Open your eyes

Our Story

The crowd cheered them on as the concert continued. After the brief break, two minutes, they had come back on stage. "Whoo hoo!" Chanyeol screamed into the mike. The crowd immediately responded with shouts of encouragement. Xiumin ran onto the stage, hurrying to take his place at the other end of the stage. He saw Luhan from the corner of his eye. The boy was in place, his back turned to Xiumin. 

Ever since the age of 17, Xiumin had known he was gay. He had never had anything more than a friendship when it came to girls. When they had a school dance, Xiumin had realized that there wasn't a single girl he liked. But, the boys, well, there were some he liked more than he should. He had been oddly calm about it when he had accepted it. He guessed he had always known, deep down. 

He skipped the school dance. He had instead sat his parents down and told them. His mum had been extremely supportive which made Xiumin cry and in turn made her cry as well. His father, on the other hand, had been silent. That night, his father had gone and gotten drunk. Ever since then, his father had become a stranger to Xiumin. His father had never been unsupportive or rude to him, merely distant. 

And Xiumin had continued on with his life. He hadn't ever told any of his friends about it. It wasn't that he felt ashamed or anything, he was just a bit afraid of their reaction; Koreans weren't exactly very open to the idea of homouals. Over the years, he had almost forgotten about it, never really feeling anything more than platonic love for anyone. 

Until Luhan. 

Xiumin hadn't realized how dependent he was on the self proclaimed manly boy. It had scared him a bit, honestly. Suddenly, he had looked at the younger boy and everything had changed. It had been as if he had seen Luhan for the first time. He had known Luhan was pretty, but never had Xiumin felt attracted to the beauty. He knew that Luhan was nice, but never had he thought about what it would be like to date someone like him. He had never really realized the boy's perfectness. A lot of fans called Luhan an angel. It seemed they were right. 

Xiumin had always been very rational. So, he had decided, simply, to ignore his feelings. It wasn't a love that was reciporated, Luhan obviously wasn't gay. They were both idols as well, this would just get in the way and besided, their company would probably kill them if they found out there was a gay couple. Xiumin couldn't help it though, as he began to notice things about Luhan that he had overlooked before. 

He noticed Luhan would clasp his hands together and nod repeatedly when nervous in an interview. He realized how pretty Luhan's fingers really were when the boy did the rubik's cube. He now knew how to differentiate between the boy's smiles, the boy's stares and could probably write a book on the different meanings. 

Xiumin had told himself it wasn't smart. He was just going to feel hurt when Luhan dated a girl. He shouldn't set himself up for disappointment. Luhan had always been the one to initiate the PDA but recently, much to the EXO members' surprise, Xiumin had begun to do skinship. Xiumin would grab Luhan's hand, give the boy back hugs, light kisses on the cheek (rarely) and lean on the boy. Xiumin himself didn't know why he did it. He would suddenly feel the need to hold Luhan, to do something. He would always think about the action before doing it before just doing it. He had once spent an enitre two hours, thinking about whether it would be inappropriate to rest his head on Luhan's shoulder. It wasn't like he hadn't done those things before, it's just that he had never felt in that way before. 

That way. Crush. Love. Xiumin wasn't too sure which it was. He didn't think he wanted to know. 

The thoughts left Xiumin's mind as the song started, and Xiumin danced, his mind and heart uniting to give the fans a great performance. It was the Korean version of Let out the Beast so Xiumin and the other EXO-M members were just dancing in the background. Xiumin didn't really mind. As he turned at a dance move, he found himself face to face with Luhan. Luhan smiled at the boy. Xiumin smiled back. They both then continued to dance. As Luhan returned to his original position, the boy squeezed Xiumin's hand briefly. Xiumin flushed, missing a beat in the dance. He quickly fixed it, just letting his body go with the flow. 

