Ep 2: Radio show with Jungkook and J-hope


Jungkook and J-hope guesting on the late night radio show with Super Junior’s Ryeowook as the dj.

“ J-hope-shi your popularity is rising right now, do you already feel the difference?” Ryeowook ask J-hope in the moddle of the show.

“ hmm, not really, actually even now, people won’t recognize me on the street.” He answer the question while laughing.

“ really?”

“ there’s someone though who calling my name on the street loudly.”

“ a fans?”

“ no, my sister, my real sister.” Jhope answer the question while laughing, and makes everyone chuckling because of that.

“ i’m envy” Jungkook mumbling with low voice.

“ why, Jungkook-shi?”

“ i always, envious about hope hyung’s relationship with his sister, his sister take care of him really well, i never heard both of them fighting.” He talks while smiling and give a quick glance to his hyung.

“ yes, my sister is 5 years older than me, so she’s really matured.” Hoseok talks while smile and nod his head.

“ i’m only 3 years younger than my sister, so we fight oftenly. There’s one episode when i experienced something similiar with hope hyung.” Jungkook talk while takes a deep breath, he seems serious about the story.

“ it’s weird because i know your sister, are you going to tell us the story?” Ryeowook tallk to him while laughing. He knows Nara for years and it feels refreshing hearing something about her after a while.

“ one day, me and my sister was promised to meet at one coffe shop to have a little chat, because she’s having a vacation from her works in LA, i’m already debuted that day, so i feel a little insecure going out, i decided to wear a hat and masker, my face is hardly recognized at that time.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath before continuing his story.

“ so, i came to the coffee shop and found my sister already there, sitting on one of the table, i’m walking toward her and she seems confused. And do you know what she said?”

“ what? Why?” Ryeowook looks excited about this story and focusing his eyes to Jungkook

ahjusshi, who are you? She said that with a really loud voice, and everyone hear that, people are looking to me with weird expression, and in that situation i can’t open my disguise because of embarassment so i decide to leave the place and canceled my meeting with her.”

Jungkook’s story makes everyone laughing and claping their hand.

“ it does sound like her, she’ll doing that surely.” Ryeowook nod his head while smiling.

“ i miss her right now, want to call her?” Ryeowook give Jungkook a quick glance.

“ can we call her?” he’s asking the production crew for permission and they said  yes.

“ we’ll takes turn to call her, everyone has her number right?” he talks to Jungkook and J-hope, both of them reply with a nod.


The first one to call her is Jungkook, he’s waiting earnestly but her sister rejected his call. He looks bitter and embarassed.

“ you got rejected, Jungkook-shi, now J-hope’s turn”

The second one is J-hope,  he’s waiting for the answer but he got rejected too.

“ ah, you got rejected too, is she still in LA?” Ryeowook ask Jungkook but he shake his head.

“she came to Seoul one weeks ago.”

Ryeowook is the last one who try to call Nara. He’s waiting and finally the call answered.

Oppa?” Nara talk on the phone with bright voice.

“ oh, Nara-ya?” ryeowook talk to her while laughing, because he’s the only one who get his call answered.

“ why are you rejected Jungkook and J-hope’s call?” he ask her and makes her surprised.

are you with them?”

“ yes, we’re doing a radio show right now?”

“ really?” Nara burst into laughter and talks with low voice.

“ you’re too much noona.” Jungkook talk with loud and sad voice.

“ so why you rejected their call?”

uhh, for Jungkookie, that kid is never calls me, if he needs to talk or want to talk, he’ll texting me first, asking me to call him, he’s really a cheapskate that kid.”

Jungkook bowing down his head from embarassment, how could Nara talk like that about him. He can’t help but give everyone a bittersweet smile when other peoples laugh at him.

and for J-hope, i just mad at him.” Nara talks while laughing and makes Jhope surprise.

“ ya! Why? Did i do something?”

Jungkook now can laughing to his hyung.

“ right, she’s angry with you.”

“ Hoseok-a, i sent you a congratulatory message on your birthday i even sent you a gift from LA but until now, after 2 months you never talk anything about that.” Nara talks with deep and slow voice.

“ you did?” J-hope looks surprised and shake his head.

“ hyung, a box that we opened last night. That’s from her.” Jungkook talks while laughing and give his hyung a deep stare.

The situation now getting complicated and the duration of the show is limited, so they decide to end the call here.

“ Thank you, Nara-ya. Let’s meet sometimes.”

“ yes oppa.”


The show ended after two hours, and ryeowook come to Jungkook and J-hope to say his goodbye.

“ Jungkook-a, what’s with gift and that box?” J-hope talk to Jungkook while wearing his jacket.

“ you still talk about that?” ryeowook sit beside them and decide to listening the rest of the story.

“ That box, already lying in our dorm for months, we don’t know about the owner, because we live together we thought it was someone else’s gift so none of us touch it.” J-hope explain the story to ryeowook and Jungkook confirming it with a nod.

“ until last night, rapmon opened it and told me that it was mine.” He continue his talk while laughing.

“ actually, yesterday, me, namjoonie hyung, and Suga hyung met with noona for get together, we want to welcomed her.” Now Jungkook takes his turn to talk while laughing.

“ so what happened?” ryeowook ask him for more story while smiling,

“ as soon as see saw us, you know my sister hyung, she always dress nicely and act cool when she walks.”

“ yeah yeah right..” ryeowook nod his head a few times, because Nara is like that.

“ she take a sit cooly, and start swearing in english when she didn’t found Hoseok hyung. She’s really angry. And tell us about the gift, all of us were surprised too, because we don’t know.” Jungkook tell the story and start laughing.

J-hope and ryeowook nod their head as the story flowing.

“ the funny thing is, we eat our dinner together, but she keeps swearing and talking about that matter in english while we’re eating, me and Suga hyung didn’t know english much, we don’t understand about what she said, so we ignoring her, but namjoonie hyung understand everything and went mad to her. He told my sister to shut up, they’re fighting using english.”

Jungkook continuing his story while laughing, so does J-hope and ryeowook they’re listening it while laughing hard because this is too funny.

“ i get it now, that’s why namjoon opened that box last night while whining, looks like he experienced a bad dinner.” J-hope talks while nod his head, now he understand everythings.

 “ you’re not embarassed about your sister and your leader hyung fighting?” ryeowook ask Jungkook while get up from his sit. Ready to go.

“ i should be embarassed, but my sister know namjoonie hyung longer than me knowing him, so i don’t want to bother their fight last night.” Jungkook talks while laughing cutely.

“ Nara is really something else, i’ll definitely see her later. I’m going home first then.” Ryeowook pat their back and leave them while waving his hand.

“ be careful, hyung.”

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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^