Part Eighty-One

Random Acts of Love: KyuWook Drabbles
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Overbearing Husband I

            When I came home from Mozart, my throat was hurting so much, I could barely speak.  I walked into the dorm, took off my shoes, set down my bag, and immediately headed for the medicine cabinet.  Ryeowook greeted me from the kitchen and I waved at him as I passed—not my usual way of greeting him, I admit—and I went into the bathroom to dig through our medicines.  He joined me a minute later, watching me a moment before saying anything.

            “Do you have a headache or something?” he asked, looking over the bottles on the counter.

            “No, my throat hurts,” I said, although I hardly had to tell him that once I started speaking because my voice was so raw, he actually jumped a little. 

            “It sounds worse than yesterday,” he said, reaching for a painkiller still on the shelf and opening it.  He shook out two tablets and handed them to me. 

            I nodded, not wanting so say anything.  I filled a glass with water and downed the pills. 

            “I think you ought to go in and have it checked.”

            I shook my head.

            “Yes!” he insisted. 

            “I just have a cold.”

            “You don’t have a runny nose or a fever,” he pointed out.  “You only have a sore throat and it’s been bugging you off and on for a couple weeks now.  It’s time to get it checked.”

            I shook my head again.  “I’ll just quit talking when I’m not performing.”

            “Cho Kyuhyun!” he hollered, stomping his foot for emphasis.  “You need to go into the doctor and have this checked out.  What if it’s something serious, like throat cancer or something?”

            At this, I looked over at him and raised my brows.

            Ryeowook smacked me in the chest.  “Don’t give me that kind of look!  You could have any kind of weird problem.  The doctors said that due to your lungs being punctured years ago, you’re more susceptible to respiratory issues, so you need to get checked out of something’s wrong.  Do you want me to go with you?”

            “No!” I stubbornly insisted.  “That won’t look suspicious at all, will it?”

            Ryeowook smacked me in the shoulder.  “I don’t care how it looks!  And they’re doctors.  They’re sworn to secrecy or something like that.”

            “Quit hitting me,” I grumbled, putting away the bottles.  “I obviously don’t feel well.”

            “You’re throat hurts, not your arm.”

            “You don’t need to injure that, too!”

            Ryeowook sighed.  “You are such a baby when you’re sick.”

            “I’m not sick…my throat’s just dry or sore or something.”

            “Then shut up!” Ryeowook said, storming out of the room.

            I want you to understand, I do love my husband, but there are moments—lots of moments—when he also really irritates me.  I put away the medicine and headed into the bedroom to change into pajamas.  If Ryeowook wasn’t going to take pity on me, I at least wanted to feel comfortable and go to bed early.  But my stomach started growling the moment I was dressed and I’d washed off all my makeup from the performance, so I was forced to head back into the kitchen to find something to eat.  As I entered the kitchen, I noticed a mug of something steamy on the table and a pot on the stove.

            “Don’t speak to me,” he warned me.  “I’m not in the mood to keep arguing with you and you’re only making your throat worse.  I made you tea and I’m making you some soup, since I’m sure you haven’t eaten yet.”

            I nodded and walked over to my angry husband, who was stirring the contents of the pot.  I lightly grasped his waist and leaned in to kiss his cheek.  “Thank you.”

            “You’re welcome,” he said, reaching back to pat my head.  “And quit talking.”


Overbearing Husband II

            Kyuhyun woke up in the morning and shuffled into the living room to join me.  After a particularly wonderful night of love making, in which he’d managed to make me three times, I confess to being in a stellar mood.  I was completely relaxed and satiated without a ing care in the world, lying around on the couch watching my daytime soap operas in my pajamas—just how Heechul taught me to—and munching on cut up fruit while drinking my morning coffee.  Life didn’t get much better. 

            After taking one look at Kyuhyun, however, he didn’t look quite as blissful as I did.  He slumped onto the couch beside me, circles under his bloodshot eyes, and stared blankly at the television. 

            “Good morning!” I chimed, reaching over to squeeze his knee.

            “Morning,” he croaked, falling over and laying his head on my lap. 

            I looked down at him and set my bowl of fruit off to the side.  Then I reached down and began to play with his hair.  “You don’t sound so good.”

            “I’m dying,” he said, his voice rough.  “Before I do…I want you to know…I love you.”

            “I love you, too,” I said, leaning down to kiss his forehead.  I began to rub his arm and he groaned, holding his throat.  “I love you so much, I made an appointment for you at eleven today with Doctor Lee to get your throat checked.  You should probably shower and get dressed so you aren’t late.”

            Kyuhyun nodded.  “Okay.”

            “Do you want me to help get you ready?”

            “Will you wash me?”

            I shook my head.  “If I do that, you won’t get to the doctor’s office on time.”

            “Then no.”