It wasn't fair. Luhan so casually did things like this and didn't know the effect he had on Xiumin at all. After all, he only viewed Xiumin as a best friend. Things like this made Xiumin wonder if it would have been easier had he not realized his feelings for the boy. 


Xiumin ran to the end of the stage, throwing candies out towards the outstretched hands. He giggled, feeling exhilarated. They were currently in the middle of the 365 and Xiumin had gotten over excited. As he ran around, he suddenly noticed Luhan looking at him. The boy was staring at him with a slight smile on his face. Xiumin jogged to him. "What are you staring at?" He asked the boy. Luhan shook his head. "I just want candy." Luhan said cheekily. Xiumin laughed. "Then have one!" He said passing one to Luhan. Luhan opened his mouth, pointing a finger at it. He closed his eyes. Xiumin knew it was just a joke. So he really didn't get why he took another candy, opened the wrapper and put it into Luhan's mouth, his lips brushing over the boy's lips whilst he did so. Luhan opened his widened eyes. He closed his mouth. "I was just kidding." Luhan said dumbly, an expression of utter shock on his face. Luhan's hand tightened around the candy that Xiumin had given him before. 

"Come on! They're calling us over for the last song!" Tao said excitedly, running past them. "Ya! Don't forget the hyung!" Xiumin yelled after the boy, his tone joking and light. Tao just threw a peace sign back. "Aish, this kid." Xiumin said before turning to Luhan. The boy was looking at him with what Xiumin thought was a strange expression. His stare was powerful enough to make Xiumin step back. "Uh, Luhan?" Xiumin asked hesitantly, feeling anxious under the boy's serious gaze. The boy was silent. 

Not being able to take it anymore, Xiumin broke eye contact before turning to go to the members, who were still gathering everyone around. He felt someone grab his arm. Xiumin let himself be brought back to the front of Luhan. Luhan held Xiumin's hand with his hand. With the other hand, he brought the candy and ripped the wrapper with his teeth. He took out the candy. Xiumin watched this with silent fascination. Luhan then let go of Xiumin's hand. Xiumin felt the loss of warmth but before he could even let the feeling of disappointment take him, Luhan was gently Xiumin's lips with his thumb, his hand caressing the shorter boy's cheek. "Open your mouth." Luhan said softly. Xiumin did as was told. Luhan's hand left his cheek and suddenly, a candy was in his mouth. 

Xiumin closed his mouth. It had been a rather simple gesture. Nothing really serious about it, just typical best friend stuff, exchanging candies. But Luhan's caress, it had been so, so perfect. And the atmosphere, why was it serious? It hadn't been a relaxed and playful action to put the candy in Xiumin's mouth. It had been a careful and soft action. Luhan was staring at the boy almost expectantly. "Thanks?" Xiumin asked uncertainly, unsure of what the boy expected of him. His heart was beating erratically, so weirdly that Xiumin felt a bit alarmed. Luhan's face seemed to fall a little at what Xiumin said. Xiumin wanted to ask why. What had Luhan expected?

He was just about to ask the boy if perhaps, he wanted another candy, when D.O.'s voice suddenly interrupted him. How long had he been there, Xiumin wondered. "Come on hyungs, we're going to sing Black Pearl." D.O. said, his voice calm. Luhan nodded and walked ahead of them. Xiumin walked with D.O. 

"What was that?" D.O. asked him. Xiumin didn't answer immediately. "Hyung." D.O. said, his voice firm and expectant. "I don't know what you're talking about." He finally said, his tone final. "We'll talk later." D.O. shot back. Xiumin just sighed. 


"So, what is with you two?" D.O. asked, as they sat opposite each other, on their beds in the hotel room. "What do you mean?" Minseok asked. D.O. just stared at him. Minseok sighed. "We're best friends-" He began. "Bull." D.O. interrupted immediately. "and that's it" Minseok finished. 

"Hyung. Tell me the truth." D.O. said, his voice suddenly soft. "It's okay." 

