Soccer Game

Whenever Inspiration Hits

Jungkook is the same age as Taehyung.





Today Tahyung was having his first soccer game. Of course Taehyung was excited, it was his game after all, but it was safe to say that Jungkook was more excited in some ways.


Taehyung refused to let Jungkook go to any of his practices, saying he wanted Jungkook to have the full effect of the game.


"I want my Kookie to be surprised of my awesome soccer skills!" He had said when Jungkook was on the verge of tears when Taehyung first told him he couldn't go to practice. 


So to say that Jungkook was excited to see his hyung play for the first time was an understatement. He was ecstatic! So hyped up for the game, he woke up at 3 in the morning and dragged his mom out of bed to get ready.


"Jungkook, it's too early! Let's go back to bed. The game doesnt start 'till twelve!" Mrs. Jeon groaned and little five year old Jungkook pouted and slumped onto his racecar bed. 


"But eomma! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see hyung kick the ball! I have to be ready to the T. I have to I have to I have to!" He lifted his face from the sheets and put on his most adorable face.


"Pweeeaase eomma? Can I get ready now?" Mrs. Jeon sighed. Jungkook knew she couldn't resist his puppy face.


"Okay, but don't complain to me that you're tired later." She pointed an accusing finger at him and poked him on the nose, causing the boy to giggle and nod happily.


Getting up, Mrs. Jeon walked over to her son's closet and pulled a shirt and a pair of pants down from a hanger, then walked to the dresser and got his underwear, Jungkook following her every move with unblinking, big brown eyes. 


When Mrs. Jeon layed the clothes down on the bed and motioned for Jungkook to put them on, Jungkook frowned and shook his head.


"Hyung said his team color was green! I want green clothes!" Mrs. Jeon sighed for the upteenth time that early morning.


"Fine, then you pick out your own clothes." Jungkook beamed, nodded, yhen dissapeared into his closets. 


Three seconds later, he comes running, in his arms a mountain of green clothes. He dumps them onto the bed and beams up at his mother.


"These!" Flabbergasted, and a little bit scared of what she might find in the green pile, Mrs. Jeon sorts throught the clothes and gives her son a horrified look.


She doesn't even know where half of these garments came from.


Nine hours later and the Jeon family arrives at the fields and Jungkook bolts out of the car before it even completely stopped.


"Junkook, wait up! You don't even know what field it is yet!" Mr. Jeon yells out the car window at the retreating back of his son. He sighs and flops back into his seat when his son ignores him and continues running through the miniature soccer fields. 


"Relax hun, you know those two have some type of magnitic force between them. He'll find them, no problem." And true to Mrs. Jeons word, when they arrived at the Kim family ten minutes later, Jungkook was already munching on the snack that Mrs. Kim had provided.


"Hey Jeons! Glad you finally made it, Tae's game is about to start in a minute." Mrs. Kim grinned and helped the Jeons set up their chairs. 


"Eomma! Appa! Look! There Tae-hyung!" Jungkook jumps from his seat and startes waving his green homemade flags wildly in the air.


"WOOO! GO TAEHYUNG!!!" Jungkook yelled and jumped up and down, his Green Latern cape bouncing up and down. The green glitter reading Go Taehyung on his green shirt shimmered in the sun.


Mrs. Kim giggled at the cute, green boy cheering wildly at the sidelines and leaned over to Mrs. Jeon.


“Your son looks like a leprechaun.” Mrs. Jeon groaned and threw her head back exasperately.


“Don’t remind me. He woke me up at three this morning to get ready for this game. He didn’t like what I put out for him, so he picked out his own clothes. I was to tired to put up a fight.” Mrs. Kim laughed and Mrs. Jeon cracked a smile.


“You think you got it bad? At least you were able to sleep for most of the night. Taehyung didn’t go to sleep until three. Maybe he transferred his energy to Jungkook seeing how he woke up around the time Taehyung went to sleep.” They both laughed this time.


It wasn’t an impossible theory. It’s been proventime and time again that he two boys had an uncanny connection.


They were totally soulmates.


“WOOO!!! YEAH!! GO TAEHYUNG!!” The loud shouting of Jungkook broke the mothers from their wedding planning. They looked over to the young boy who was doing Victory cheer on the side lines.


