Amber a.k.a Joseph - Male, 23 years old, work as Superhero!

Krystal Jung - Female, 23 years old, work as Superhero!



Plot? Figure it out Guys…

Just Kidding! Let me give you spoil. HOHOHO!

Okay this time imagine that both of them have superpower. I slight mash up with the other character from kind of superheroes movies when they have conversation.

The main plot, there will be a battle, (Why I always make them fight… Huff!) 

The plot just flow naturally...

Lets figure out, what’s the reason behind this fight? And how’s the end?

Setting? Of course their Apartment!



HOHOHO! I know you miss me (What a words I bluff this time!)

Let’s celebrate the 10th chapter! BONFIRE! Give me high five guys!

For the first time I create totally NON-SENSE MOMENT! HOHOHO…

It is fan-fiction, right? So, I think it’s okay to mess up the conservative plot!

Kind aftereffect of The Avenger!

HOHOHO… Bear with the nonsense Guys!






The sun was already lighting up, signed that the people had to wake up. Like the hoi polloi, common humans, both of Krystal and Amber did the same!


The smell sheets of toast, burn cheese like in the Starbucks coffee years ago when it also had served kind of —sandwich (not really sure), and also the brewing coffee that spreading across the apartment, woke Amber up from his serene dream. Just clarifying that it was the standard level of cooking, but, when mean to say the smell cracked in the air, it never failed to make his body moved. He knew well, it came from his superpower girlfriend that talented with the subsistence stuff, no other than Krystal. Now, Amber already shuffled to the kitchen, sniffing where was the smell came from.


And, There she is… 


Krystal was standing in front of the table which was about a meter and surround by 4 stools that stood inch from, and she was plating sunny up eggs —sausages, and the artisan of her melting cheese toast. 

She stared at him, talked, “Morning hero! Did I mess up your sleep?”

Amber already pulled the stool, perching himself on, and replied, “Never mind. Love this smell, Princess.” 

Krystal was smiling, she had known his superpower boyfriend really did love the smell of her artisan. 

He adored Krystal’s signature american breakfast, “Nice completion for start the day Krys.” 

Krystal smiled in smug. It was lovely complement for herself to start the new day. After the adoring part, Krystal started this morning with common topic since they just moved to the new apartment. She said, “Stupid, could we start to paint our apartment this day?”

He answered, “Okay, look like we have a day off since Clark Kent does the job today.” 

Then, Amber asked, “Where’s the newspaper Krys?”

“I put on coffee table. Why?” Krystal was switched to ask.

“Nothing! I just wanna know the up date news.” He looked at her with his dorky smile.


Krystal grinned as she understood the emphasis from him. No other than Amber asked her indirectly —politely to take the newspaper from the coffee table. She didn't mind. Then, she used her spider webs that came out from her wrist, shot it through the living room and —gotcha! The spider web already stuck on the newspaper, she yanked. In depth of his heart, Amber already anticipated, sometimes she could be such a pro but also kind of the amateur. There was a time that Krystal had slapped him unintended with the newspaper. Okay, it was the first time that Krystal did such as epic failure of her spider web weapon, actually, it was happened 3 days ago. However he had felt the unintended slap that redden his cheek so badly but like usual, he was too lazy walked through the living room that across the kitchen while knowing he had superpower girlfriend that could grab everything from distance. 


The spider web already flew back through the kitchen. This time, Krystal did smoothly like the old days that she never had had a failure. It landed on the table, brought the newspaper to Amber. He was smiling in relieve, Krystal rolled her eyes. 

“Relax stupid! It won’t hit you again!” 

He said, “Welcome home PRO!”

“Choose! You want to get slap with what this time? I’m serious!” Krystal said kind of threatened. His joke didn't sound funny at all on her ears.

“I’m just kidding Krys.” He smiled.


Afterward, they already sat down on the stool, while facing each other had such as superhero’s morning talk like usual between the breakfast.

“Have you heard about Joker? He already flamed trouble in town!” Amber said as he put down the newspaper on the table. 

Krystal looked at him and smirked, “Of course stupid!”

“Thought that Batman already shut him down.” Amber said, didn't really sure.

“Yeah he did. But, according to the report that I received a day before. The riddle helped him out.” Krystal blurted the information. 

“Sound like I will have something to do tomorrow.” Amber said as he put his hands on his back neck.

“You?” Krystal laughed as she heard what he said. “ I don’t think you will get this case. I will.”