Minseok opened his mouth but the words wouldn't come out. D.O. waited patiently. As Minseok was just about to say something, Kai came into the room. "Everyone wants dinner." The boy said his hands on his hips. 

D.O. gave him a murderous look. "Can't everyone wait? Am I a servant?" D.O. shot at the boy. Kai took a step back. "N-no! Of course not! Chanyeol hyung is helping, don't' worry!" Kai said quickly before running back into the room. D.O. sighed, getting up. "Later." He said patting Minseok's shoulder before walking out of the room. 


"Thanks for the dinner!" Everyone chorused. Minseok and Suho would be doing the dishes today. "Come on hyung." Junmyun said cheerfully walking to the kitchen. "See you later, okay?" Luhan said patting Minseok's arm before running off to Baekhyun who he was playing video games with. Minseok nodded after the boy. In the kitchen, Minseok washed the dishes and Minseok dried them. They both talked about small things, casual and comfortable with each other.

As they finished up, Junmyun looked at Minseok with uncertainty. "Actually, hyung, I wanted to ask for some advice." Junmyun said, his voice a bit scared. Minseok felt curious. "Go ahead." He told the boy.

"Well, I kind of like this girl, you know, nothing serious. I just wanted to go on a date, with you know, her. But, um, how do I ask her out?" Suho asked stuttering through his words. "Uh, well you know, I'm not really experienced in this field..." Minseok trailed off when he saw Suho's pleading look. "The others would just laugh." Junmyun said. 

"Well, if you like somone, just go for it. Buy her flowers, get her chocolate, make her feel special. If she has eyes, she's fall for you. I mean, you're Junmyun!" Minseok reassured the boy. Junmyun shook his head. "That's it. I'm not appealing to her as Suho, the leader of EXO. I want her to like me as Junmyun." The boy said softly. Minseok smiled. "Then she won't be able to resist you. Junmyun is a kind and wonderful boy, who is both handsome and smart. What's there to dislike?" Minseok said to the boy. Junmyun looked up blinking. "You really think so hyung?" Suho asked, his voice hopeful. "I know so." Minseok said, his voice confident. Junmyun smiled. "Thanks hyung." The boy said, wrapping him into a hug. Minseok hugged the boy back. 

"What's going on here?" He heard. He and Junmyun broke apart to see Luhan in the doorway, his face blank. "Nothing, hyung." Junmyun said hurriedly before leaving the room. "Thanks!" He heard the boy call out before leaving again. 

Luhan looked at Minseok. "What was that about? What he was thanking you for?" Luhan demanded, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Whoa. Relax." Minseok replied, too tired to reply. Also, he didn't think Junmyun would appreciate Minseok telling Luhan about the boy's girl problems. "Minseok." Luhan said stepping closer to Minseok. "It's nothing, he just needed some advice." Minseok sighed, grabbing Luhan's arm. "Now, can we go? I'm tired." Minseok said, changing the subject quickly. He took Luhan's arm, leading him to his room. "Sleep." He told Luhan before turning to head to his room with D.O. 

"Minseok." He heard. He turned, raising his eyebrow. Luhan opened his mouth as if about to say something but then seemed to changed his mind. "Goodnight." The boy said finally. Minseok nodded. "Goodnight." He replied, walking to his room. "Minseok? Coffee tomorrow?" He heard behind him. Minseok turned around, flashing a thumbs up. Luhan's face lit up. "I'll see you then!" The boy said excitedly, waving before going into the room. Minseok smiled, walking into his own room. D.O. had his back turned to Minseok and was hanging some clothes in the closet. 

"Kyungsoo." Minseok said softly. The boy turned. "Yes?" He asked, his voice calm. "I'm gay." Minseok admitted. Kyungsoo nodded. "That's nice, hyung." He said casually, turning around again. Minseok, who had his eyes tightly shut opened them in shock. "I said I'm gay." He said a bit louder this time, surprised at the boy's reaction. "Yeah, well obviously." Kyungsoo deadpanned. "Wait, you knew?" Minseok asked incredulously. Kyungsoo nodded. "Of course! How could you be in love with Luhan if you were straight?" The boy asked. 