            I smacked his behind and pushed him off me.  “Get going.”

            Kyuhyun got off the couch and headed to the bathroom.  I grabbed my bowl of fruit and started eating again. 

            After a minute, Kyuhyun returned to the room.  “When I get back, will you take a nap with me?”

            “Do you plan on sleeping during your nap?”

            Kyuhyun looked me over from head to toe, very slowly.  Couldn't blame him for that.  I looked damn hot.  “Eventually.”

            I winked at him.  “Sure.”

            “I love you.”

            “Quit talking and take a shower.”


            “You’re still talking.”

            Kyuhyun grumbled to himself and walked back out of the room.  I picked up the phone and called Kyuhyun’s mother back.  It rang a couple times before she picked up. 

            “Wookie, dear!  Did you get Kyuhyunnie to go to the doctor’s?”

            “Yep!  I sweet talked him into it.”  I mean, it was kind of the truth.  I promised him when he got back, that’s almost the same thing.

            “I knew you’d be able to,” she cheerfully replied.  “Did he give you a hard time?”

            “Only a little,” I replied, “but Kyu knows better than to fight with me when I’m determined.  And I always know how to talk him into doing what I want.”

            “I supposed you just told him you wouldn’t cook for him if he didn’t.”

            I grinned.  “Something like that.  I assume the same thing works on Mr. Cho.”

            There was silence on the other end for a moment.  “Um…ah, yes…withholding dinner is the same thing that works for him, too,” she said, awkwardly laughing.

            I had to stop myself from laughing.  Kyuhyun and his father were so much alike, it was scary.  They both really did have a great love of food, but they were also very passionate men.  Kyuhyun’s father was still very smitten with his wife, which was just adorable to see in older people.  Kyuhyun’s parents are cute together.  “Like father, like son.”

            “Well, ah…I should get back to the luncheon I’m at.  Thanks for calling, dear.  Let me know how the visit goes.”

            “I will, mom,” I promised.  “Have a good time with your friends.  Bye.”

            I hung up the phone and laughed out loud, knowing that Kyuhyun couldn’t hear me anyway.  The shower was already on.  I looked down at my phone and shook my head.  Oh, mom…you little vixen!  I know perfectly well how you manipulate Kyu’s father.  Like father, like son…indeed!


Overbearing Husband III

            “Thanks for seeing me on such short notice,” I whispered to Doctor Lee.

            Doctor Lee nodded, waving me up onto the bed to be examined.  “Yes, well, your bandmate was very insistent on us seeing you today!  He said your schedule is packed for the week otherwise and, of course, we didn’t want you to get any worse, seeing as you’re a singer and you’re on television.  My daughter loves Super Junior.  I’m sure I wouldn’t hear the end of it if something happened to your vocal chords…although she’d probably be more upset if something happened to your face.”

            I began coughing incessantly and Doctor Lee poured me a glass of water.  “Thank you,” I mouthed to the doctor, quickly drinking it down.  I hoped to god this appointment didn’t end with me having to pose for pictures with half the nursing staff and sign a bunch of weird again.

            “I was surprised that your bandmate called instead of your manager.  Isn’t it usually managers or personal assistants of some sort that make appointments for idols?” the doctor asked, looking into my mouth with a lighted tool.  The last time I’d opened my mouth this wide was only the night before, but I had something far different from a lighted tool in it.  “Say ah!”

            “Ah!” I said.  And Ryeowook doesn’t make me say ah, but I do make noises, even when I’m the one blowing him.  I nodded once the doctor was finished with my mouth.  “Usually, but Ryeowook is also my roommate and best friend.  I believe he’s getting tired of muting the television just to listen to me whine.”

            The doctor laughed at this.  “Well, he harassed my poor nurse until she invented a time for you to come in today.  This is actually part of my lunch break.”

            “Sorry.  He has a hard time with the word no,” I explained.  Truer words have never been spoken, hence the all-night fest.  Not that he had to work very hard to convince me.  Two glasses of wine, homemade cupcakes, and him taking off his shirt and I was done for.  I have no self-control whatsoever. 

            “Well, you’ll have to whisper a thank you to him when you get home.”

            I had every intention of doing so.  Whispering sweet nothings into Ryeowook’s ear was one of my favorite pastimes.  Then I intended to strip him and have my way with him and show him how thankful I was, but I kept that part out of my conversation with the doctor.

            “You can just call it like it is,” I smiled smugly, “he acts like an overbearing wife sometimes.”

            The doctor leaned back and shook his head.  “No, the overbearing wives are usually less demanding.  I was worried he was going to come with to make sure you showed up.”

            No, Ryeowook knew I wasn’t stupid enough to miss the appointment or there would be all sorts of hell to pay later.  But instead, I simply said, “So did I.”

            “Well, we’re going to run a few tests on you, Mr. Cho, then we’ll see what comes up.  Can I ask a few questions to update your health profile while you’re in?”