He arched his eyebrow, felt underestimate by Krystal. He knew, probably slight admitted that Krystal was smarter than him when it was about strategy, but he thought that battle wasn’t about it. Couldn't think too much when got in the field of war. For Amber, battle was always about spontaneous act.


“I bet that I will get this case Krys,” He scoffed, “The riddle is something that unpredictable. You can’t face him with your complicated strategy. It just wastes a lot of time.”

“Strategy is the most important when facing a foe like him, Stupid!” She squeaked.

“All you need is skill and power. Just it!  I’m not really sure you can face him with your… uhm amateur skill.” He blurted. Remained the epic failure from 3 days ago. 

“WHAT?! You want to prove it?!” Krystal dared him.

“NOW?! Why not?! Do you think I’m afraid with your gross spider web?!” He spoke in smug. 


Krystal narrowed her eyes in annoyed, couldn't stand any longer with his mock. Amber set his position in fighting mode. He had known, without prepared plan, Krystal would lose. Thought Krystal was typical of superhero that couldn't do anything in precise without her complicated plan and strategy. In other side, he was so confident with his skill and spontaneous style of fighting. Meanwhile, Krystal was already at her boiling point. She determined to prove that he was wrong. 


After the unfinished morning bickering, without any hesitated from the both sides, they were already deciding to finish it with duel. Just clarifying that they were starting the duel that gentle without weapon that they had. It already started when Krystal kicked but Amber could slid smoothly from Krystal’s attack, she tried again to punch on his face. He fast moved to squat, avoiding her punch. Faster, he tackled her with his legs while squatting. Krystal collapsed, Amber laughed as he felt the premature victory. 


But, never forgot that Krystal wasn’t type of girl that would surrender easily. She was eternal fighter. While Amber was laughing, stuck his hands on his waist, looked really snob. Krystal did the revenge, kicked hardly on his (sorry) ‘ball.’ 


“Ugh…” He groaned as he dangled, loosed on the floor still holding his ‘ball.’ 

“GOTCHA!” She said as exclamation in excited, slight jumped, put her fist in the air. Like hit the jackpot in the casino, it was so euphoric for her. She didn’t care at all with Amber who was holding the pain to death. 


He slow rose, crawling and still holding on his ‘stuff’ between his legs, “CRAP!” 

Krystal smirked, watching Amber who was suffer. He said, “How could you do that?!”

She simply answered, “So called strategy Stupid.”

“It’s unfair Krys!” He blared, still crawling on the floor. 

Krystal rolled her eyes, didn't care about the morality preaching from him. Then Amber said seriously, “Okay, I’ll take it serious this time.”

Krystal replied surely, sound mocking, “Like what I wish Stupid!”


Krystal stood firmly, anticipated whatever retaliation that Amber would do. While Amber was standing, tried to rid off the pain from his ‘ball’ by jumping slowly. Thought it could help him to ease the pain which wasn’t. He knew but he did. Afterward, he was feeling that the pain wasn’t bother him like before. Amber perched his body on fighting gesture again, lifted his fists inched from his face and stretched his legs. Really looked like the professional boxer. 


Now, they were into the real battle, Amber took the dare seriously. He started to kick, hit, jab, punch and smack. Sometimes he also warded off Krystal’s attack. Krystal did the same. Both of them didn't want to lose at this point. They would end it till one of them admitted who the champion was. 


But, in fact there is always the difference stamina when talk about duel between man and woman. 


Krystal noticed that she couldn't win over him without her spider web. She decided to use her weapon. When there was a chance she shot the spider web, like what she thought. Her rattle plan did smoothly. She caught up Amber’s right leg with the spider web. She yanked roughly. At the end, Amber fell down and his back hit the floor. 

He blared, “Fine! If it what you grant for!”

Krystal answered in chic, “You know me so well babe!”

This time, without any of consideration, Amber used his power, became invincible. Krystal cursed, “SH*T! Such a coward!”


Amber didn't answer as he tiptoed carefully, approaching Krystal who seemed, anticipated his move since he was invincible. Her eyes were screening, and ears were trying to catch the sound step which couldn't be heard at all. But, she smirked. Unexpected when he wanted to swing his jab, Krystal already did punch on his stomach, no failure, struck accurately, straight to the point, hit the jackpot!

“BRAK!” the sound of Amber that fell down probably had hit the corner of table before he landed roughly on the floor. 

He said as he held on his stomach, felt the pain, “SH*T! How could you do that Krys!” 

Krystal guffawed, watching how stupid Amber was. She said as joy of exclamation, “Absolutely. No kidding! Officially, You are stupid!” 

