Shopping~ [[couldnt think of a better title xD]]

The Manager's Hot Niece

Your POV

Jonghyun and the grandma scurried out the door. 
Jonghyun mouthed the words 'Help me' as he closed the door. I smirked. Serves him right. 
I turned to HyunBin. 
I slapped my thighs and rocked back and forth. "Sooo...."
"Uhh....uh let's um...get ready first and then we'll uh head out."He stuttered. 
I gave him a thumbs up and hurried into my room to get ready. Oh wait. Damn it! I completely forgot the fact that I came here with just the clothes on my body, nothing else. Ugh! I smacked my head against the table. What am I going to wear? I growled in frustration. I slowly crept into the grandma's room. I could hear the distant sound of HyunBin's merry whistling. I smiled. What a cutie. 
I found her clothes drawer. I bent down and and immediately started tossing and throwing anything i didn't like. Blehh, too bland or blehh, too loose. Nothing seemed of my taste. I banged my head against the dresser. It smelled of old lady. I stood up. Right in front of my eyes was a note. Under the note were pieces of clothing. The note read, "Hwaiting! Something to wear for your little date.
Love Halmoni."
I blushed. So she did know.....
I spread the clothes out. They were brand new. I bit off the pricetags and quickly slipped into the floral miniskirt and the white tanktop. I threw on the pink cardigan and checked myself out in the mirror. I smiled. Perfect. 
"Ready when you are!"Hyunbin called out. 
"Coming!"I ran as fast as I could. 
He stared at me. " look great, JangMi."He scratched the back of his head innocently. I grinned awkwardly."Uh, so do you..."
"Thanks."He put his head down. It was silent for a moment. 
"Well, let's get going then!" He exclaimed. 
I followed him out the door and down the street. 
"The market is just around the corner. I brought my money."He pulled out his wallet. 
I gasped."Oh my God, I'm so sorry Hyunbin but I didn't bring any cash."I searched all around for my pocketbook. 
He put his hand on my shoulder. "It's ok. I got this."He flashed a warm tender smile. 
Jonghyun's POV
She had a tight grip around my arm and led me through to a small market. "I would
put on your disguise now."She informed. 
"Umm...what disguise?"I questioned. 
"Aigoo aigoo! Babo-yah! Please don't tell me you forgot."
"Forgot what?"I was completely clueless. 
She smacked me on the head. "Aigoo YAH!"
"Aaa! Halmoni! Please! Don't hit me hard. I'm very sensitive."I whined. 
She scoffed. She whacked me with her purse. "If we are swarmed with fangirls, that is something YOU must deal with."
"Nehh, halmoni."
She patted my head, gently this time. "Just try to keep covered son."
I tried turning my face to an angle where nobody could see. I followed as we went stand to stand. 
"Oh, halmoni! This is very pretty."I told her as I held up a glass plate. 
"Oo...I see you have good taste in shopping. I wish hyunbin were more like you!"She took the mug from my hand and looked for the price. "Aigoo! Too expensive. Let's move on."
We came across a store that sold products with cute characters on them. A mug shined against all the others however. I neared it. I checked under the mug. Ehh, not too cheap. Not too expensive. It was a couple mug. As strange as it sounds, I was planning to share it with JangMi. I smiled. It's cute. I reached for my wallet, but stopped myself. Was I just about to buy me and Jangmi a couple mug? I slapped myself. Ugh, get it together Kim Jonghyun. Get it together. 
We walked around in the crisp cold weather. He slipped his hand into mine. I squeezed them tight and swung our arms together. He smiled at me and I grinned the widest grin possible back. I scurried to a booth that sold the CUTEST accessories. 
"HyunBin, HyunBin!!" I dragged him. He laughed. "What?"
I grabbed a panda hat with two large circles for eyes and two ears sticking out from the top. "How does it look?"I posed for him. He gave me a thumbs up. "How much?" He asked as he reached for his wallet. 
I searched for the pricetag. 
"Uhh...nevermind, I dont want it anymore." I quickly placed it back on the shelf and scanned the other isles. 
I scurried out of that booth. "Come on! Ooo let's go over there!"
I looked around for HyunBin. He came out a few minutes later with a bag in his hands. 
"Here."He said shyly. I looked up at him.
I opened the bag and saw the panda hat laying inside. " you know how expensive that was?? Return it."I demanded. 
"No! Keep it. As a memory."He scratched the back of his head and grinned. 
"Thanks HyunBin-ah."I snuggled my head into his shoulder. 
We continued to view the market. Just then I felt a hand on my arm and was yanked backwards. "JANG MI? What are YOU doing here....with HIM?"Jonghyun questioned as he looked at Hyunbin with disgust. I flicked his hands off of me. 
"Come on Hyunbin. Let's go."I held his hand and skipped out merrily. I tilted my head back and stuck my tongue out at Jonghyun. He narrowed his eyes. 
Hyunbin and I wrapped up our shopping. We ended up buying a couple mug and T-shirt. I know, it's a bit corny, a memory. 
I spotted the farm as we walked back home. 
" do you feel about helping me with my chores today?"Hyunbin wondered. 
"Hmmm...I would hate that." I replied with a grin. 
"Well too bad!"He yanked me towards the barn. 
"YAH!"We laughed as he dragged me by the collar as I kicked and screamed. 
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This is really cute ;u; makes me happy! Update soon? :D
Jealous Jjong>:D hehehe~
I like your new writing style^-^
Update soon!>:D
awww v.v arasso, but don't forget^-^ This is really good^-^
Serenity_20 #5
I Love your story and the situation between the girl and kim jonghyun is so damn funny
Yay! The date is next chappie^-^ yay yay yay yay yay!!
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
kekeke~ I'd be "oh, I smelt something bad and I wanted to see if it was you." <br />
But then I would get pushed...<br />
So nevermind^-^<br />
Update soon^-^
I'm a new reader ~~ & I just finished reading all of the chapters... I LIKE IT !! [eventhough its a little bit ert] don't care.. Update soon~ >~<