"I'm not in love with Luhan!" Minseok protested. "Oh really? Didn't look like that to me." Kyungsoo continued with his work. "I'm really not." Minseok repeated again. Kyungsoo turned. "Then what are your feelings for Luhan? Platonic?" Kyungsoo asked, smirking slightly. "I don't know." Minseok said, frustration in his voice. "And it doesn't matter. He doesn't even like me like that. He's not gay." Minseok added. 

Kyungsoo froze. He turned around to look at Minseok. "You're joking." Kyungsoo said, his eyes widening. "Luhan's obviously in love with you!" Minseok shook his head. "He's not! He likes girls." Minseok protested. Kyungsoo laughed. "What a joke." The boy mumbled. "Oh god, it's going to be hilarious when you two marry. I already know what I'm going to put in my best man speech." 

Minseok flushed. "Shut up! No matter who I marry, you will defintely not be best man." Kyungsoo just laughed. 


It was later in bed when they were both almost asleep when Kyungsoo's voice spoke up. "He loves you, you must know that." The boy said sleepily. "No, he doesn't." Minseok insisted softly. It was silent again. 

Then suddenly, Kyungsoo spoke up. "Hyung, open your eyes." 


Okay, just to make some stuff clear. I use their stage man when it's nothing serious. But when I'm talking about things like love and them just in a dorm together, I like to drop the stage names. It is probably a bit confusing but I want to keep a balance between the names. Sorry!

Thanks for comments and subs! Much appreciated!



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Chapter 19: Omg this is so.... I can't stop smiling :)
Chapter 8: I just started reading . I thought I will leave the comment at the end ,but "it signalled the beginning of the beautiful and tragic story of the love between the two boys" that sentence caught me ..TT , really I forgot to breath for a moment ..
Chapter 80: I finally completed your story. (I wanted to finish it way much earlier... >_>) And I really have to say that your story was incredible. The whole story seemed so realistic and I really liked they way you took your time with establishing the relationship between Xiumin and Luhan. Also all the dialogues, movements or gestures from the characters seemed so real, I felt like actually beeing in EXO's dorm viewing a movie while standing on the set myself and seeing everything from such a closeness, because the way you wrote I could really imagine every scene so well and it was such a pleasure to read your story, because you used a wide range of vocabulary and used good terms.
Luhan was so sweet in this story, I am happy that you didn't make him the bad guy and Xiumin and him somehow managed to move on their own way. They deserved so much better.
Not only had Kris's leave a huge impact on the whole group (btw love it, that you showed every single member at that part.), but also Xiumin's sadness at the end, not beeing able to let out his emotions, not wanting to selfish rubs off on the reader as well.
I don't even know how to express all what I am feeling and how happy I am to have read this story. It was the fluffiest of fluff, as romatic as love poem and yet sad and realistic.
Just like the two of them I won't forget. I will come back and read your story again.
I cannot help but hope for them to find happiness.
Chapter 63: quite the time jump D: and Kris noooo!
Chapter 76: This is your last chance to stop me.... T_T
Chapter 56: Truth be told: even I forgot about lay.... xD
Chapter 52: Lay isn't as dense as one may think, be careful ~ and the idea of showing together was so obvious, but I liked it xD
Chapter 45: no, now was the time... and.... and no details!!!!!!! How could it be that it took them soo incredably long?? O_o But I'm somehow happy that it happened now... ^3^
Chapter 43: wait.... did they....? Well yeah they've been together for so long so they should have done 'it' at some point, but it was never mentioned... but did they do it now? :x
Chapter 28: And here I thought it's getting into it with Lumin... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) But Lay's reaction at the end was just priceless xD