17: Thank you for keep continued this lovely story. Happy new year. I wish you have a happier, healthier and prosperity life.
putriam #6
Dear my readernim. Sorry to keep you waiting so long.
I've just finished my next update, I'm so sorry for not being able to update.

It's just I've been busy with my work, and I wasn't able to write a new chapter, since my mind was focused on work.
But don't worry I will update this night or tomorrow morning, just want to give a liitle touched for next update.

Thank you for your patient and Happy New Year in advance.....
mei254 #7
Will you continue? :)
Chapter 16: This story is really good... Just love it :) Excited about next update
ace_me #9
Chapter 16: it's really sweet revenge, the story is good as always. thanks for always update this story ;)
hwaiting, authornim