New Song


“So, you’re actually doing this?” Staff from Jungkook’s agency now surounding her for a make up and styling her hair.

“Can i do it myself? Make up? “ She feels extremely uncomfortable with all of this. She trained to be a celebrity for years. But when she finally experienced it, she feels really nervous and awkward.

She just need to record the song, just like what Jungkook said, but the agency want to filming their recording process, and turn it into a simple MV.

Nara is familiar with camera, make up, gesture, being filmed, since she was young. She probably already did a hundreds camera test when she was a trainee, she learn how to sing, dance, basically everything.

“I skipped my work, for this. Ridiculous.” Being surounded with people makes her annoyed. She can’t help but mumbling while regretting her decision.

“My singer is here.” Nara turn her face to the door, when Suga is standing there with his paper work, and everything. It’s true that they worked together for this song.

“Don’t tease me, my mood is really a mess right now.” She talk to him and back on doing her makeup.

“I was directing the demo, a trainee and Jungkook recorded already.” Suga gave her a CD while smiling. He can’t help but stare at her, because he just really want to and told her about what’s on his mind. But he hold all of it, when Nara looks really annoyed.

“I just can’t understand him. He want to sing, but why he needs to involving me on this. I heard the trainee was good. “ Nara finally finished her make up and now, she’s busy hairstyling her hair.

“You’re such a hypocrite.” Nara close her eyes after hearing his words, here we go again with his savage criticism.

Suga takes a sit beside her, and watching her doing her hair.

“Your action, your talk, your behaviour shows that you want to do this, at least once in your life. Your brother notice that.” Nara ignoring his words.

“Don’t think everything is about you, He’s doing this for himself, because he doesn’t want to feel wronged to you again.”

Nara get up from his sit, she gives him a smile.

“You words is always sharp, if it was aiming for me. My relationship with my brother is something that only us deserve to define it. Don't think like, he’s not keeping any secret from you, just because you’re living together for 5 years? You and all the bangtan kids are just so naive. Stop treating me like this, really.” Nara left the room, and closing the door roughly. 
She knows she has this kind of behaviour, rude and slightly hateful, it’s just need someone like Suga to makes her triggered and finally treat him like this. This is not the first time, ofcourse. But still she hates herself for having this behaviour.


Jungkook finally finished his schedule, and rushing himself to the recording room. He found Nara is already there discussing with the producers, and the vocal director.

“Sorry, i’m late.” He came to her, and give her a light hug. She looks not happy.

“Let’s start, the recording.”

Jungkook doesn’t even has a chance to hear Nara when the director already called for begin the recording. Two cameraman entering the room, and now doing their job.

The song is an upbeat and fun song, so of course they need to smile and happy for a whole recording sessions.  

“Ok, cut. That was good.” The recording ending quickly after a few takes.

Nara bowing their head to all the staffs and the band while walking out from the room.

“Noona, let’s go see our work before we leave.” Jungkook hold her hand and trying to drag her to the mixing room.

“actually, Jungkook-ah. I’m not in a good mood because of Yoongi oppa.” Nara told him the things and Jungkook can only stare blankly at her face.

“why? It’s okay, it’s not like you’re fighting with him for one or two times, you’re always do that anyway.”

“No, i mean. Don’t you feel awkward when your sister is fighting with your members? It’s weird.”

Jungkook can’t help but laugh, and give Nara a light hit on her head.

“I don’t know. You know each other even before me entering the picture. He’s your friend, not your brother’s hyung.” Well, what he said is true, but still..

“But i was angry because something about you.”

“Me? Why?”

They were busy with each other, when Suga came out from the mixing room and walk toward their direction.

“I can hear everythings from there.” He talks while pointing the mixing room, and give Nara a stare.

“why would you feel bad? You’re always talking s like that to me though.” He talk to Nara who knows, slightly hide herself behind Jungkook’s shoulder.

“I was being overboard, sorry.” She replying his talk while bowing her head.

“No, it’s not awkward at all. I saw you did bad things to my members on daily basis. They’re really an angel to keeping up with you. Scold her hyung.”

Jungkook drag Nara’s arms and makes her standing closer to Suga.

“I’m busy. Good job at the recording.” He left them both while pat Jungkook’s shoulder quickly.

Nara can’t stop thinking about what happened today. She knows really well that Jungkook is obviously not telling s about what happened to him on the past. And now Nara start coming out on public, left her scared and worried about what might happened in the future.

“They’re breaking up.” Nara is busy with her paper work on her desk. And almost everyone talked about Sehun and Suzy’s broke up news.

Sehun has been MIA for days, she doesn’t know what happened to him and even Suzy. Glad, noone here knows about her relationship with him.

“Nara-ya, is your brother dating anyone?” But of course, everyone knows about his relation with Jungkook.

“Him? I don’t know.”

“He’s better hiding it well. Male idol dating nowadays is a nightmare, especially someone who’s popular like him.”

Nara can only smile, and start thinking. Is Jungkook seeing anyone?

“You, as his sister, really need to behave well too. More or less, your image is connecting to him.”

Nara lost her smile and start focusing her attention to her computer.


I'll be updating more often.


thanks for reading this..

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xNarya #1
Chapter 13: Is that your last chap/collab ? Oh noo, I really like it but glad that this is not the end of your story :D
xNarya #2
Chapter 12: you know how to make us wait lol , but thank you for the update <3
KarlaHill #3
Chapter 10: Well done. I really like it, Di.
Seriously, keep going ♥
xNarya #4
Chapter 9: Wonder why Nara did abandon her dreams of being an idol even if there's so much cons about it. Jungkookie is such a good little brother ! :)
Tenyang #5
Chapter 8: just came from karla's story. I love the join project. I finally understood what was going on after reading both fan fics. P.S my ultimate ultimate bias is suzy
xNarya #6
Chapter 8: I'm here because of Karla but your story is indeed great. When I saw Nara I really thought it would be about the actress lol. Anyay, fighting ~
zhenzhen12 #7
Nice story^^