“SPLIT THAT V, DOT THAT I, CURL THAT C-T-O-R AND Y! THAT’S THE THE WAY, UH HUH UH HUH, I LIKE IT, UH HUH UH HUH!!! VICTORY!!!! YEAH! GO TAEHYUNG!!!” He turns and runs to his mother who is close to bursting from laughter.


Maybe she should invest in putting Jungkook on the cheerleading squad…


“Eomma! Did you see that goal Tae-hyung made? He kicked it, and it went soaring into goal the like SWOOSH!! It was AWESOME! My hyung really is the best.” He ends dreamily. He quickly turns and goes back to the sidelines, continuing to cheer for his favorite hyung.


Mrs. Jeon focuses on the game, were all the kids were just chasing after the ball. There was no structure to the game, everyone just following the ball and shooting into random goals. There was even a kid twirling in the grass in the corner of the field, not even paying attention to the game. The kids were pushing and shoving, and laughing, and tackling, and giving piggy back rides down the field. It was cute.


Taehyung seemed to be one of the few who were taking the game somewhat seriously, He dribbled the ball down the small field like a pro, only stumbling and falling every five or so kicks. His legs were so tiny and they were moving so fast and his face was stuck in determination. It was literally one of the cutest things anyone had ever seen.


Obviously, he was trying to show off in front of his Kookie. And it was working. Jungkook was literally swooning.


After the game, Taehyung immediately ran up to Jungkook (but not before grabbing snacks that were being handed out for the both of them) and started bombarding poor Jungkook with question about his game.


"Kookie! I was awesome wasn't I?! Did you see that goal I made? That was so cool! Coach said that if I keep working hard like I've been doing, I could be a profesional! that would be so awesome wouldn't it Kookie?" Jungkook nodded obediantly to everything his hyung said. 


( A/N: I don’t know why, but somehow, the rest of this was deleted, and since I’m to lazy to remember what I wrote, im just goin to rewrite it. And maybe do a sequel drabble. Sorry…)


Mrs. Jeon and Mrs. Kim watched the two boys interact with a smile on their faces.


"I bet your son will confess to my son first." Mrs. Jeon whispers conspiringly to Mrs. Kim.


Mrs. Kim looks to her friend with an eyebrow raised.


“Oh, I don’t know, our Kookie  doesn’t seem like the type to hold in his emotions…. “


“Yeah, but I think he would be the one to take a while to realize his feelings…” Mrs. Kim nods thoughtfully and turns to fully face her sister-in-arms.


“How much you wanna bet?” She askes and Mrs. Jeon rubs her hands together evilly.


“I’ll let you take over the main plans for the wedding. And pick the tuxes.” Mrs. Kim’s eyes widen dramatically as she gasps.


“Oh, you are so on!”

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SevenSoulmates #1
AkaReikou #2
Chapter 17: I love this. Yas tae! You should be with ur fam! ;___;
Chapter 17: :')
I love this chapter :')
I'm still crying :')
Chapter 17: My feelings are destroyed.
I lost the ability to cry.
I literally have no more tears to shed.
I'm now making sounds like a whale's mating call with the most ugliest expression ever.
Mom's giving me a weird look rn.
I think she's gonna take my phone.
SevenSoulmates #5
Chapter 17: , I teard up at Yeonsoo's christmas letter. My eyes are burning right now

Ok, . That reunion scene really did make me cry. Mothering and here I was at the start of this thinking it was going to be crack.

This was the saddest most beautiful , Kyra, and I hate you (jk, I love you)

WAIT THE ?! Was Yoongi the one who was doing like the I Need U/Prolouge/Run thing with Jin?! IS THIS SOME SORT OF THEORY ?!

SevenSoulmates #6
Chapter 3: Did Kookie seriously forget his pants? WHAT KIND OF DWEEB HAVE YOU MADE OUR MUSCLE PIG INTO?! Random fact, I have an abnormal fear of being late. Especially to school. I couldn't deal if I was Kookie. I also fear not knowing where my classes are. This is a recurring nightmare.

WHY IS KOOKIE SUCH A DUMB NUT IN THIS?! I love it. Tae is also a damn weirdo so I guess they are made for each other. Who the proposes when you first meet?

SevenSoulmates #7
Chapter 1: UGHAHH *dry heaves from the amount of cute*