Ep8: Bestfriend's girlfriend part 2


Nara driving her car to a photoshoot location in early morning, she’s glad that at least she has a job to keeping her life busy. And pulling her back to reality instead of empty dream that surrounding her these days. She has a fight with her mom last night, over the phone. It was started of an advice from her, and she just get mad.

“ it’s ok, if you want to continuing your life as celebrity, i’m getting used to have one celebrity children, i don’t mind if i have two.” Her mom told her as a joke while laughing, but Nara a little bit too sensitive and taking it too far.

“ No, mom. You know i don’t want it anymore.”

“ you like attention, you like getting recognized, you want everyone’s eyes focusing on you.  i know you, you’re my daughter.”

“ your daughter is not perfect, she’s definitely not qualified as celebrity, her personality and everythings. You know it.” Nara is getting mad, because she knew her mom told her the truth.

She just getting mad and won’t talking to her anymore. She’s secretly hoping that her mom is not tell anything to her dad, or she’ll have a fight with him again.



Suzy is ready on the waiting room, getting her make up done and sometimes checking her phone only to see a short message from Sehun. He’s going away to Jeju this morning, for an event. And she missed him already.

“ It’s not like what you said on the phone.” Suzy can hear a voices from the outside, sounds like someone is getting scold.

“ It is, onnie. Why are you keep picking my mistake when i’m not even doing it.” Familiar voice, Suzy get up from her sit. And start waking towards the door, opening it and found Nara who’s holding a few pieces of dress and a cup of coffee on her other hand.

“ that’s it. Put the clothes, and get out.” Her boss seems really annoyed, and talk to her with high tone. Nara only give her a bow, and turn her back from the room.

Since last night, Suzy is thinking about Nara a lot. And now she keeps meeting them, her mind is unsettled. So she decide to following her outside.


“ She’s yelling at me again. I hate her really, when are you going back to Seoul?” Suzy can hear Nara’s talking to someone on her phone. And believe it or not, Suzy is start to suspecting that phone call. Sehun told her that he keep in contact with Nara now.

So She's for reaching her phone quickly, and dialing Sehun’s number right away. It’s busy.

Suzy takes a deep breath, and closing her eyes. She hates being jealous and insecure like this, but what to do, she’s afraid of losing Sehun.

Nara seems recognized Suzy who standing a few meters away from her and give her a bow. She’s stopped talking on her phone immediately, and it makes Suzy feels worse.


Nara now realized that someone is  staring deeply at her, Suzy is standing close to her with her crop tee, and blue navy jeans. I can see why Sehun is liking her, phsycally wise.

“ Annyeonghaseyo.” Nara said hello to her first. She doesn’t even know why she’s here.

But she can not lie that she’s thinking about her a lot after last night.

“ annyeonghaseyo.” Nara is fond of her smile, she looks really beautiful reminding her of one of her friends back in Busan who looks similiar with her.

“ are you working here?” Nara nod her head, when Suzy asking her question and walking closer to her.

“ I’m working for this magazine, as an editor. But you know my boss, she told me to picking up some clothes for your photoshoot, and she’s not happy.” Nara talks while laughing, and it makes Suzy realized that she really is friendly.

Both of them are drowning on silence, Nara can’t help but notice that Suzy giving her cellphone a deep stare.

“ you want to see my phone?” She give her a question, and Suzy looks surprised and embarassed. She shakes her head, and give her a smile.

“ I called my brother earlier.” Nara start to talk, and it makes Suzy surprised, how could she knows that i’m wondering about that.

“ Jungkook-shi?” she manage to give her a respond and Nara looks delightful hearing his name.

“ yes, jungkookie. He’s in Jeju right now.”

“ Sehun is in there too.” Nara can hear Suzy’s mumbling, and that time she realized that Suzy is Sehun's girlfriend more than anything, she’s too busy to see Suzy as her long lost dream, and forget about her being his bestfriend’s girlfriend.

“ ah right..How could you dating Oh Sehun?” Nara looks interested on this story, because as long as she know, Sehun doesn’t have any intentions on dating celebrity before, on top of that his girlfirend is the popular one, she’s Bae Suzy.

“ when did you met him?” Nara looks surprised when Suzy suddenly give her a question, and stare at her with deep gaze.

“ 5 or 6 years ago..when he first came to the company. I was a trainee in there since i’m 10 years old.” Nara answer her question while staring on the park in front of them.
Nara is really beautiful, she really is fashionable on Suzy’s eyes, but the fact that she’s working on a fashion magazine and came with her Nike sneakers makes her giggled. She must be a little bit tomboy.

“  I met him 9 years ago.” Suzy talks with clear voice, a little bit proud that she know him before than her.

“ ah really? I thought you met him on our high school.” Nara seems amused and give Suzy a quick glance.

“ our school? You’re my school friends too?” Nara can see that Suzy is look at her on disebelief.

“ i dropped out on second semester, i’m not really doing a lot on that school, i skipped a lot.”

Nara getting up from her sit, and give Suzy a bow.

“ i need to get going.” She left after saying that.

There’s no way Nara could be friend with someone that she’s really envy the most. It’s not going to be fair for anyone. It’s a torture for her to seeing Suzy a lot.



“ So i need to go there?” Nara receive a phonecall from his brother agency, that they were already told reporter that Nara is assigned to reporting the Jeju event from magazine.

“ They kept asking about you, we told them as a joke, but they believed in and they're arranging interviews for you both."

Nara shakes her head on disbelief. Media take interest on her more than they should, and a little part of her is loving the attention.

“ you’re making my brother working non stop, and now it’s my turn, right oppa?” Nara talk with sarcastic tone and she can hear a deep breath from him.

“ we can’t handle any damage, if they realized we told them a lie. Nara-ya please, Jungkook will having a hard time too...” He sounds so desperate.

“ ok, but i did it for my brother, and you need to pay me for this.”


“ she’s going here? “ Jungkook is now ready for camera rehearsing on the stage, when one of his team coming to him, and told him about Nara.

“ she said she’ll do it? The interview and photoshoot with me? She hates fame, she hates people surrounding her, why are you doing ths, hyung?” Jungkook seems dissapointed and try to call Nara a few times, but it can not connected.

“ we told her thay you’ll having a hard times too if she refused. She’s already on the plane. I’m sorry, Jungkook-a”

“ of course, she’ll do it.” Jungkook get up from his sit, and ready for his rehearsal, his mind is full of Nara right now.


Thank you for anyone who's reading this ..

and welcome for all Karla's readers..

This story is going to be focus on Nara with Sehun and Suzy on it and Karla's story will focus on Sehun and Suzy with Nara on it.lololol

I hope it's not confusing, we're updating the story back to back, so need to check them both, if you don't want to lost any details.

I always send my drafts to Karla, before posting it in here, so our story can blending well.

thank yooou

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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^