Just lift it up.....

The Manager's Hot Niece
Your POV "okok where the hell are we?"I panted. "I have no clue." "Great that's reasuring!"I added sarcastically. "Owww....."Jonghyun groaned as he grabbed his stomach. "Why does your belly hurt?"I asked as If he were a baby. "Noo im not Kidding it stings!" "Why would your stomach sting?" "Ugh look away."He grunted. I turned around. "Oh theres a huge cut on my stomach. Probably from those sharp fangirl nails. Oww....what do i do? Owwww......ooooo." "How bad is it?"I squeeled. Im bad with blood. Weak stomach. "Pretty banged up. Aaaa." He whined. "Well we cant just stand here hoping it will heal itself! Is it seriously THAT bad?" "YES! Have you ever gotten attacked by crazed fans before. Its not fun." "Do you need a bandage for it?" "more like a cloth!" he stated. "We dont have a cloth we can use!" "Ughh find something. God my stomach!" "Ok quit whining. Lemme take a look at it." i turned around to face him. "N.n.n.n.noo! Turn around."He twisted me back from my shoulder. "I cant help you if i cant see you. Stop acting like a whimp." I began to face him again. "N.n.n.noo! Stay there. I can do it myself!" "Good luck with that. Look i've patched back up a severed squirrel before. Your situation is probably nothing compared." "Its not that......its just.....you know....im shy." "Ha your saying that THE Kim Jonghyun who cant keep his lips shut is shy?" "Not that kinda shy. You know....body shy." "Oh my God are you serious? You are not 5 years old. "I turned around he tried to stop me but i was in full force. "S.stop i dont need help!" i tried lifting his shirt but he wouldnt budge. I started tickling his hands and he loosend his grip. I snatched his hand away and caught a glimpse of his injury before He got his hands back on top of his shirt. I hit his back three times. "Aaishh! Yaa Kim Jonghyun!" "You're just going to hurt me even more!"He squeeked as he rubbed his back. "Dont make me hit you again. Now lift up your shirt so i can see the damage!" He siletnly obeyed. 
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This is really cute ;u; makes me happy! Update soon? :D
Jealous Jjong>:D hehehe~
I like your new writing style^-^
Update soon!>:D
awww v.v arasso, but don't forget^-^ This is really good^-^
Serenity_20 #5
I Love your story and the situation between the girl and kim jonghyun is so damn funny
Yay! The date is next chappie^-^ yay yay yay yay yay!!
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
I'm a new reader ~~ & I just finished reading all of the chapters... I LIKE IT !! [eventhough its a little bit ert] don't care.. Update soon~ >~<