Amber shrank his forehead, didn't understand. Krystal rattled on, did short explaination, “Your spontaneous really something. Your power is useless if you didn't remove your cloth, IDIOT!”

She rolled her eyes, while Amber was looking through himself. He was invincible but his cloth still stuck on his body, making himself could be detected easily. 

There was voice without body that said, “CRAP!” 


As soon as Krystal had divulged him, Amber undressed himself in high speed. Krystal widened out her eyes as she realised that she already blurted out the point of his weapon. She tried to stop him, but too late, Amber already finished undressing himself. The cloth was flying away before laid down peacefully on the floor. He stepped away from his spot before.


This time, Krystal serious searched for any movement that could lead herself to find the idiot hero. Out of luck for her, seemed Amber already learned from his first spontaneous mistake. He did really careful this time. Actually he still tiptoed around Krystal, watching her as he was holding his breath. He was breathing really softly, didn't want Krystal heard it. At the end he stood behind Krystal who was facing the kitchen since it was the last corner that she was sure where Amber was. 


She was looking around, turned her head side to side slowly. Her eyes and ears was working hard, figured out where he was. Instead started to hit, Amber did a little prank for her. He threw the pen through the living room that was on the coffee table before. It landed near of the cupboard that full of books. The sudden sound made Krystal turned her body and shot her spider web quickly to the corner where the sound was heard. 


Amber turned his head slightly and avoided the spider web since it was shooting just inched from his face. Serendipitous, the spider web stuck on the book. Without hesitated, Krystal yanked the book, flying back to her spot. Amber widened out his eyes as the flying book flew closer to his head. 


He unrealised shouted and bent down his back, avoiding the book naturally, “SH*T!”


Krystal smirked as her trick could detect where he was. She hit but Amber already squatted and put his hands on his head. Amber relieved as he understood that his spontaneous act could fool Krystal who stood next to him and hit nothing than empty air. Knowing she didn't catch anything, she turned her body, wanted to run forward. Thought she needed to arrange a new plan. But Amber did a move faster than she. He quick kicked her —kind of pushed her. Krystal stepped forward faster without uncontrolled, wobbled. Accidentally, Krystal banged her own head hardly on the table in the kitchen.


She Squealed, “OUCH!”


She turned her body, looked around with flaming fire that fulfilled of anger in her eyes. She shouted as she put her palm on her forehead, “You’re a dead meat JOSEPH!”


Amber gulped hardly as he heard that name. It was the name that Krystal had said when she was really anger to him. He could predict that she wasn't angry but more like furious, extremely furious right now. Realised that he already woke the silence tiger that had lived on her body. He couldn't imagine what would happen to himself if Krystal found him. He pumped his brain rapidly, figured out the escape ticket. While Amber was thinking, Krystal did a move. She had smirked before she crawled on the wall. Seemed, she already figured out a perfect plan to make the revenge.  


Amber was panic as he saw Krystal already crawled on the wall. He felt something uneasy, she might arrange a plan. He wanted to pull down Krystal from the wall but he missed the chance. Now, She already crawled on the ceiling. Showing how clever she was, maximising her power. She used it wisely. Amber grumbled in low as he realised it. 


She crawled around on the ceiling while she was looking carefully to the whole room. Stacking the plan, arranging as the ultimate strategy tried to get a chance for the victory. Amber watched out every move from her motion since he could only stood on the floor. Realising that his space couldn't be wider than Krystal. 


It was so stress state for Amber, knowing her strategy couldn't be beaten easily. Probably now, he admitted that Krystal was right about the important of plan and strategy, but his pride as man wouldn't accept it easily. However he had to stand for the fight till his last blood. Okay probably it sounded so extravagant, just clarifying that it was the cliche phrasal that depicted how he determined to win. He was sinking in his deep thought. How he could win in this battle. His brain shrank more than ever. 


While Amber was drowning on his own mind, Krystal grinned. She knew what she had to do. Fortunately, there was a bucket of red paint wall. Amber was aware where her eyes was pointing to.


Honestly, there was two option that could be chosen by Amber. First, ran away as fast as light speed, avoiding the paint bucket attack from Krystal. And the second might be sound ridiculous but still trying to win over Krystal’s spider web that could be shot in high speed. But likelihood, when talked about Amber, the typical of man that so confident and probably truly stupid enough. Instead avoided the paint bucket attack, he did run to the bucket. Thought he was confident enough to grab it the paint bucket first before the gross spider web reached it.


