All for a shirt

The Manager's Hot Niece
Your POV The water was absolutely FREEZING. It was mostly melted ice and snow slushed together. The only plus thing to this was that......ㅋㅋ jonghyun was wearing a white shirt. You know...,when white shirts get wet you can......ughh nevermind you get the point. Unfortunately he had a black jacket on top so i didnt have the perfect view. I was too busy smirking at Jjong that i didnt notice what situation i was in until Jonghyun was eyeing my s like there was something seriously off about it. I glanced down to see my pink and black striped bra exposed through my light yellow shirt. I quickly covered my chest, my face as hot as it could be in freezing temperatures. "Umm...what should i.....oh my gosh this is soo freakin embarrassing."I muttered as i looked around for something to hide in for eternity. I saw a trash can....that wpuldnt be so bad if i just move a few things around and adjust the......ughh what am i thinking? I suddenly noticed that i could use Jonghyun's jacket as a cover up while  he would have a near to transparent shirt. Oooolala! I flashed him my puppy face. Iresistable pouted lips and curved eyes. "What?"He questioned. I glanced down at his jacket then at him, then his jacket then at him. "Oo no! This is MINE. Key got it for me i am NOT getting your woman germs on it!" "Ok number 1-im not a woman, im a teenage girl.  Number 2-my in bra is exposed and there are people staring so its either, you give me the jacket and girls will drool over you and your stupid chest or you will not give me the jacket, i'll throw you in the fountain and get it anyway. Your pick." He grunted and took off his jacket. I reached for it but he lurched it back. "Whats the magic word?" "Are you serious?! Give me the freakin jacket!"I snatched for it but he was too quick. "Ok ok.....pwees jjongy?"i begged. "I was going for more of a jonghyun you rock type of thing but i'll give it to you this time. But next time i ask you the magic word its 'jonghyun you rock the world!' got it?" I rolled my eyes and nodded. He handed the jacket over. I draped it over myself relieved that i was no longer exposed. Now it was JJongy's turn to be teased. He seamed self-causious about his chest. Aww he was a shy type. Or his body wasnt good enough. But im guessing its the shy theory because his arms were clearly muscular and i could see the six pack through the shirt. I heard a bunch of girls squeeling and snapping pictures. I couldnt help but laugh because he was stuck in a helpless situation. Like a lost puppy in the middle of a crowded mall.  ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() Jonghyun's POV Why did i have to wear a white shirt today?! I should have thought of all the possibilities that could happen when we were out.  A:walk around and explain the environment to Jang Mi.  B: Try bonding with her.  C: FALL IN A FOUNTAIN. Definetely on my list of things to do. And now here i was completely exposed to the public. Well my pants and technically my shirt was still on but who knows it could come off any second. I mean there are like 50 some girls in the crowd right now you cant just expect to get home with my clothes all in one piece. Boy was i right.  "Come on lets go home so we can dry."jang mi suggested. "Gee i hadnt thought of that one!" "Quit playing and lets go!" I got a couple of feet until i was bombarded by fangirls. I was being thrown around in a circle of girls and i lost control of myself until i felt a cold hand grab mine. I saw Jang Mi's paniced face as she tried pulling me through the claws of fans.  She managed to get me out of the circle before i was attacked again. We lost hold and i entered their grasps once more. I felt my shirt ripping. I couldnt see Jang Mi through the crowd. Did she give up on me? Right then, i heard a shout. I saw her in the fountain knee-deep and kicking her feet as water sprang out and sprayed the fangirls. They all screamed and fled. Of course a few hung on but Jang Mi pulled me out. We ran for our lives.  ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ Hey subscribers!! Recommend this story to others if you will. Comment too!!
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This is really cute ;u; makes me happy! Update soon? :D
Jealous Jjong>:D hehehe~
I like your new writing style^-^
Update soon!>:D
awww v.v arasso, but don't forget^-^ This is really good^-^
Serenity_20 #5
I Love your story and the situation between the girl and kim jonghyun is so damn funny
Yay! The date is next chappie^-^ yay yay yay yay yay!!
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
I'm a new reader ~~ & I just finished reading all of the chapters... I LIKE IT !! [eventhough its a little bit ert] don't care.. Update soon~ >~<