Chapter 9

Angels or Demons?

The fact remained that you still couldn't get off of the floor. It was so wierd. You heard the worst of your memories playing in your head. You remained on the floor, with your knees buckled, waiting for it to stop. But, it didn't. Your breathing was still heavy.

You suudenly felt yourself off of the ground and saw that Chanyeol was piggy backing you. The next thing you knew, you were in the Hm Dept. Yixing tried really hard to heal you, but this kind of power was beyond him. You tried to calm yourself. He was tired and waited to recollect his powers.

It's all in the past. You can't do anything about it. Let it go. Don't hold on to it. You kept thinking. Baekhyun put a hand on your forehead.

"Hey! You're burning up!" He said, in surprise. 

You just swallowed and closed your eyes. You couldn't reply. Why were you so weak all of a sudden? You were so strong all these years, but these new things seem to get the better of you.

"Guys, could you give us a moment alone?" Baekhyun asked. "Trust me, Chanyeol. I just need a word with her." He continued, seeing Chanyeol's expression.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were like the closest of brothers. They understood each other very well. Chanyeol nodded. 

You heard shuffling of footsteps and guessed that the others left the room. You then felt a cold, wet cloth on your head. Something filled your hand. It seemed like Baekhyun's hand.

"Hey, what is it, _____-ah?" He asked, gently.

"I-I k-keep hearing her s-screams..." you stammered.

"A-And s-seeing my father. I-I c-can actually f-feel the pain from the blows m-my g-grandma gave..." you continued. Almost every word cost an effort.

"It's gonna be okay, alright? No one's going to hurt you while I am with you, okay? But why did you go near the Demon _____-ah? Why weren't you able to shoot him?" Baekhyun asked gently.

"H-He was my f-father!" you said.

"How did you know? Didn't Chanyeol specifically tell you that he was the Head Demon, imitating your father?" 

"O-On the first e-encounter, h-he said that h-he actually h-hated u-us. H-He k-killed h-himself because he c-couldn't take care of u-us. B-But, I knew b-better." You said, pausing for a breath. This cost you a lot of energy. Recovering your breath, you said, " W-When I lowered my g-gun, h-he s-shot me on the arm a-and not m-my heart." you said.

Baekhyun just your hand. "What was that thing about him not dying and unfinished business?" He asked.

"B-Because h-he killed himself f-for his own b-benefit, he turned i-into a D-Demon. H-He has to s-stabilise h-his soul for h-him to die. He c-could either b-become good or b-bad. U-Unless t-that happens, h-he cannot d-die." you answered, the effort to speak caused you pain now. But, this wasn't the physical pain. It was an empty feeling that eventually become painful because it turned to sadness. 

"You're turning pale, ____-ah"

This feeling, it engulfed you. It took possession of you. You felt so sad. This sadness was so deep that you couldn't cry for it. The last time you felt like this, you were 12. You just heaved a sigh. You couldn't speak. All your energy was spent. You heard Baekhyun say something. You were too tired to listen. Yet, you couldn't give up. That wasn't who you were. You were a fighter.

But what if I am tired of fighting? You thought. No, you are not a weak person. You bore it so long. These were mere memories. You had been through the actual events. You had been through worse. You can handle more. You couldn't let these memories weaken you your entire life. This is difficult, but in the end you figured you could do it, because you had such good people around you to help you. Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Yixing, Tao, Kris, Luhan, Jongin, Jongdae, Xiumin, Sehun, Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo. They were always there. Especially Baekhyun and Chanyeol. 

Suddenly, you felt stronger. You opened your eyes slowly. You saw, Baekhyun, worry written all over his face. You found that you had enough strength to sit up. Baekhyun helped you. 

"Are you better? What happened? It seemed like you couldn't hear me at all... I kept calling you." He asked.

"Yeah. I felt so sad. It filled my heart. If it weren't for you guys, I don't know what I'd do...Thank you." You said.

"Hey! What's with the sudden formality? You're welcome anyway. But that's what best friends are for right?" He said.

You hugged him. "Yeah, but I still thank you with all my heart." you said, still hugging him.

"Baekhyun?" you called, breaking the hug.


"Can I talk with Chanyeol?"

"What? Miss your boyfriend already? What happened to thanking bestfriends, huh?" He asked, laughing.

"Yah!" you said, punching him, smiling at the same time and you also felt your cheeks turn a deep shade of red.

"Alright, I'll go and call Chanyeol."

Apparently, you learnt from Baekhyun later that Chanyeol was the only one sitting on a chair outside the room. The others had sustained certain injuries and were being healed by Yixing.

"Hey, _____-ah."