Krystal already shot the spider web as fast as she could, and without she knew, Amber did the similar act. He ran as fast as he could to grab the paint bucket. Finally, just a meter, he would grab the bucket, he decided to slide down like the main actor in the action movie. Out of luck Amber, it wasn't a movie. Krystal could grab it first since her spider web flew faster with the high speed. 


She smirked then yanked again. Amber turned his head, watching for the flying bucket. Unrealised, like spontaneous was his DNA, his hand spontaneous moved, grabbed whatever that placed near of him. He struck it with his full power. Praising for his spontaneous! Now, Krystal’s iPhone 6 already flew, thwarted the bucket from whatever she had planned before. Didn’t know he might be excited or regretted the act. Instead flowing to the floor, the paint bucket was spilling and splashing on Krystal. Causing she soaked in red paint. 


“OOPS!” He pitched his voice unrealised. 

She shouted, sent her dead glare though she couldn't see Amber, “JOOOSEPH!”

Now, she was shooting her spider web uncontrollable, still, with the red paint that still dropping through the floor from her body. Without any plan —strategy, she spontaneous shot through the spot since she was definitely sure where he was. While Amber was stupid enough, just staying at his spot. Probably frozen as the aftereffect of her dead glares.  


Luckily for Krystal the spider webs stuck on Amber’s forehead without she realised. In other side, so called it out of luck, Amber caught up! Didn't want to stop the spider webs attack, Krystal shot it again, again and again, switching from her left and right wrist. 


At the end, the uncontrollable and non-stop attack caused Amber looked like a mummy that wrapped by the spider web. As the ultimate ending, Krystal shot the spider web on the ceiling and linked it to Amber who couldn't move anymore. She yanked her web, now, Amber looked like a swing cocoon than a mummy. 


Amber hummed, “uhmmmmmmm…”

He wanted to say something but couldn't since his mouth was wrapped with the spider web. As she heard it, Krystal walked on the ceiling, toward his spot. 

She squatted and asked, “What do you say babe? I can’t hear you.”


Amber spoke hardly, “Klys, leit mie blith!”

Krystal grinned as she understood what he said, but pretended that she couldn't understand, “Speak english Stupid!”

“I dieuuuuuuuu Klys!” He shouted with his last breath. 

Krystal laughed. However she wanted to make him suffer longer but her humanity wouldn't let her did that. After deciding, she tore the tip of the spider web that near of the ceiling with her nail. Unfortunately she had a wrong prediction. Amber was  hang with his feet above, mean to say his head was facing the floor. 

“Oops! My bad Stupid! Wait a minute!” She said as she jumped on the floor and pulled the stool. 

This time she tore the right spot, finally his face popped out. He scooped the air as much as he could kind of craving for an oxygen that couldn't flow though his chest for a while. 


While Amber was managing his breath, Krystal walked away. Then Amber shouted, “Where do you go Krys! Don't leave me hang like this.”


“I just want to go to bathroom Stupid! Look what you have done to me!” She blared as she turned her head. Reminded Amber that she was covered by the red paint. 

Then he mumbled, “Same here Krys. Huff…”

Magically, she could hear in vague what he had said, “What you say Stupid!” 

“Mmh… Nothing Krys. Ouwh… Okay Princess! Be careful when you walk to the bathroom.” He said, sound little bobble. 

She said as stepped away but what he said was proven. “Do you think I’m stu…?” Accidentally before she could finish her sentence, she slid down caused by the red paint that had dropped on the floor. 




Spontaneously, Amber laughed while Krystal was sprawling on the floor. Feeling the sudden pain. She slowly sat down then glared at the huge cocoon. Shooting the spider webs to wrap his mouth. She did. Amber shut up so sudden. 

“Just remain this as your punishment! Don't forget to make yourself visible.”  She said chicly as stood up from the floor, and unrealised continued her sentences. “I hate when I couldn't see your face.” Honestly after had said those words, she felt little bit embarrassed. In fact, it just flew out naturally. 

“YUSTTT MUMMTT!” He spoke loudly as he understood the point but seemed Krystal was confused. She didn't get what he said.

She tried to make sure the words. “Yes Mam?”

Amber nodded rapidly, making his whole body swung kind of waving in ridiculous way. She chuckled as she found it really cute and funny. As her forgiveness, she shot the spider webs accurately on his mouth. She pulled the spider webs that covered Amber’s mouth. Though it was little bit hurt but Amber smiled dorky as he heard what she had said. While Krystal was stepping away through the bathroom. 


