Chapter 12

Angels or Demons?

You ran. You knew you had to find your father; despite the fact that your arm was bleeding.  The Alpha-orb could not, at any cost, be obtained by him.

You finally reached the Franklin's office. You pointed your gun at him. 

"Don't move!"

"Your gun won't work on me ____-ah. I will only come back." he said. He was only a  few metres away from the orb.

"Yeah, but it will stop you from taking the orb now..."

"You'll have severe consequences if you kill me. If you kill your own father, your soul will be deemed as evil and you will turn into a Demon. If that's what you want, then go ahead."

You gaped. This was not what you expected. You eyed the Alpha-orb. You looked at your father.

"What do you mean?" you said, shifting to your right, gun still pointing at him.

"I mean that your soul, young as it is, will not be able to handle the amount of betrayal you have done by killing your father."

"Betrayal. Yeah, right! My foot! If anyone was a traitor, it would be you. You betrayed us. You left us when things got hard." you said, glad your distraction was working. You were only an inch from the orb.

"It wasn't my idea to marry your mother! Be mindful of what you say. Hold on a second..." he said, realising your plan.

With that, he proceeded to push you with an unseen force. You fell back, but you weren't giving up. Your eyes raked the office, searching for atleast an outline of your father. Your father had obtained the Alpha-orb.

Oh. Boy.

A light glowed from behind Franklin's desk. The orb lit up, lighting up your father's face. Suddenly, he disappered.

You ran towards Kim Hae Soo. The only way for him to be stopped was to assure him that Hae Soo had feelings for him all the time. 

"You need to stop this." You begged.

"And why would I do that?"

"For one thing, you'll get beat up by him anyways and two, you don't have a valid reason to let him destroy the world. If your reason is what I think it is, it's pretty lame." You said.

"Don't let your sadness ruin you. Cherish the moments you have now. Well, not exactly now, but you get what I mean. Listen to your heart. It is a better guide than your mind. You were an Angel, once upon a time. I know you have a bit of kindness and caring even if you did change for worse...You just need to find it." you continued, not knowing where these words came from.

Hae Soo seemed to be deep in thought.

"Please. You're the only one who can stop this!" you added, hoping she would comply.

"But, what about you? Won't you feel hurt?" she asked.

"Never mind me. Just do it. I have been hurt a lot of times in my life that I've got used to the feeling. It's fine. Just go on with it."

"Hmm...Alright, then" she said, still not convinced.

You saw her go up to your father. You trailed along. He seemed shocked by the fact that she had sctually approached him.

"You know," she started "maybe I should have just said that I loved you when I had  the chance..."

He just looked up, not knowing what to say.

"You really mean it?"

"Yes, I do. I was mean and selfish when I didn't return your love, knowing that I felt the same way too. Will you forgive me?"

At that moment, his eyes turned to his old, kind and familiar self again. Then, they rested on you.You felt immensely hurt when they turned into the less familiar evil one. But then you were used to it right? There should be no reason for you to feel hurt...He had hated you after. You, as his daughter, should feel happy that he could finally feel the love he had given, returned to him. But, his eyes didn't change. It stayed in the evil state as they were.

"It's alright, I still have mom and she need never know. She thinks your dead anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem." you said, anticipating the same kind look you had seen in his eyes just a few moments ago.

His eyes did change, and to your relief, for the better. At this point, you had equipped your other hand with another gun, similar to the one you were holding.

"I need you guys to do one more thing. Each of you place a hand on the Alpha-orb." you instructed.

Now, the Alpha-orb, you discovered, was not just a contraption that could enhance your Puissance. It could enhance anything. The most basic of which, was your feelings. Whether you felt sad, angry, happy, or satisfied, it had the power to enhance it. So, you figured that since the two of them were happy, they would be able to stay that way if they died at this point of time and hence, stabilise their souls. This was your last chance. It was now or never.

"I'm sorry, Appa." you whispered, shooting both of them as soon as Hae Soo placed her hand on the Alpha-orb, along with your father's.

They didn't seem the least bothered and died peacefully with a lasting smile on their faces. Suddenly, everything turned back normal. Everyone was moving again and the battle continued, oblivious of the fact that the Head Demon was dead.

"______-ah" Chanyeol called.

You whipped your head back to see Chanyeol. Funny. You didn't sense his presence...

"Your hand..." he said

You looked at it. Your sleeve was blood red now. It was actually soaked in blood. The ordeal with your father must have distracted you because now, a sharp pain rose in your arm.

"It's alright, I'll be-" you wanted to say that you would be fine, but who were you kidding?

Your knees buckled and your head rested on Chanyeol's shoulder as he moved forward to help you.

"This is your idea of being fine, huh?" he said, chuckling.

You chuckled too. You closed your eyes and let yourself be there in that position.

"I'll get you to bed, okay?"

"Thanks." you said, keeping your eyes closed.

You distantly heard the Demons dispersing, after they realised that the Head Demon was dead.

"Chanyeol-ah, how is Tao? He lost conciousness in the middle of the battle." you asked, as he set you on the bed in the Hm Dept.

"He'll be fine. Yixing and the others are there to help him. I saw Kris and Baekhyun protecting him. You get some rest. I'll bring some antiseptic to clean that wound."


Well, it seemed like every battle you ended up in the Hm Dept. to get recovered with some injury or the other. But, in the end, it always seemed to be worth it.

Yet, this time, you felt that something was missing.

The Alpha-orb!

Oh no.

You left it there on the ground near your father's body. You opened your eyes wide in shock. You sat up with all the strength you had left.

"Chanyeol-ah! I have really bad news! I need your help right away! The Alpha-orb, I-"

"Say no more. I'll help you." and he immediately piggy back carried you.

"Just lead the way." he continued.

If that orb was destroyed, you'd be in some SERIOUS trouble. You needed to get there fast, before any other Demon laid hands on it.


A/N: Annyeonghaseyyo! :-)

I am back with another update! :-) I am so evil right? :-P

I'm so sorry I didn't update earlier! I have these entrance exams coming up and also, my grandfather has cancer in his mouth, so I am really busy right now... :'-( I don't think it's the really serious one. I think it's still curable. Still...


Tell me what you think about the story in the comments because I'd really like to know! :-)

Thanks for reading! :-)

Bye! :-)

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And also, if Chanyeol did not kiss the lead girl, I'm pretty sure you guys would be really mad at me! :-P :-)


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Is this ff abandoned?
star96sn #2
Chapter 19: nice story!I like it so much!
please update soon!
I think that moment is strange and baekhyun reaction after it.
anyway GOOD JOB!
callmedongsaeng #3
Chapter 18: So, the leader angel is evil?
Chapter 2: Loving this story so far, good job author-nim!
callmedongsaeng #5
Chapter 16: Yay finally you next author-nim ㅠㅠ /cried of joy/
callmedongsaeng #6
Chapter 15: next next^^
Chapter 15: I AM CRYING! WHY ISN'T BAEK TALKING TO MEH! WHAAI! ;-; (But then I know why but still. Somehow my stupid mind thought up something like. I SHIP BAEKYEOL SO YOU GUYS CAN JUST DATE EACH OTHER INSTEAD AND ILL BE HAPPY. Like wtf me. .___.) Mianhe! Am very stupid ya know. ._.