Chapter 15

Angels or Demons?

The next morning, you along with the rest of the EXO members set out on your journey. It was really tiring...

For one thing, the map showed the directions to certain places where the direct path had been closed. So, you had to take the round-about way of reaching them. You had only completed a fifth of the journey in the whole day, leaving you and the rest of the members feeling really annoyed. Of course, you didn't expect to reach the place on the first day itself, but you had expected to atleast go further than you had gone today. 

Everyone pitched up their tents and you discussed the next day's plans with the others. As bleak as it sounded, you realised that since time was short, there was a need to travel much more than what had been accomplished today. This meant a huge amount of hard work. As soon as the meeting was dismissed, each of you headed to your respecteive tents. Baekhyun, on the other hand, had other ideas.

"____-ah, can I have a word with you?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure."

He took you far away from the tents and the other members. You wondered what Baekhyun wanted to say that was so private. He found a stray log, sat on it and motione for you to join him. You sat down next to him and looked at him. He seemed to be a bit troubled.

"You okay?" you asked.

"Yeah. I actually wanted to ask you that. You seem to have gone through a lot lately without me." he said. But, there was something strange in his voice. It sounded something like jealousy.

"Yeah, there's been a lot going on but now I am alright." you said, giving your best smile, thinking that it would make him feel better, but all it did was to make him feel worse. 

"There's something I need to tell you." he said.

"_____-ah, I think I am in love with you." he continued.

Oh no. This can't be right! you thought.


"Just let me finish. I was very happy for you when Chanyeol confessed to you. He looked so happy with you and you looked so happy with him. But, I realised that I missed you so much. It made me feel hurt, but I lived with it. Now, I realise that I have loved you for so long. Please, help me!" he pleaded.

"I-" you didn't know what to say. You had never thought of Baekhyun that way. He was always your wierd best friend with whom you always hung out with. It was extremely wierd when he suddenly came up to you and told you that he loved you the whole time.

"Baek, I am sorry, but I cannot. I cannot see you as anything more than my dear bestfriend. I think you only miss me and probaly really deeply for you to think that you loved me. Please, Baek. We can still be friends and help each other out. I don't hate you and I never will. But, I cannot look at you as anything more than my bestfriend. Also, you know that my heart is with Chanyeol. I cannot betray him. Imagine how hurt he will be. You two are like brothers, right? I am really very sorry. I really don't want to hurt you after all you've done for me." you said.

"____-ah, please..." he said. For the first time, you saw him cry right in front of you. It hurt you to see him like this.

"____-ah, please tell me you will try..." he begged, through his tears.

"I can't Baekhyun-ah! If I tell you that I will try, that would only bring your hopes up. What if it doesn't work? You will be even more hurt." you reasoned.

Baekhyun nodded, showing that he understood, but he could not stop the tears from falling, showing his pain.

"Just don't talk with me for some days, okay?" he said.

You nodded, fully understanding how he felt.

"I'm really very sorry Baek. I must be the most ungrateful person on the planet, but I can't love you that way. I love you very much as a sister would." you said, putting a hand on his ahoulder.

With that, you left him alone on the log. You decided to act on the request that Baekhyun had asked of you. You went towards tent you and Chanyeol shared. Chanyeol seemed to be waiting for you.

"What took you so long?"

"Baekhyun wanted a word with me."


"It's something between us. I'll tell you when I'm ready to, okay?"

"Okay...Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, but its nothing much." you said. Chanyeol should not know about what had happened lest his friendship with Baekhyun be ruined.

"You can tell me you know."

"Yeah I will, definitely. Just, not right now, okay? Please just trust me..."

Chanyeol nodded.

A few moments passed with only awkward silence to fill in the time gap. You decided to break the ice, because it made you feel sad again. No matter what, you are not going to cry again in front of Chanyeol. Atleast, not in this situation.

"Hey, Chanyeol. Could you give me a hug?"

"Fine...but, I'd still like to know what's going on."

"You will, soon." you said, hugging him. "Just remember that I love you so much..."

It seemed like Chanyeol couldn't question you when you so earnestly said that you love him. For now, he decided to let go of the situation. The two of you slept peacefully (well, almost) for the rest of the night awaiting the next day's journey, wondering about the secret place that Franklin might have been after.


5 days later...

Baekhyun was still not talking to you. Oh well, if he learns to get over his feelings, he can stay as long as he wants without talking to you. 

All of you had now reavhed the end of your journey. There were quite a lot of detours you had to take to reach the destination, but it was worth it, because you were only a few miles away from the spot.

In an hour, all of you reached the destination. You were on a hill which seemed to have a cave. Taking one baby step at a time, each of you ventured into the cave. It was really dark except for a few glowing circles of different colours. There seemed to be a very familiar presence according to you. It was so strong... It almost felt like the Alpha-orb!

"Guys! Get your weapons out! I smell trouble..." you said.

You were all surrounded by some (you did a quick head count) 9 people. Oh boy, this was going to be difficult. It was a trap in the first place. Well, you were prepared for this. Prepared, for battle.


A/N: Annyeonghaseyyo! :-)

Talk about a cliff hanger huh? :-P

Tell me what you guys think in the comments. I'd really like to know...

Thanks for being so patient and reading this story! :-)

Love you guys! :-D

Bye! :-)

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And also, if Chanyeol did not kiss the lead girl, I'm pretty sure you guys would be really mad at me! :-P :-)


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Is this ff abandoned?
star96sn #2
Chapter 19: nice story!I like it so much!
please update soon!
I think that moment is strange and baekhyun reaction after it.
anyway GOOD JOB!
callmedongsaeng #3
Chapter 18: So, the leader angel is evil?
Chapter 2: Loving this story so far, good job author-nim!
callmedongsaeng #5
Chapter 16: Yay finally you next author-nim ㅠㅠ /cried of joy/
callmedongsaeng #6
Chapter 15: next next^^
Chapter 15: I AM CRYING! WHY ISN'T BAEK TALKING TO MEH! WHAAI! ;-; (But then I know why but still. Somehow my stupid mind thought up something like. I SHIP BAEKYEOL SO YOU GUYS CAN JUST DATE EACH OTHER INSTEAD AND ILL BE HAPPY. Like wtf me. .___.) Mianhe! Am very stupid ya know. ._.