After 30 minutes had been struggling with the hard red paint that became slight dry, finally, she finished the bath session. She walked out from the bathroom, only with a white towel that wrapped her body. 


Amber who already visible, widened out his eyes and said, “WOW! Is it punishment or jackpot Princess? Nice body!” he said in flirt. 

Krystal slight blushed because of his spontaneous words. Then she walked slowly, approaching Amber who still hang on ceiling. 

She warned in seductive, “Don’t you dare to underestimate the princess, Stupid!”

Amber spoke, “Never again! I  just…”

His words was cut off by Krystal. She spontaneous crashed her lips on him such a legendary scene from Spider-man the movie but in ridiculous way since she kissed Amber the huge cocoon. But after all, Amber kissed her with all of his passion. Turned it to the lustful kiss. 


After a couple of minutes, Krystal broke the kiss and smiled so lovely to him. Amber said, “But you have to admit that we need spontaneous, right?”

Krystal smiled chicly, replied, “Probably you are right.”

He moved his own body, trying to escape from the cocoon, but he couldn’t. At the end, he begged, “Could you help me out from this cocoon?”

Krystal arched her eyebrow, seemed like she tried to think. Then he said again, “Please…”

She smiled and chicly said after all, “Okay, why not Stupid!”

She tore the imposter huge cocoon with her nail form his head to his toe. Finally Amber released while Krystal was blushing as she realised how visible Amber was. 

Amber asked innocently, “Why are you blushing?”

Krystal said still blushing, trying to look at whatever spot except him, “You’re Stupid.”

Amber did light chuckled as he remembered that he had undressed himself before, then he said casually, “Like you haven't seen it before.”

Krystal remained silent for a while, then she spoke in shy, “Stupid?”

Amber replied, “Yes Princess?”

She turned her body then slowly walked to the bedroom, Amber shrank his forehead. He looked confused. Then Krystal said again, “STUPID!” There was a pause for a sec, then she said more like commanded, “BED NOW!”

Amber smirked as he understood, “YES MAM!” He put his right hand on the corner of his temple, looked like the diligent soldier that obeyed whatever the commander said. 


He caught up Krystal who already walked in front of him and suddenly lifted her in bridal style. Krystal slight shocked with his spontaneous movement. But this time, probably she had to admit that she did love his spontaneous thing. Since both of them knew well what they would do.

While walking to the bedroom, Amber confessed sincerely and smiled, “I really love this kind of plan, Princess!” and Krystal said chicly, “Of course you…”

Amber shut her up as he kissed Krystal. She replied that kiss. This kind of plan absolutely led them through another battle, of course in bed (you know what i mean, don't you? HOHOHO!).




By the way, what’s about The riddle and Joker? 

Okay forget about them for a while like what I say this is a day off for them. Let them do another plan —strategy and spontaneously that look like so urgent this time. HOHOHO! 

If you like this kind of non-sense moment probably i make another one. But if you’re not… uhm… I still write another one. HOHOHO =P












  • I’m sorry, I never speak in english with something cover my mouth so I don't know how to spell the words. Hope you understand.
  • I’m sorry for the paint bucket prop that seems pop out from nowhere. 
  • I’m sorry for the weird battle. It’s something kind of new moment with the superpower for me. 
  • I’m sorry  for probably a lot of grammar error and typo since I wrote it in hurry before I forgot about the idea (maybe if I have a mood, I will edit it again. Just maybe)
  • I’m sorry for the totally crap —lame ending. HOHOHO! 






















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amhar03 #1
Chapter 11: Wow it feels good to have good closure for this story, since you leave it hanging from the last chapter
badass123456 #2
Chapter 12: back? wb mac! it feels hang in some points but nice update. ps : hope you update the fairytale story too. thanks.
Khones33 #3
Chapter 12: Nice story. Just the right length to cover what needs to be cover... Sweet..
jasonds #4
Chapter 12: awesome story author nimmmmm.....daebak...merry christmassss
Chapter 11: it was good. real nice, like a real drama series.
Chapter 11: Always satisfied as always !!!!!!!!! :j
Chapter 6: Kkkk I like your story Mr/Ms HOHOHO *I think I like to call you this way kkkk you keep makes me laugh when you adding 'HOHOHO' laugh kkkk XD see? I laughing once again XD.. keep it up Ms/mr HOHOHO (y) ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)
badass123456 #8
Chapter 9: love the triplet retaliation that krystal did! btw, I'm not really sure now, you're boy or girl mac =D
sorry for the blunt comment... hohoho
Chapter 9: Its like the story of the korean drama emergency couple.... update soon