EP 1 : KCON and LA.


Bangtan Sonyeondan filming their variety show in LA few months ago, and now the show start airing in korea.

“ what do you want to do in LA?”

Jungkook having his interview session before going to LA.

“ i want to meet my sister in there.” He talks to the camera while smiling and slightly laughing.

They were shoot the variety show with hectic schedule. Almost no time for rest. Until the very last day, Jungkook is the only one who still can’t fullfilled his wish.

“ why did you cry?” he’s getting his interview about how he called his sister while crying.

“ i didn’t.” He’s shake his head slowly and smile.

“ you did, we got everythings on the camera.”

He covering his face because of the embarassment.

“ i miss my noona.” He start to talk with low voice.

“ are you close with her?”

“ yes, and i’m not seeing her for almost 6 months? So i feel a little bit sad, but i’m not a crybaby though.” He talks while laughing to the camera.

“ alright, how important is your noona?”

He seems hesistate for answering the question.

“ hmm..she’s my life saver, without her i won’t be alive today.”


After the whole show airing, a lot of BTS’s fans start wondering, how Jungkook’s noona is, what did she do to save his life. How her appearance is. Because it rare for an idol to talk about their non celebrity family.

And gladly their curiousity a little bit decreasing as KCON in LA happened.

BTS having camera following them for this KCON event. They’re doing special footage behind the scene about this event.

“ Jungkook-shi where are you going?” The camera PD asking Jungkook who start running in his stage costume while smiling.

“ to my sister.” He answering the question and stop from his run. He’s looking around and suddenly a wide smile appearing in his handsome face.

The camera angle now moving to catch this moment. Jungkook running like a little kid and hugging a woman with long hair.

“ is this your noona?” the camera pd ask him and directing his camera to Jeon Nara.

She’s wearing a thin shirt and blue jeans, her hair is really long and she’s wearing a blue converse for her shoes. She looks surprised when she saw a camera but manage to give a light bow. She’s covering her face and stare at Jungkook who 10 cm taller than her.

“ are you filming something?” she ask with low voice to her brother, and Jungkook just nod lightly.

Nara entering the backstage, and come to one waiting room.

“ Onnie..” She screamed and start smiling when she found what she’s looking for

“ Nara-yaaa! What are you doing here?” Tiffany talk to her in english and give her a light hug.

“ i’m visiting all of you, of course.” She takes a sit after exchange hugs to this 9 girls. She knew them for years, and to meet like this is quite good.

“ when are you going back to Korea?” Yuri talk to her and give her a quick glance.

“ one month from now, i should finish a few works, and i’ll stay in korea for one year.” She talks while smiling.

“ oh, onnie? You’re not filming?”

“ we’re not. Why?” yoona answer her question while focusing to her phone.

“ I met Jungkookie before, and he’s filming something, i thought everyone’s doing it.”

She talks while pointing her finger to the door.

“ maybe threy’re doing a few footage, it’s important for rookie to do that these days, you could be doing it too Nara-ya, what a waste.”

Hyoyeon talk to her while pouting her lips, and Nara can only looking down and smiling.


Jungkook just finishing his rehearsal, and start waiting for her sister on the backstage.

“ Jungkook-a!” Nara run slowly while approaching her brother.

“ oh? Where were you?”

“ SNSD onnies, i met them “ she talks while looking around the backstage.

“ where are they?” she ask Jungkook with low voice.

“ who?”

“ bangtan.”

“ in the waiting room, let’s going there.” Jungkook try to drag her hand but she refuse.

“ i don’t want to, Suga oppa will scold me, i’m scared. I’ll just go then.” She shake her head and pouting her lips.

“ what did you do?”

“ I’m supposed to email him my produced song a week ago, but i’m not finished it yet.”

Jungkook nod his head lightly, and give her a light hug.

“ annyeong, Jungkook-a, take care.” Nara pat her brother head and start walking away from him.

and after her short appearance on the footage, Nara gain some popularity because of her figure who can fit as an idol. Her beauty is enough to makes few people become her fans.

Hello, finally i have something to post after a long long time.

Enjoy this story 

Much love 


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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^