            The doctor sat down at his computer and began to type.  “And please answer honestly.  Your records are kept confidential here.”

            I nodded.

            “Have there been any changes to your or your immediate family’s health since your last visit?”


            “Do you drink?”


            “How often?”

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rosepetalss #1
Chapter 107: Hi, its been a long time, how are you? Do you still come here to take a peek? I had a sudden urge to open my acc here. Its been years since I last visited. Cant believe I used to frequent this site to read about my favorite otp. That was a big part of my fangirling days in my teenage years. Cant believe I also wrote some before. Where did the time go? Back then I had so many time to fangirl despite being a student. Kyuwook made me so happy and I never regretted shipping them. I genuinely love them. I never stopped loving them, its just life made me so busy. I'm nostalgic right now as the other half of our ship is finally getting married in a few days. Cant believe Wookie will get married!!! Few days ago when he announced his engagement, i saw a lot of familiar names of elfs that i havent heard in a long time. Probably like me who was swept away with adulting life & responsibilities. And i know a lot of long time elfs are feeling nostalgic too, and probably preparing for the big celebration of 20th anniv next yr. So many reunions happening lately, so many throwbacks that I went here to read one of my favorite kw stories.

Sorry for rambling here like this, I just miss the old times. But the present and the future is exciting too.

Hope u are doing well :)
Anothersideofme80 #2
Chapter 4: Please continue writing kyuwook fic. I LOVE it so much.
Chapter 107: I hope you will continue writing kyuwook. I miss your fic. And your author's note.
hi! i'm not sure how many times i've read this fic.. probably billion times alongside your other fics as well hehe.. i've been silently reading all your works for years but i haven't left a comment.. :( i'm sorry about that 'cause i was so shy..

Anyways, i miss kyuwook that's why i am here reading.. come back here and update this when you're ready and I'm really hope you are doing fine.. :)
I'm so worried about the girl in salty tour who sticks to kyuhyun like glue :-/
elmokyu #6
Chapter 107: Lovely! But I was still curious about what happened between them in Saudi KRY concert. I saw a few tweets about them finally made up, as if they were quarrelling? Were they? I thought they were ok during the KRY concert.
But anyway, I love both of them :)
Kyu joined Ryeowook's "neighbourhood album" recording. They left together. I hope now everything is okay between them and kyu went there not only because he was invited a long time ago.
Chapter 107: All's well that ends well in that chapter of KyuWook life :) They seem to have gotten over that hump and was lovey dovey during the Japan FM. They were sweeter than that birthday cake they smashed LOL

But what do you think about this fight kyuwook fans are talking about in twitter coz they seem to be behaving oddly in Jeddah?

It is possible Wook is pissed at Kyu for something (I don't know why but when thinking KyuWook fought I'm now prone to blame Kyu even though Kyu is my first bias and should love him more LOL) but honestly when I learned they're performing in KSA I was kind of expecting something like this. I mean that there will be some sort of distance. You see before I even learned about SJ doing a show in KSA, I happen to watch a celebrity from my country mentioning how hard it is to stage a concert in Arab countries/Middle East coz there are a lot of rules that needs to be followed. Rules that in other countries will seem trivial but violating them in ME can land you in jail like things about costumes/clothing and skinships (no offense meant to our Arab/Muslim brothers and sisters coz it's their culture/beliefs and i respect that). And i got to thinking maybe that's why SJ has not dared do a concert in ME yet coz they're wary of getting into trouble coz like a lot of the usual stuff they do in concert can be considered illegal XD So I was kinda scared for KyuWook when I learned they're doing a show in KSA. Genuinely happy A-ELF got a SS but still scared for KW coz you know Arab countries are really strict against same relationship and if KW is real (which we think they are) the danger is also real. So their "coldness" towards each other did not make me sad. And it's not that they're totally avoiding each other, they still seem to be sticking close to each other as evidence by some fancams just maybe making a conscious effort to put some distance so as not to be tempted to touch each other and not draw attention towards them maybe?

Anyway, thanks for the updates even though you're also busy. ^^

Honestly, i felt the same too. Wookie was hanging onto yesung all the time. He barely touched kyu. Kyu's kry backhug was also kinda odd. Now these two are touring with eunhae. Still their facial expressions are odd. Either they have fought again or some other reason. Maybe because kyu is sooo busy these days :(
Thank you so much for the update <3 i was waiting for a notification to pop up for weeks. I know you are so busy. Therefore,it's totally okay. I look forward to your next update since it's ......... ;) many kyuwook fansites had posted about a bracelet that they wear.i think they look totally similar. Btw, i'm sure hyukjae got smacked by wook today because of his ig post. He talked about kyu& himshould start looking for partners :-P stay healthy <3 i love you 3000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!