EP 4 : Radio Show Friends Special


“ Jungkook-a, what should i do?” Nara talk to her brother when she visiting him on his agency building.

Nara is quite active on producing song and after she’s back to korea, she often do some discussion with producer on Big Hit.

“ if you want to do it, do it then.” Jungkook talk to Nara while playing with his phone.

“ i don’t want to do it, but all the production team calling me, and begging me for help, i don’t know how to say no.” Nara talk while pouting her lips.

“ do it, then.”

Nara give her brother a deep gaze when she get nothing but cold response from him.

She get up from her sit and ruffling Jungkook’s hair while walking away from him.


“ Finally, you said yes.” Nara meet Ryeowook as a dj of the radio show for tonight.

“ i don’t know oppa, i’m afraid on making mistakes, you know my personality well. You need to help me.” Nara talk to him while smiling and hold his arms.

“ don’t worry, just be yourself, you have interesting charm. That’s why you’re popular now.”

For this  past few weeks, Nara is gaining popularity rapidly, it was because someone posting a bunch of video when she was a trainee at SM. Her vocal practice, dance, and even a rap performance when she did on underground. She gained a lot of popularity, and people take interest on her.


“ Let’s meet our guest for tonight show, i heard it’s a friends special, and i have some unexpected guest here.” Ryeowook opening the show excitedly.

“ The first pair of friend that we have here, EXO’s Sehun-shi and Nara.” He start to introducing the guest.

Nara and Sehun greet the listener lively while waving to camera.

“ And the second pair is, EXO’s Baekhyun-shi and BTS’s V-shi.”


Ryeowook DJ: “Exo and BTS is not having any promotion at this time right?”

Baekhyun and Sehun: “ yes, we’re preparing though for the concert.”

V : “we’re preparing for concert too”

Ryeowook DJ: “ so v-shi why are you here, i heard everyone in bangtan is practicing right now.”

Nara: “ it’s because that oppa have noone else to bring.”

Nara talk while pointing his hand to Baekhyun who looks surprised and give her a stare.

The whole studio turn into a chaos when everyones start to laughing.


Ryeowook DJ: “ so how close you with each other?”

Sehun: “ Nara and me, training together for years, she was a big sunbae at the agency that time, i was wondering why is she not choosen for a debut after all this years, so we don’t want to be friends with her at first, but after i try to know her better, she’s a really good friend.”

Nara: “ Thank you very much, actually i think for now i’m closer with V than with him. we've been busy and not meet each other or talk oftenly”

She talks while laughing, and makes everyone chuckling too.

Ryeowook DJ: “ so you know about her and Jungkook-shi too?”

Sehun: “ Jungkookie, I know him since, he was a little kid, i think we were playing together a few times back then, but since his debut, he treat me as his senior, very politely, now we’re on awkward term.”

Nara: “ when i was a trainee, i even spend my holiday at the practice room, so when Jungkookie visiting me from Busan, he’ll come to find me on SM, i think a lot of people know him before, but not recognized him when he debuted, he grow up so much.”

Baekhyun: “ there’s one time, when someone waiting for Nara on the middle of night in front of the agency. And later i found out that he’s her brother.”

Sehun: “ from what i see, Jungkookie is very protective to Nara, i don’t have a sister so i don’t know”

V : “ it’s true that Jungkook is really protective, but from what i see, if he’s protective then, this noona is obsessive”

Nara laughing hard hearing v’s statement, she covering her face.

Ryeowook DJ: “ really? I think she’s going to be a noona who careless.”

V: “ careless? Absolutely no! She’s really..

Nara: “i don’t realized at all, am i obssesive? That’s because i love my brother so much”

V: “ when we were doing our first concert few months ago. There’s someone in front row with a hat and a hoodie who keeps crying, whatever the song is, she’s keep wiping her tears.”

Nara: “don’t talk about that, it’s embarassing, hahahaha.”

V: " after a few songs, i remember that Jungkook looks really annoyed on the backstage, so we ask him, what’s wrong and he said that Nara is there, crying on the audience, he told us that he won’t go to that section of seat, it’s embarassing”

Nara: “ really, he’s not coming to my section at all, other fans who sit beside me is like why jungkook not coming here.”

V: “ even when me come to her, and see her i can’t hold my laugh, how could you crying on your brother first concert. That just weird”

Nara:” Jungkook is mad at me after that, and not talking to me for three days.”

Baekhyun: “ right? Why are you doing that at the first place.”

Nara:” i don’t know, i’m just overwhelming, i’m so proud of them, because i’ve been with them for a long time so i know their hardship. It’s not only bangtan, but everyone, i always cried when i watched every award ceremony “

Ryeowook DJ: “why?”

Nara: “ i have a lot of friend as a singer, and when they’re receiving award, it’s so nice, it feels like all my favorite person finally achieving something that i never could”

The show finished after one hour, Nara is really great on talking, she’s been trained for years. So it won’t be surprised if she did well.


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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^