

Nara finally get home, after finished her work and one hella crazy day. Mad Jungkook, Jealous Suzy, Stupid Oh Sehun, and Weird middle aged man. All in one day.

“Nara, come out and eat your dinner.” She can hear her mother's voice from the kitchen.

She’s been here since morning, not an usual behaviour, she used to stay on Busan all the time, if she has nothing important to do.

Nara came out from her room, and is taken back when she find Jungkook sit on the dining table, still with his clothes from this morning.

“Still came here for food? I thought you’re mad at me, like really mad to the point you treat me as invincible.” Nara talk with sarcastic tone, and take a sit beside him.

“Don’t fight. It makes me uncomfortable to watch.”

“I could actually destroy your life, with made up a few story on the internet. “I’m Jungkook’s friend, he’s a ert”. I could find some photos to makes you look like one.” Nara start eating her food, and busy watching her mom who looks unamused with her talk.

“Whatever, this time i actually dissapointed like really really dissapointed, you lied to me.” Jungkook responding her with deep voice and talking without looking into her eyes.

Nara knew he’s far from mad or angry, he's just sad and dissapointed.

“Continue your fight after dinner. Now eat.” Her mom give them one command, and they stop immediately.

Both of them shut their mouth right away and start eating in silent. Nara is affraid of her parents, she’s already became a rebel in the past, now she want to treat them right. So, she’s really respecting them in every way she can.


Nara back to her room after dinner. She doesn’t have any courage to have another round of arguing with his brother.

“I need to get back to the dorm.” Nara can hear Jungkook is talking to their mom behind the door.

“Take Nara’s car, it doesn’t safe for you to take a taxi.” Nara get up from her sit and opening the door quickly.

“No, not my car.”

“I have my license.” Jungkook seems to get offended by Nara, and start opening his wallet to showing off his driver license.

“Yes, for two days. Touch my car, and you’re dead.” Nara start tying her hair up, and wearing her jacket.

“I’ll drop you home.” She finished the preparation and told Jungkook to get up from his sit.

“Am i a kid?”

“Yes, you’re a kid. Quickly, Get up.”


Jungkook is now sitting on the passenger seat, while waiting Nara wearing her sneakers in front of her apartment’s gate. Nara is always looks beautiful as a girl, she has small figure, big eyes, long hair, a cute smile, and everythings that makes men want to protect her. But for Jungkook, she’s always Nara, his dependable sister. Well, not always, but most of times.

“Seatbelt.” Nara tell him to put his seatbelt, and start the car immediately.

“Jungkook-ah.” Nara takes some courage to talk to him first, since this is a good chance to stop all the fight between them.

Jungkook stopping himself from playing with his phone and lift his face to her.

“Do you want to have a drink with me? Before going back to dorm.” Nara talk carefully, with low voice.

“Coffee. I can’t drink anything that could makes me drunk. I have schedule since early morning.”

“Alright, coffee.”


“It’s easier for me to get drunk first, if you want me to apologize to you.” Nara is now sitting in front of him, inside a quite crowded cafe.

“Stop drinking really. Some girls are cute when they were drunk, but you were just ugly. Have some mercy to Mom and Dad.” Jungkook start sipping his ice americano while staring at Nara who looks annoyed.

“Jung..Jungkook-shi. Can i have an autograph?” their conversation was interrupted by two girls who talk to Jungkook, asking for his autograph. He gave it to them and giving them a quick bow. Nara give them a smile.

“My sister. She’s my sister.” Jungkook suddenly find an urgency to let them know who Nara is.

The fans only give them a smile.

“We know her. She’s so pretty.” They give Nara a quick bow before leave.

Jungkook give Nara a deep stare, she’s smiling even after the fans are leaving. Nara likes attention, she grateful if people could appreciate something about her, being an idol is one of the most suitable life for Nara, but she failed. And Jungkook is the one who makes her failed.

He feels wronged again all of sudden. He reach for Nara’s hand and hold it slowly.

“From now on, tell me everything. I’m not a kid anymore who thinks you’re the strongest person in this world. I know you’re a young girl who actually having a problem.” Nara lift her face and actually surprised when she start looking deep into his eyes, the same eyes with her. No more Jungkook the whiny little boy. She can only see a grown up man, with deep gaze and warm hands in front of her.

In an usual occasion, she’s probably teasing Jungkook while laughing out loud if he’s doing this. But for now Nara, can only smile and start tearing up, he’s really growing a lot. It makes her proud but sad at the same time, it feels like, Jungkook doesn’t need her anymore, It’s her who needs his embrace for now.

“Alright, I’m sorry.” She talks while wiping her tears quickly.

“So?” Jungkook letting go of her hand and now give her a quick glance, his eyes demanding an answer.


“How are you doing, Nara-shi? For all this years?” He talks while smiling, and Nara can only stare at him.

“I’m doing fine. Really. It’s just sometimes, sometimes i remember my old dream.” She talks quickly and Jungkook is nodding his head try to following all her words.

“It’s my own problem. You have nothing to do with this. You and my dream has no correlation anymore. It’s just me now.” She’s continuing her talk, and Jungkook can only stare at her.

His Past, Nara’s Past was a mess since they were a kid. Everythings that happens right now only the after effect.

“Jungkook-ah. Until today, i still remember all the bad things that i had done to you. So i...”

“You did nothing bad to me.” Jungkook seems a little bit annoyed and raise his voice to Nara.

“I did. And that was our reality, we can not change any of those. “

Jungkook taking a deep breath, while Nara stare at him and give him a smile. His brother is someone who really life his live independently, away from home since he was fourteen. And now turn into a growing up man without she realized. Sometimes, she cant believe all the things she had done to him in the past, that wasn’t logic. But he still managed to became Jungkook that she can showing off to people as her brother.

“Then do me a favor.” Jungkook now talking with more relaxed voice.

“what favor?”

“Your song, the one you made with Suga-hyung. Let’s release it.” He talks very carefully. Not to make Nara freak out or angry.

His agency has been ask him to do this favor. They really like Nara’s song and want to makes a new debutee solo singer sing her song. But after thinking about this, Jungkook suggesting a better idea.

“Just take it. Sing it. I’m glad someone want to use that.”

“Sing it with me.”

Nara can’t help but laughing over his words.

“Just record the song, you don’t need to do anything else. No promotion. I just want to do this with you. You need to do this for me to makes me feel less wronged about what happened.” Jungkook looks really serious talking about this.


“Just this one, Noona. One time only. Please.”




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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^