"Hey!" You said.

"Are you alright now?"

"Yeah, much better! My father thought it would be clever if he pushed the more traumatic memories of my life into me, thinking that I would spend the rest of my life suffering. But, what he didn't realise was that I would one day, get over it." You said, with pride.

Chanyeol gave you a side hug. Your head rested on his shoulder. "I knew you would. I heard your story from Baekhyun and I've got to say that I became teary-eyed the first time I heard it. Don't worry, only I know. We're always here for you anytime, anyday, anywhere, okay?"

"Yeah, I know. That helps a lot, thanks." you said. You looked up at him, to show him you were fine. But, suddenly, the sadness burst in you, as if to give you a final blow. It was so intense, that a lone tear found itself trailing along your cheek, but was stopped by a soft and gentle finger, which was none other than Chanyeol's. He cupped your face in your hands and wiped the tears that were now continuously starting to flow. Seeing that that didn't work, he softly pressed his lips against yours. You had to admit, that it helped. It gave you a warm feeling. Still your tears continued to flow. Chanyeol grabbed your neck and deepened the kiss. You returned it as passionately as you could. You broke the kiss when you felt a lack of air. You found yourself crying in the crook of his neck. He rubbed your back gently.

"It's alright. There, there. You'll be fine. Let it all out." he said.

And you did. You were eternally embarassed by the fact that Chanyeol had seen you crying twice. 

"Chanyeol, I still feel so sad...I want to scream... I can't hold it in. It hurts so much..Please help Chanyeol! Please make it stop." you pleaded.

Demon Magic cannot be so easily undone. It requires a power much more superior to that of University students. Yet Chanyeol tried to help. 

"Cry loudly. Do it as forcefully as you can! I won't mind...Do it...Come on!" He said.

You nodded. You sobbed like your life depended on it. You literally screamed till your throat hurt. You've never done this before...You weren't even thinking of your memories but the sadness was still in you.

At this point, Franklin burst in.

"Child, what is wrong?" He asked. 

"Sir, I feel so sad, it's eating me up. Please help me! Please!" you said, agitated.

"Here." he said, handing you the Alpha-orb."Hold this and think of the time you felt immensely good. It can be any feeling - joy, love, satisfaction, etc."

You closed your eyes and a smile spread to your face when you recollected the kiss you had just experienced. To your surprise, a warm, happy feeling invaded your being and eliminated all of the sadness you had been feeling. You opened your eyes.

"Better? I won't assure you that this is a permanent cure, but, it will last a while as it only contains the Demon Magic. Come to my office when the magic begins to spread. Okay?" Franklin said.

"Yes, sir."

"Oh and Chanyeol, you'll be moving in with _____, because she needs your for comfort. Get packing, okay?"

"Yes, sir." He replied.

Chanyeol smiled when Franklin left. 

"You were thinking about the kiss again weren't you? I knew bec-"

But this time he was cut off by you. This time, you kissed him. It was blissful. It felt like you could forget everything that even happened. You wished it could be like this forever. But you knew it couldn't, yet you decided to enjoy what happiness you felt right now.


A/N: Annyeonghaseyyo! 

I am back! Muahahaha! X-P 

Thought I'd write some fluff! Hope you liked it! :-) Anyway, adventure coming up in the next chapter...Stay hooked! :-D

Let me know what you think in the comments!

Thanks for reading! :-)

Bye! :-)

P.S: One more thing - I opened a Youtube account! *dances* 

        I do Veena covers of EXO songs. And other Kpop bands. My channel's name is VnaB...Do check it out. I only uploaded one video. Hope you like it! :-)


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And also, if Chanyeol did not kiss the lead girl, I'm pretty sure you guys would be really mad at me! :-P :-)


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Is this ff abandoned?
star96sn #2
Chapter 19: nice story!I like it so much!
please update soon!
I think that moment is strange and baekhyun reaction after it.
anyway GOOD JOB!
callmedongsaeng #3
Chapter 18: So, the leader angel is evil?
Chapter 2: Loving this story so far, good job author-nim!
callmedongsaeng #5
Chapter 16: Yay finally you next author-nim ㅠㅠ /cried of joy/
callmedongsaeng #6
Chapter 15: next next^^
Chapter 15: I AM CRYING! WHY ISN'T BAEK TALKING TO MEH! WHAAI! ;-; (But then I know why but still. Somehow my stupid mind thought up something like. I SHIP BAEKYEOL SO YOU GUYS CAN JUST DATE EACH OTHER INSTEAD AND ILL BE HAPPY. Like wtf me. .___.) Mianhe! Am very stupid ya know. ._.