Ep9: Past


“ I did it for Jeon jung kook, i did it for him, for him.” Nara talk to herself inside the cab try to hypnotized her brain.

She’s been thinking about it, and the answer that she found is, she’s not doing this for Jungkook, she does it for herself, she wants to do it, she want a dozen camera focusing its lens to her, she want to show people what she can do, she want to make name for herself. And those things should not happen ever, she’s been forbid to have these kind of thoughts for years. And now she’s trying really hard to resist it.

“ we’re here. miss.”

Some of Jungkook’s staffs already waiting for her on the lobby. They looks very wronged to her.

“ what time is the interview?” Nara manage to give them a bow, and talk while tying up her hair.

She’s faking her emotion, the fact is she feels thankful for them doing this.

“ After Bangtan’s rehearsal, 40 minutes again. They’re already preparing the set. The interview is for 2 tv station, and 3 magazine.” Nara give them a quick glance, she feels surprised, she thought that this is only a usual interview, not that big scale interview.

“ Arasseo, we’re really sorry, we’re going to pay for you higher.” One of the staff, pat her back and put his hand around her shoulder. She should be mad, but the fact is she’s not.



“ So you’re really here.” Nara give Suga a stare once he’s coming in to the waiting room.

“ where are the others?” Nara only replying him with a nod, and focusing her eyes to her phone again.

“ ah about the song..I’ll send it right now.” Nara give him a quick glance and found him staring deeply at her.

“ i don’t understand you.” He talks with his husky voice, and Nara only can take a deep breath.

“ here we go again, i don’t want to hear any advices.” She’s ignoring him, and back on playing game on her phone.

“ why did you told me everythings when you don’t even want to hear my opinion?” He keeps talking with sarcastic tone, and makes Nara feels intimidated. Yes, there’s only him who knows everythings, every single facts that she’s hiding from people, this oppa right here is knowing it all.

“ i told you, because you’re like my older brother. You never taking side and you kept my secret well, okay?” Nara talk to him with low voice, afraid people will hear.

“ you know that an older brother is having every right to give you any advices?” He’s continue talking while stare at Nara deeply. He just completely lost it, he hates people like Nara who keeps faking everything in front of everyone.

“ Just, let’s talk later.” Nara get up from her sit and takes a few steps to coming out from that room.

She has enough.



“ Noona, I’m sorry for making you doing this.” Nara and Jungkook now sit side by side on the hotel’s swimming pool surrounded by cameras that ready to record an interview about them.

“ It’s ok, they pay me for this, and they said you’ll get into trouble if i’m not doing this, you know i won’t say no, right?” Nara give him a quick glance, and smile at him. He really is grown up, He even looks taller since two days ago.

“ Alright, everyone one..two..three.cue.”

The interview is starting smoothly, they can be theirself  on this. And thankfully Nara is already trained for years about interview, so she’s not awkward and doing everything’s well.

“ People is curious about your past life as an idol trainee, Nara-shi. Can you sing a little bit for our viewers?” The reporter ask her for sing. She looks taken aback but manage to give him a smile.

Jungkook is surprised, because he knows that Nara is really hates her past life as an idol trainee. She doesn’t want to trap on the memories. She’s already move on. He was ready to reject the question when Nara start to sing. That one song, her favorite song, He used to hear it every single night back then.

If Jungkook can sing so does Nara, if Jungkook can dance so does Nara, and that moment he realized if his dreams is to become an artist so does Nara.

All the interview finished after 5 hours non stop. They manage to give a best image of a sibling. Nara seems excited, she was singing, dancing, acting, telling a joke, and even rapping. She does feels happy.



“ Noona.” Jungkook is playing a video game on Nara’s room after they’re finish all the schedule.

“ hmm?” she’s only replying it shortly while reading a magazine, she looks bright.

“ you’re lying to me.” Nara stop her reading, when she realized that now Jungkook look at her with his big eyes.

“ what do you mean?” she’s start walking toward him and take a sit beside him while his head.

“ you’re still the old Nara, you’re still a passionate trainee performers Jeon Nara. You’re lying to me, when you told me everything is change, your dream is change. You just want to makes me feel less wronged, and i don’t like it.” He talks quickly and makes Nara surprised. She takes a few step away from him and smile.

“ what are you talking about? I’m not lying to you.” She talks while chuckling but awkward voice. She knows Jungkook is not that naive anymore to believe everything that she said.

“ I’m a growing up right now, i can judge with my own eyes, i don’t need your opinion to realized that you’re a big liar.” He looks angry, and it makes Nara even more surprised.

Because, sometimes she forget that Jungkook is now having his own life, his own problems, his own experience. He’s grown up man right now, and of course now he can judge his sister like this.

“ It’s late, just back to your room and sleep.” Nara is ready to opening the door from him, when he start talking with husky voice and teary eyes.

“ you need to know, not even a day i don’t feel sorry to you. I always feel wronged to you, and the fact that you’re lying to me makes me feels betrayed, you said you trust me, but you’re not.” He talks and makes Nara angry too.

“ i told you not to talk about the past anymore. It’s not worth anything right now. Back to your room, Get Out! “ Even Nara is surprised with her tone, she’s screaming at him for the first time in years. He looks really surprised, and blinking his eyes a few times before coming out from that room. Nara manage to looking at his back before he’s out from her sight. His back is a lot bigger but it still have the same vibe from his younger self.


Nara can not sleep at all. She hopes that Jungkook can tell s about what happened and receive a few strength from them. She’s sure that he’ll told them.
She takes a deep breath as she laying on the bed . She’s angry to herself, because what Jungkook said is true. He has the right to feels betrayed.

She decide to come out from her room, and walking to the swimming pool on the hotel. She’s having a lot of thoughts right now, and really need a fresh air. It’s midnight and nobody is outside for sure.

“ Jeon Nara.” She can hear someone calling her name, and making her turning her face.

Sehun is there, standing few step away from her while holding his cell phone. Nara is not saying anything but smile. You’re part of my past too.


hai, i'm back.

Karla told me she's been busy and letting me updating this fic first.

poor jungkookie ....


thanks for reading.

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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^